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The Paint Daub test



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ecpjll said:
You Are Deep

You try to observe the world rather than judge it. You feel like you are here to learn.
You see every side to people. You know that things are complicated and nuanced.

You have trouble getting along with people who are flippant or silly. You crave substance.
You connect best with philosophical, thoughtful types. Your friends care about ideas.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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You Are Deep

You try to observe the world rather than judge it. You feel like you are here to learn.
You see every side to people. You know that things are complicated and nuanced.

You have trouble getting along with people who are flippant or silly. You crave substance.
You connect best with philosophical, thoughtful types. Your friends care about ideas.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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You Are Deep

You try to observe the world rather than judge it. You feel like you are here to learn.
You see every side to people. You know that things are complicated and nuanced.

You have trouble getting along with people who are flippant or silly. You crave substance.
You connect best with philosophical, thoughtful types. Your friends care about ideas.

posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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azkaban said:
You Are Real

You are naturally comfortable with yourself, and your authenticity shines through.
You think that flaws can be beautiful and that mistakes can be learning experiences.

You have trouble getting along with people who lie, even if they're only lying to themselves.
You connect best with uncomplicated and generous types. You're past wanting or needing any drama in your life.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.