P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) Club
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in my opinion i think michael wrote this song for আরো then just P.Y.T but T.L.C and he did a really good job on this song and the producers that help
its sad that there was never a সঙ্গীত video to this tho but still is great with out a সঙ্গীত video i gusse
he wrote the song as i ব্যক্ত in my opinion so maby allot of people felt they were nothing and maby even thought of them selfs as ugly...now why think that i say because i think your all beautifully no matter what people say don't let them bother আপনি there just jelious cause your somthing and there not. and yes every one needs some T.L.C but how michael sings it makes people feel good cuse he means all the words in his songs im sure :)
don't let any thing get আপনি down we are all difrent sizes etc... and we should all get along :)and maby we r all just thos good feelings in the song

thank আপনি for পাঠ করা this :)
added by MJGangster
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by MJGangster
added by MJGangster
added by MJGangster
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by MJGangster
Pretty Young Thing! <3
মাইকেল জ্যাকসন
king of pop
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax