Seto Kaiba Club
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added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by BellatrixFan
added by BellatrixFan
added by Lulu_Kururugi
added by seto_sama
added by lilmissYuganna
added by Narusasu4EVER
A tall man about 6' 8'', with a long white gravity defying trench কোট that has a red velvet part inside. I noticed he had big-ish ears, soft brown hair, and the coldest blue eyes I've ever seen!He is soooo cute!!!

"Hey isn't that Seto Kaiba?" I said, even though I knew who he was, I have the biggest crush on him! "Yep," my dad ব্যক্ত " But, I don't want আপনি around him. As আপনি probably know, he's the CEO of Kaiba corp., Salinc Inc.'s competition." he explained.

I understood his reasoning, but what happened পরবর্তি wasn't my fault... Seto walked right up to me, my dad staring at him, and said, " What's...
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added by BellatrixFan
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
Kaiba Hacker - Battle Theme
seto kaiba
kaiba hacker battle theme
unreleased soundtrack
added by seto_sama
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by sethzero
added by FanFic_Girl_26