Pottergirls Your opinion on Twilight?

LadyL68 posted on Apr 07, 2010 at 03:05AM
Honestley, I didn't mind Twilight that much at first. I never liked it, but I just saw it as a poorley written book that has become a somewhat interesting movie that will pass just like every other stupid trend. But then all of my friends got all obsessive about it and I'm like "are you serious?" I don't understand why a book like that gets so much attention. I don't see a point in it either, and yes, I have read all the books. So, tell me your views. And I mean no offense to Twilight fans, so please don't take it personally. Thanks!

Pottergirls 11 উত্তর

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বছরখানেক আগে GagaBFF said…
I love Twilight! Edward and Bella's romance is so magical! But Harry Potter is better, I loved it first, and the books are just better. But I think the Twilight movies are better than the Harry Potter ones. Just my opinion. But I do like Harry Potter better.
বছরখানেক আগে ravenclawgirl5 said…
I don't really like Twilight. It's badly written and boring.
বছরখানেক আগে -Alohomora- said…
I liked Twilight at first when there was all the hype as shamefull as it is to admit, but now I see the pure horror it has created and how it's not even a piece of literature. I hate it with a passion.
বছরখানেক আগে ginny_potter_97 said…
ok my friend read if before all the "OMG it's a movie now i HAVE to read it!!!!" thing. unfortunaly i didn't. i read all the books after i heard it was a movie (and may i say it took moths to get it from the public libary).i played along with the "OMG this is the best book in the world" act untill all the "OMG Edward is so HOTTT!!!!!!" crap. then i lost it. i started world war 3 in my "group". every1 was on 1 side or the other and a few in the middle. after i had lost quite a few friends i went back to my old set of friends who treated me as an outcast in the oucast "group" so with all the drama its cost me and the lack of plot i would have to say twilight is bad luck and the worst book ever

no offense twilight fans
বছরখানেক আগে VampiresRevenge said…
I think it's okay. *shrugs*
বছরখানেক আগে mimifaith said…
I HATE Twilight
বছরখানেক আগে kwlski4ever said…
Garbage for me.
বছরখানেক আগে Darkshine said…
The worst rubbish ever.
বছরখানেক আগে BeyondTheStars said…
When i first heard of the series I immediately read the book thinking it was going to be what it was all hyped up to be. But it turns out I couldn't be more wrong, the character of Edward Cullen seemed like a over- controlling boyfriend, Bella was weird and apprehensive and at times I found it to be extremely agitating! Jacob... well what's to say about him I mean sure he was a good friend and all to Bella. but at the end of the day I found him just as dull and uninteresting as the rest of the cheap characters in twilight. The grammar is poor and the story itself was pathetic. Now thanks to it's widely phenomenal Americans can't seemed to get 'vampires' out of their brains!

@Darkshine: I agree what utter rubbish it is!
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
LunaNotLoony commented…
I agree with all, but Jacob. Until Bella decided she was in প্রণয় with him, I though he was awesome. But even the most minor HP character pawns him বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে LunaLovegood123 said…
"Bloody Hell its awful!" - Ron Weasley, Even though he Wasn't talking about Twilight, i would completely agree if that was what he was talking about

"Got the emotinol Range of a tea-spoon"- Hermione Granger, who was probably talking about bella swan.

"SHE KILLED SIRIUS! SHE KILLED HIM --- ILL KILL HER!"- Harry Potter, even though bella swan didn't kill sirius, thats still probably what he meant.
বছরখানেক আগে ErnieHannah333 said…
I HATE IT! It ruined everything with people being obsessed with it.