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added by RoseLovesJack
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
posted by 15sturmelle2
 Crazy Harry is back and he's ready to cause explosions once more.
Crazy Harry is back and he's ready to cause explosions once more.
After watching my dvd copy of Muppets Most Wanted last weekend, i thought I'd finally get around to providing coverage for the movie and discuss some of the obscure Muppets and the ones who were in the পূর্ববর্তি movie, so without further ado let's begin.
 If one were to look closely, they'll notice Muppet Treasure Island pirate Calico sitting in the corner with some human prisoners.
If one were to look closely, they'll notice Muppet Treasure Island pirate Calico sitting in the corner with some human prisoners.
 Nigel is back and his role in the orchestra pit remains unchanged.
Nigel is back and his role in the orchestra pit remains unchanged.
 আফগান Hound is back and Mildred Huxtetter appears in the same scene
Afghan Hound is back and Mildred Huxtetter appears in the same scene
 Hobo Joe is back from the পূর্ববর্তি movie and the Muppet Hobos are as well
Hobo Joe is back from the previous movie and the Muppet Hobos are as well
 Black Dog, whose পূর্ববর্তি movie appearance was in 2005's Muppets Wizard of Oz as a flying monkey, pictured here, is a gulag prisoner this time around.
Black Dog, whose previous movie appearance was in 2005's Muppets Wizard of Oz as a flying monkey, pictured here, is a gulag prisoner this time around.
 স্বর্ণ Muppet monster Behemoth is back from the পূর্ববর্তি movie
Gold Muppet monster Behemoth is back from the previous movie
 Pepe the King চিংড়ি is back and this time he plays a larger role as opposed to his smaller role in the পূর্ববর্তি movie. Also Spamela Hamderson and Mahna Mahna background cameo!
Pepe the King Prawn is back and this time he plays a larger role as opposed to his smaller role in the previous movie. Also Spamela Hamderson and Mahna Mahna background cameo!
 Uncle Deadly is back, this time প্রদর্শিত হচ্ছে off his musical side as a organ player at the Tower of লন্ডন wedding. Also appearing with him is Bobo who shows off his emotional side, shedding a few tears of happiness.
Uncle Deadly is back, this time showing off his musical side as a organ player at the Tower of London wedding. Also appearing with him is Bobo who shows off his emotional side, shedding a few tears of happiness.
 Rizzo is back! Not much else to say here other than that.
Rizzo is back! Not much else to say here other than that.
 Rowlf and Lew Zealand are back yet again.
Rowlf and Lew Zealand are back yet again.
 Wanda is back!
Wanda is back!
 Janice, Floyd, Link Hogthrob, and Dr. Julius Strangepork are back. Dr. Julius Strangepork sadly has no lines in this scene however.
Janice, Floyd, Link Hogthrob, and Dr. Julius Strangepork are back. Dr. Julius Strangepork sadly has no lines in this scene however.
 Bobby Benson and his Baby Band are back.
Bobby Benson and his Baby Band are back.
 Blind Pew, who had not been seen since 1996's Muppet Treasure Island is back after the long time gap from 1996 to 2014.
Blind Pew, who had not been seen since 1996's Muppet Treasure Island is back after the long time gap from 1996 to 2014.
added by megloveskyle
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus
posted by sturmelle15
So many Muppet চলচ্চিত্র have thrown in often hard to spot Muppets. So now, I've made it my job to see how many Muppets আপনি can spot in each of these scenes from Muppets Most Wanted. First will be the Tower of লন্ডন scene. If আপনি look closely, আপনি can see Droop sitting পরবর্তি to Beautiful দিন Monster. Other muppets that can briefly be glimpsed are Spamela Hamderson, sitting near a pig. Also in the same row as her are Howard Tubman and Captain Pighead. Carter appears sitting পরবর্তি to Behemoth, but his face can't be glimpsed due to the Chef's hat obscuring his face in the image. Also sitting next...
continue reading...
Happy Mother's Day! Remember to give your mom a call today. If আপনি tell her Fozzie ভালুক sent you, Fozzie will tell his Ma আপনি sent him!
fozzie ভালুক
mother's দিন
Take it from Miss Piggy: There's no business like শূকরী business! যোগদান Miss Piggy, Uncle Deadly, and Pops as they go for awards gold. Congratulations and good luck to all of this year's Oscars nominees!
miss piggy
uncle deadly
added by love2pop
added by RoseLovesJack
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিজনি Plus