Ling's audition
Jin: I cant believe this! We have absolutely no one for our band, and to
top it off, the contest is only 5 days away!
Hwo: Cool it man!
Jin: How can I cool it Hwo? My dream is slowly slipping away!
Hwo: Isnt your dream to defeat Heihachi in the tournament?
Jin: I am entitled to আরো than one dream আপনি know.
Hwo: Yeah, whatever.
Jin: So, did আপনি post up our banners this time?
Hwo: Yeah, for your information, I did Mr. Smart $$.
Jin: Yeah, well, its pretty hard to depend upon আপনি Hwoarang.
Hwo: Jin Jin Jin, আপনি have such little faith…
Jin: Yeah, in you.
Hwo: Now are আপনি gonna listen to the...
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