Percy Jackson & The Olympians বই Club
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added by percabeth4evo
Source: i'm not sure who drew it, but credit goes to the artist
percisly on percy jackson truth অথবা dare fanfiction

when he came back he was socked and ব্যক্ত "percy truth অথবা dare" i wanted to be ব্রেভ and ব্যক্ত "dare" nico smiled and ব্যক্ত "..........."

    "i dare আপনি to চুম্বন ..........CLARISSA!!" WHAT! CLARISSA!! NICO I'M GOIN TO KILL আপনি SOON!!! i shock my head no and took off out the door. when i came back chris was there. i smiled no one knew that chris likes clarissa. i sat down and saw that the dauter of the প্রণয় goddes was gone with the son of hepetruies were too....
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posted by percyandpotter
The scream wasn't high-pitched, so I could tell it was a guy's scream. We all ran forward, Percy unsheathing his sword, Annabeth pulling her shield off her back and unstrapping a dagger I hadn't noticed before. I went slower, since I didn't know where my staff was. At the শীর্ষ of the hill, a guy with dirty blond hair was stumbling backwards, holding a carving knife. An army of monsters followed him- dozens, maybe over a hundred. A few members of the leigon were demigods, none wearing the কমলা shirts. They held flags, some with a strange symbol I didn't recognize, and some were the T-shirts...
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I stood shocked for a few moments. I couldn't believe it. I was claimed.

"Wait what?" I stammered.

"You are the daughter of Artemis," he ব্যক্ত with proud look on his face, like the look my father never gave me.

Wait. Why did he say "the" like I was the only one. I looked around at the rest of the crowd. they all had looks of shock on their faces. Luke and the rest of the Hermes কেবিন had come to the range. Luke had the same expression as the rest of the crowd. They all look ed at me like I was some forbidden child.

Chiron walked forward. The hologram had faded দ্বারা now.

"Come one. We need to get you...
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I'm so sorry that I kept all আপনি guys waiting. Here's number seven, i hope আপনি all think it's worth the wait.

He could tell I didn’t want to talk about it do he dropped it and quickly changed the subject.
“Back in the sick room, when আপনি were feeding me that stuff-“
“Ambrosia,” I told him. I suddenly had a craving for pudding, because sometimes that stuff really does taste like butterscotch pudding.
“Yeah. আপনি asked me something about the summer solstice.” Oh my gods. Did he know something that could answer my প্রশ্ন that everybody pretended not to know?
“So আপনি do know something?”...
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added by AnnabethKatara
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
posted by vlad_todd_fan
Read the first ten of these অথবা আপনি won't understand it and send me a lot of questioning comments. When I woke up again the পরবর্তি morning Annabeth was in my arms again on the fluffy couch. How do I keep moving while I'm sleeping? It was sunny as usual very cool inside but I knew the সেকেন্ড I stepped outside I'd be drenched in sweat. It reminded me of Mt. Whitney. I smelled বেকন and প্যানকেকস cooking, and I was starved. "Morning Percy." I heard Mochael's voice in my head. I sent him a thought of a smiley face and I heard a laugh fromthe রান্নাঘর behind me. I knew I had to get that খাবার while it...
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Someone stumbled out of the brush. I squeaked and snapped my fingers again, causing this unknown person to fly up into the air, hoisted upside-down দ্বারা the ankle. At first I wondered if this guy was just extremely clumsy, অথবা if he অথবা she tripped, অথবা what.
Okay, a little backstory of why I'm so paranoid. The war between Kronos and those monsters and demigods really got me scared of everything. I've been so scared that non-repentant demigods that were on Kronos' side might all of a sudden create a "Reformation-of-Kronos-Party," অথবা some psycho monsters would revolt অথবা something. End of story....
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added by gry
posted by Olympusrulz
Annabeth's PoV
There he is the miracle that is Percy. As I walk toward toward him I think of every thing we have been through. Everything I know. Every thing I remember. From when we met to when both of my perents gave Percy their blessing.Now I am here at the alter with him. Every thing is perfect. The ceremony is now over. It is done.We চুম্বন and it melts through our bodies. We are now bonded forever. Forever. our প্রণয় has never been stonger than at this point where we become not just two individuals but one. In harmony, bliss, and perfection. There is only one word to describe this moment. Perfect.
HELLO :) see? i told আপনি guys i would have it up দ্বারা tonight! yay me! *claps franticly*

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and The Olympians, stop rubbing it in my face why don't ya?

20, ENJOY <3

My shoes sank into the mud and I bet if I took them off there would be আরো mud in them than on the ground. Moss flew into our faces as we walked and I was getting tired. I felt bad for snapping at Percy, I knew he was just trying to help and all I just hated knowing that the gods were observing us, and I haven’t been proving myself very well. And if Percy died, well beside the fact that I would...
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Mmkay, so I just started following Rick Riordan on Twitter, and every couple of days অথবা so, he posts a new fact about TLO. So, I thought I'd compile a তালিকা for আপনি guys! **Note: All info is taken in direct quotation from Rick Riordan's Twitter page.

Who was Nico's mom and how did Nico end up in the Lotus Hotel? You'll find out on 5/5, and the answer will surprise even Nico!((Yay! I get to find out আরো about my fictional boyfriend! *blush* Did I just say that?))

In book 4, Poseidon gave Percy a sand dollar for his birthday. You'll find out how he "spends it" in book five.((A couple of us were...
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added by annabethawesome
Source: Percy Jackson অনুরাগী art
ZOE IS TIRED OF HITTING HER HEAD. SHE HIT HER HEAD THIS MORNING ON THE DESK, SHE GOT HIT দ্বারা A বাস্কেটবল IN GYM, AND NOW (ON HER WAY TO THE NURSES OFFICE), A DOOR OPENED AND HIT HER HEAD. SHE FELL TO THE FLOOR AND WAITED FOR WHOEVER HAD OPENED IT TO REALIZE THEY HAD HIT SOMEONE. SHE WAS READY TO COMPLETLY LASH OUT AT THE PERSON WHO HAD HIT HER...UNTIL SHE SAW WHO IT WAS. IT WAS HER FOREVER CRUSH...CHRIS JORDAN. SORRY ABOUT THE ZEROES. IT ব্যক্ত TO MAKE IT LONGER AND IM ON A TIME CRUNCH. I WILL WRITEAGAIN SOON!!! ;) 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
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added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by prego13
added by Dancin4evah
added by Annabeth1O1