DUNCAN.... let me ask আপনি a question. WHAT does gwen have that courtney does not!!! আপনি ব্যক্ত আপনি like girls with attitude and that are dangerous and gwen is not even close to being dangerous ahe is just a stupid little b#tch who have nothing in common with you!!!!! I WANT GWEN TO DIE!!!! so courtney can get duncan back and everything will be good again.... who AGREES?!?
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
umm....no one. considering that this is a FLIPPING DUNCANXGWEN FANSITE! -_- FYI: GWEN IS FLIPPING AWSOME!!!! and she much better than courtney and im pretty sure that alot of people will agree to that. i sure do. i also think that duncan and gwen are an awsome couple!!!u can have your own opinion about this but post it on a সংগঠন দেওয়াল that WILL ACTULLY CARE about this. cuase we honestlly dont give a s***. >:@বছরখানেক আগে
All DxG and DxC fans NO HATE COMMENTS We need to stop this fight. I only found out about it like 3-4 weeks ago, I have ব্যক্ত a few মতামত towards Courtney that some may think are mean I know they are. I am just saying sorry and could আপনি all stop bagging me and saying but আপনি ব্যক্ত blah blah blah. I really don't like being hated. Especially on the computer. Please. And also I really want to end this অনুরাগী war bad. I hate that DxG and DxC can't get along. it sucks. Please end the war and bagging..
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
নমস্কার their is this one DXC অনুরাগী that ব্যক্ত this about the rude and snobby DXG অনুরাগী this girl ব্যক্ত they were utbe haters hobboes emos phsyicos and dummies and if আপনি want to know this erons name i will tell আপনি that was really uncalled for her to say those rude things
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
DxG অনুরাগী I know আপনি all like DxG like I like DxC. I just want to say that I've signed a treaty too stop the war and I want to say sorry to all আপনি guy cause I know that I have ব্যক্ত Bad things about DxG অনুরাগী and It helped the war so To help end It I want to say sorry If anything I've ব্যক্ত has affended আপনি guys and I really regreat saying those things. I'm the only অনুরাগী that has apolligized for doing wrong and Iam truley sorry. If আপনি know you've done wrong please Say sorry and help To end the war.
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
A new club has been created: Destroy DxG and Reunite DxC. This club is utterly ridiculous. This is why there are fanwars! So please all DxG fans...report this club! That is not right...at all!
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
নমস্কার dxg fans, I'm from the dxc page. Just hear me out on this..... Can't we all just get along. We won't judge আপনি for liking dxg, আপনি can like any couple আপনি want its a free country. So what do আপনি guys say, can we bury the ক্ষুদ্র কুঠারবিশেষ please?
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
I think DxC and DxG should stop fighting. Yes we both argue and have different opinions. But seriously guys? I know something we can agree on, the প্রদর্শনী is awesome. Instead of arguing about who Duncan belongs with, we should make peace! And agree that it's...Duncan belongs with somebody :/ As a DxC fan, I feel nervous being in a different territory :] I am not here to tell আপনি guys 'oh dxg suks blah blah' I just want to make peace, I've done it with tons of DxG fans. Is that too much to ask for?
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
girl i wont stop this untill someone wins...come on..to দিন is the last tdwt episode... hether winssssss!!!!! when will they skip itttttt!!!!! we need tdwt special...বছরখানেক আগে
and then in the সেকেন্ড episode of total drama world tour when Chris wants Duncan,Gwen,and Courtney to do a repreise Duncan doesnt want to sing so he gets atomatically disqualified so when Chris tells him that and he walks off to the plane the look on Gwens face says"cmon dont go suck it up and sing" but he doesnt. the good news is Duncans coming back in total drama world tour but the bad news is i think in the episode he comes back in he marries Courtney so its a real bummer.he should mary Gwen
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
and also on the egypt episode Duncan asks Gwen how she was doing he would have never asked courtney that unless it was season 1 অথবা 2 but its season 3 and now he likes Gwen and he is so over courtney. even in season 1 আপনি could tell that some দিন Gwen and Duncan were going to go out অথবা something. আপনি could tell in the episode in season 1 of the real life horror movie they were talking about some alien blender movie like they were cosmic twins and finishing eachothers sentences so ya DxG foreva!!!
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে
ducan and gwen are a better couple than duncan and courtney will ever be dont আপনি see in the total drama world tour theme song as gwens sinking duncans looks concerned then looks back to angry courtney and acts like "eh let her die" and the look gwen gives him like "save me" and duncan thinks "ok ill save you" and if courtney wasnt in the নৌকা he would save her and they would start making out at that exact moment. arnt i right cause i no that i am totaly right. im trying to use all my characters
পোষ্ট হয়েছে বছরখানেক আগে