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For some reason, I still find it hard to believe that until recently, very few people were aware that the first adaptation of Jane Austen's 1811 novel, "Sense and Sensibility", dated as far back as 1971. After all, people have been aware of other Austen adaptations during this same period অথবা earlier. Even the Wikipedia site fails to mention it, except in connection with one of the cast members. What was about this four-part miniseries that eluded so many Austen fans?

In "SENSE AND SENSIBILITY", a wealthy landowner named Mr. Dashwood dies, leaving his two...
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”THE WINDS OF WAR” (1983) Review

Some forty-five years ago, লেখক Herman Wouk wrote ”The Winds of War”, a bestselling novel about the experiences of a middle-aged U.S. Navy officer and his family during the early years of World War II. A decade later, ABC টেলিভিশন and producer David Wolper brought his story to the টেলিভিশন screen with a seven-part, fourteen-and-a-half ঘন্টা miniseries that became a ratings hit and a major Emmy and Golden Globe nominee.

Produced দ্বারা Dan Curtis and Barbara Steele, and directed দ্বারা Curtis; ”THE WINDS OF WAR” was a sprawling saga that told the story...
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There are only a handful of টেলিভিশন shows that I am very emotional about. There are only a handful that I consider to be among the best I have ever seen on the small screen. One of them happened to be the 1991-1993 ABC series, "HOMEFRONT". Not only do I view it as one of the few টেলিভিশন series that turned out to be consistently first-rate from beginning to end, it also has one of the best pilot episodes I have ever seen.

"HOMEFRONT" followed the lives and experiences of a handful of citizens in the fictional town in Ohio, right after the end...
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"TOM JONES" (1963) Review

Recently, I searched my memories for any চলচ্চিত্র produced outside of the United States that not only won the Academy Award for Best Picture, but I would also consider a personal পছন্দ of mine. Only one came to mind - the 1963 movie, "TOM JONES".

"TOM JONES" turned out to be the সেকেন্ড non-Hollywood film that won the coveted Oscar prize. Directed দ্বারা Tony Richardson, the movie is an adaptation of Henry Fielding's 1749 novel, "The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling", about the coming-of-age and misadventures of an illegitimate young man, raised দ্বারা a landowner in mid-18th...
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"THE YOUNG VICTORIA" (2009) Review

About a বছর অথবা so before his জনপ্রিয় টেলিভিশন series, "DOWNTON ABBEY" hit the airwaves, Julian Fellowes served as screenwriter to the lavish biopic about the early life and reign of Britain's কুইন Victoria called "THE YOUNG VICTORIA". The 2009 movie starred Emily Blunt in the শিরোনাম role and Rupert Friend as the Prince Consort, Prince Albert.

"THE YOUNG VICTORIA" began during the last years in the reign of King William IV, Victoria's uncle. Acknowledge as the পরবর্তি ruler of Britain, Victoria became the target of a political tug-of-war between her mother,...
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Many টেলিভিশন viewers and moviegoers might be surprised to learn that Hollywood had aired a good number of টেলিভিশন চলচ্চিত্র that featured the topic of U.S. slavery. One of those চলচ্চিত্র proved to be an offshoot of the 1977 miniseries, "ROOTS". However, another was the 1994 টেলিভিশন movie called "RACE TO FREEDOM: THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD".

The 1994 টেলিভিশন movie is a story about the Underground Railroad, a loose network of secret routes and নিরাপদ houses occasionally used দ্বারা willing 19th-century slaves in the United States to escape...
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Back in 1982, the BBC turned to 19th century লেখক Anthony Trollope for a seven-part miniseries called ”THE BARCHESTER CHRONICLES”. The miniseries was based upon the author’s first two Barchester novels about the Church of England.

Directed দ্বারা David Giles and written দ্বারা Alan Plater, ”THE BARCHESTER CHRONICLES” is an adaptation of ”The Warden” (1855) and ”Barchester Towers” (1857). The novels focused upon the the dealings and social maneuverings of the clergy and gentry literature concern the dealings of the clergy and the gentry that...
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"12 YEARS A SLAVE" (2013) Review

I first learned about Solomon Northup many years ago, when I came across a টেলিভিশন adaptation of his story in my local video story. One glance at the video case for "HALF-SLAVE, HALF-FREE: SOLOMON NORTHUP'S ODYSSEY" made me assume that this movie was basically a fictional tale. But when I read the movie's বিবরণ on the back of the case, I discovered that I had stumbled across an adaption about a historical figure.

Intrigued দ্বারা the idea of a free black man in antebellum America being kidnapped into slavery, I rented "HALF-SLAVE, HALF-FREE: SOLOMON NORTHUP'S...
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"THE SHADOW RIDERS" (1982) Review

When I first set out to discover how many of লেখক Louis L'Amour novels had been adapted for the চলচ্চিত্র and television, I had assumed at least a handful had gone through this process. I was surprised to discover that many of his works had been adapted. And one of them turned out to be the 1982 টেলিভিশন movie, "THE SHADOW RIDERS".

I have only seen two L'Amour adaptations in my life - "THE SHADOW RIDERS" and the 1979 two-part miniseries, "THE SACKETTS". Both productions seemed to have a great deal in common. The two productions are adaptations of L'Amour (which...
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posted by DR76
"TITANIC" (1953) Review

As many moviegoers know, there have been numerous film and টেলিভিশন productions about the maiden voyage and sinking of the R.M.S. টাইটানিক on April 15, 1912. The most famous production happens to be James Cameron's 1997 Oscar winning opus. However, I do wonder if there are any অনুরাগী who are aware that another টাইটানিক movie managed to strike Oscar gold.

Directed দ্বারা Jean Negulesco, the 1953 movie "TITANIC" focused on the personal lives of a wealthy American family torn asunder দ্বারা marital strife, a deep secret and the historic sinking of the Titanic. Family matriarch Mrs....
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It seems that Leo Tolstoy’s War & Peace («Война и миръ», Voyna i mir) novel is like the holy grail of every director who respects himself. It has been adapted for film, TV, opera, radio. আইএমডিবি তালিকা 9 War and Peace adaptations including 2 silent films. The novel was first published in 1869. The work is epic in scale and is regarded as one of the most important works of the world literature. It is considered Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement, along with his other major prose work Anna Karenina (1873–1877).

posted by chrsvg
Stars: 2+/5

I watched this adaptation of Jane Eyre yesterday and I have to admit that I did have great expectations for this one. However, I was rather disappointed than rewarded for watching it.

As a girl I was a huge Jane Eyre অনুরাগী and I used to read the book 3 অথবা 4 times per year. The truth is that when I first read it I was too young to actually understand all the important issues, like social class, gender relations,


I never saw "THE LEGEND OF BAGGER VANCE" in the movie theaters when it was first released years ago. I have a low tolerance of sports চলচ্চিত্র and there are only a few that I consider পছন্দ of mine. Another reason why I never saw this film in the theaters is that my family simply had no desire to see it.

Based upon Steven Pressfield's 1995 novel and directed দ্বারা Robert Redford, "THE LEGEND OF BAGGER VANCE" was a box office flop. Worse, it had received mixed to negative reviews. Among the criticisms directed at the film was the accusation that the Bagger...
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"THE BLUE AND THE GRAY" (1982) Review

In 1982, CBS টেলিভিশন aired a three-part miniseries about the experiences of two families during the Civil War. Sounds familiar? It should, for John Jakes had wrote something similar in three novels between 1982 and 1987 – namely the "NORTH AND SOUTH" Trilogy. Jakes’ novels were adapted for টেলিভিশন in 1985, 1986 and 1994. However this miniseries was produced দ্বারা Larry White and Lou Reda. And despite the mildly similar theme to the "NORTH AND SOUTH" saga, there are some vast differences.

"THE BLUE AND THE GRAY" had not been based upon any particular...
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"FROST/NIXON" (2008) Review

Beginning on March 23, 1977, British journalist David Frost conducted a series of twelve (12) interviews with former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, in which the former commander-in-chief gave his only public apology for the scandals of his administration. Some 29 years later, Peter Morgan’s play – based upon the interviews – reached the লন্ডন stage and later, Broadway, with rave reviews. Recently, Ron Howard directed the film adaptation of the play, starring Frank Langella as Nixon and Michael Sheen as Frost.

I first became interested in Nixon and the Watergate...
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"JOHN ADAMS" (2008) Review

Three years have passed since HBO aired the last episode of its seven-part miniseries, "JOHN ADAMS" . . . and I have yet to post any মতামত about it. I realized that I might as well post my মতামত on the series, while my memories of it remains fresh.

In a nutshell . . . "JOHN ADAMS" is an adaption of David McCullough’s bestselling, Pulitzer-Prize winning biography on the country’s সেকেন্ড president, John Adams. Instead of beginning the story during Adams' childhood অথবা early adulthood, the miniseries began in the late winter/early spring of 1770, when he defended...
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"BLANCHE FURY" (1948) Review

I suspect that many অনুরাগী of costume dramas would be fascinated to know about the series of period dramas released দ্বারা the British film industry during the post-World War II era. A good number of those films were released দ্বারা a British film studio known as Gainsborough Pictures. But not all of them were released through this particular studio. Some were released through other studios অথবা production companies . . . like the 1948 period drama, "BLANCHE FURY".

Based upon the 1939 novel written দ্বারা Marjorie Bowen (under the pseudonym of Joseph Stearling), "BLANCHE FURY" told...
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When New Line Cinema and Warner Brothers first released the news that Peter Jackson would adapt J.R.R. Tolkien's 1937 novel, "The Hobbit" into three films, I had not been pleased. I thought the novel could have easily been adapted into two films অথবা even a single film. Now that Jackson's third film, "THE HOBBIT: BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES", I realized that my feelings had not changed.

I still believe what I had originally stated . . . an adaptation of Tolkien's novel could have easily been limited to a single film. I believe I would have enjoyed...
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"WAR AND PEACE" (2016) Review

I have a confession to make. I have never seen a movie অথবা টেলিভিশন adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel, "War and Peace". Never. Well . . . I once made an attempt to watch the 1956 movie adaptation directed দ্বারা King Vidor. Unfortunately, I could never go the distance. In fact, I have never read the novel.

However, many years passed. When I heard about the BBC's latest adaptation of Tolstoy's novel, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to give "WAR AND PEACE" a chance. The six-part miniseries is simply about the experiences of five Russian families during...
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Below is my review of the 1979 টেলিভিশন miniseries called ”THE SACKETTS”:

”THE SACKETTS” (1979) Review

Thirty years ago, CBS aired a two-part miniseries (or টেলিভিশন movie) based upon two novels written দ্বারা the late Louis L’Amour. Directed দ্বারা Robert Totten, ”THE SACKETTS” starred Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Jeff Osterhage as the three Sackett brothers.

”THE SACKETTS” told the story of Tell (Elliot), Orrin (Selleck) and Tyrel (Osterhage) Sackett and their efforts to make new lives for themselves in the post-Civil War West. Screenwriter Jim Byrnes took two novels about the...
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