Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas
It seems like a regular day, but then someone runs দ্বারা at 500 miles an hour.
Sonic: Tails, আপনি read me?
Tails: Loud and clear, whats up?
Sonic: We should be getting towards Robotnik's army base.
Sean The Hedgehog.
Sean: I'm already there.
Tails: I see you.
Sean: Any word on Knuckles?
Sonic: No.
Sean: What about the others?
Inside the base
Knuckles: I can't believe they destroyed our intercom
Espio: Are there any other ways we can talk to them?
Rouge: No
badnik: I've spotted them
Espio: *jumps on badnik*
Knuckles: Nice work *runs into...
continue reading...