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added by cleavisde
Source: cleavisde
Capturing the exact emotion is the toughest task of portrait photography. Whether আপনি are choosing an amateur model অথবা a professional one, nervousness can affect anyone and আপনি as a photographer are ought to make your subject relax so that she can give আপনি better poses and expressions. Here are some useful techniques that will help আপনি make your subject feel comfortable.

First Relax Yourself

Your nervousness can make your subject feel আরো nervous and therefore, make sure আপনি are absolutely relaxed. As soon as your model arrives, greet her with a lovely smile and ask her about her day, her breakfast,...
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Erotic Poses for Selfie মহিলার খাসকামরা Photos. Presented দ্বারা Yuliya Panchenko.
মহিলার খাসকামরা
yuliya panchenko
added by Freaxxx
Source: My cell-phone and my dog :)
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by Foruse2
Source: Screenshots
added by mahsunny
Source: Me!!!
added by cleavisde
Source: cleavisde
In 1994, South African photojournalist Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer prize for his disturbing photograph of a Sudanese child being stalked দ্বারা a শকুনি (left). That same year, Kevin Carter committed suicide.

Without the facts surrounding his death, this behavior may seem surprising. But Carter received heaps of criticism for his actions. While in Sudan, near the village of Ayod, Carter found a small, emaciated toddler struggling to make her way to the খাবার station. When she stopped to rest, a শকুনি landed nearby with his eyes on the little girl. Carter took twenty মিনিট to take the photo,...
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added by greyswan618
added by greyswan618
added by greyswan618
added by greyswan618
added by greyswan618
added by greyswan618