The Neighbourhood Club
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added by m4yr4_13
Many people like to say The NBHD are one of their পছন্দ bands but ask them "What's your পছন্দ song?" and 99% will answer with "Sweater Weather." Now I know there are people who actually DO know আরো than just that one song! Personally, my পছন্দ song is between "Float" and "Female Robbery".
It just angers me how sometimes people call themselves "fans" but don't know anything but the one song, and that one song was only discovered because it was on the radio. I প্রণয় The Neighbourhood and I even got to see them live! :D it was amazing, and Jesse can definitely sing live, he sounds the same if not better than the recordings.

Sorry if it looks like I'm complaining, as ব্যক্ত above for প্রবন্ধ type it is just my opinion, likewise if Sweater Weather is your পছন্দ song and it always has been before it was crazy popular, kudos to you.
added by m4yr4_13
added by m4yr4_13
added by m4yr4_13
added by m4yr4_13
added by m4yr4_13
added by m4yr4_13
the neighbourhood
সঙ্গীত video
added by m4yr4_13
added by m4yr4_13
added by shabbycmr
added by m4yr4_13
Single The Neighbourhood is most known for.
the nbhd
the neighbourhood
sweater weather
the neighbourhood