Okay, this is a song my friend and I made together and I was the real creator! If আপনি want, অনুরাগী her @DexterBrawnian!
Talking this time:
Do আপনি like pizza?
I like pizza.
Do আপনি like pepperoni?
Can আপনি pee on pizza?
WHAT KIND OF প্রশ্ন IS THAT?!?!?
Can আপনি have French toast?
Let's put this in a 50 সেকেন্ড song! (Maybe)
-singing now!-
Do আপনি like pizza?
(I like pizza!)
Then just be a diva!
(Be a diva!)
Max out the roni!
(Out the roni)
But don't tell Tony!
Come on ever boy and girl
Let's go to the joyous parlor
Let's শীর্ষ off the spices and dices
Put on some আরো pepperoni!
Cause we all like pizza!
Talking this time:
Do আপনি like pizza?
I like pizza.
Do আপনি like pepperoni?
Can আপনি pee on pizza?
WHAT KIND OF প্রশ্ন IS THAT?!?!?
Can আপনি have French toast?
Let's put this in a 50 সেকেন্ড song! (Maybe)
-singing now!-
Do আপনি like pizza?
(I like pizza!)
Then just be a diva!
(Be a diva!)
Max out the roni!
(Out the roni)
But don't tell Tony!
Come on ever boy and girl
Let's go to the joyous parlor
Let's শীর্ষ off the spices and dices
Put on some আরো pepperoni!
Cause we all like pizza!