Chris Harrison, host of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette," chats with StarCam at the Ringling Bros. Fully Charged event about his childhood memories of the circus and laying the rumors to rest about Emily Maynard.
Since winning the Bachelorette, JP wasted no time finding great deals for his and Ashley's future প্রথমপাতা at শীর্ষ rated penny auction website. In the clip, JP jokes he is in the market for a new sister-in-law. Hope Chrystie finds it funny!
Chris Harrison, host of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette," chats with StarCam at the Ringling Bros. Fully Charged event about his childhood memories of the circus and laying the rumors to rest about Emily Maynard.
link-- Ashley Hebert gave out her finale rose last night on The Bachelorette. Ashley finally got her happy ending with 34-year-old New York native J.P. Rosenbaum.