It seems that Leo Tolstoy’s War & Peace («Война и миръ», Voyna i mir) novel is like the holy grail of every director who respects himself. It has been adapted for film, TV, opera, radio. আইএমডিবি তালিকা 9 War and Peace adaptations including 2 silent films. The novel was first published in 1869. The work is epic in scale and is regarded as one of the most important works of the world literature. It is considered Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement, along with his other major prose work Anna Karenina (1873–1877).
Stars: 2+/5
I watched this adaptation of Jane Eyre yesterday and I have to admit that I did have great expectations for this one. However, I was rather disappointed than rewarded for watching it.
As a girl I was a huge Jane Eyre অনুরাগী and I used to read the book 3 অথবা 4 times per year. The truth is that when I first read it I was too young to actually understand all the important issues, like social class, gender relations,
I watched this adaptation of Jane Eyre yesterday and I have to admit that I did have great expectations for this one. However, I was rather disappointed than rewarded for watching it.
As a girl I was a huge Jane Eyre অনুরাগী and I used to read the book 3 অথবা 4 times per year. The truth is that when I first read it I was too young to actually understand all the important issues, like social class, gender relations,