the darkest girl Club
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posted by gwen5890
when the darkest girl was just 12 years old she became evil when she had a notebook and লেখা suff at could happen to people like her friend sister jan who was just 7 years old who didnt like her at all but one দিন at her house the oldest girl name gean wanted to get her little sister jan to suff a gun in the darkest girl bag who name was bava darkest the evil of demon so পরবর্তি moring she wroke up she found the gun and rush over to kata house and rang the door ঘণ্টা when kata finally open the door she ব্যক্ত to bava: yea i put the gun in there why u want to know? because im giong to get my demons...
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posted by gwen5890
it was so powerfull at it almost shoot jan in the stomach but it miss just in time so after bava finished with the sliver black demon gun she woke up jan and said:ready to shoot your nasty mouth sister and then jan was like saiding:no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not her i want my other sister to died with at gun? and bava was like :who do u want to shoot so she said:kata because she mean to me also guess who else and bava was like tell me who?? so jan grad her and said:danny growweed who pickes with me because i always ব্যক্ত i have power to kill people and he ব্যক্ত your so dumd your making up then...
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