ভ্যাম্পায়ারের ডাইরি Club
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♥ Because he wanted to dance with her. | 1×12 Unpleasantville

♥ Because she really thinks that he believes that everything he´s done it´s done for love. | 1×13 Children of the Damned

♥ Because he did deliberate move. | 1×13 Children of the Damned

♥ Because he wanted her honest answers. | 1×13 Children of the Damned

♥ Because she was lecturing him. | 1×13 Children of the Damned

♥ Because he called Elena “our girlfriend” right on front of Stefan. | 1×13 Children of the Damned

♥ Because he kissed her hair. | 1×13 Children of the Damned

♥ Because they have something. | 1×14 Fool Me Once

♥ Because he wanted it to be real.| 1×14 Fool Me Once

♥ Because he trusts her. | 1×14 Fool Me Once

♥ Because she hugged him. | 1×14 Fool Me Once

♥ Because she was buttoning his shirt. | 1×15 A Few Good Men

♥ Because he ব্যক্ত her life´s valuable. | 1×17 Let the Right One In

♥ Because he want to protecting her.| 1×17 Let the Right One In
added by damon_elena
ভ্যাম্পায়ারের ডাইরি
ভ্যাম্পায়ারের ডাইরি
ভ্যাম্পায়ারের ডাইরি
ভ্যাম্পায়ারের ডাইরি
added by Any_SJ
Source: tumblr.com
added by vanszerelem
added by EternityOfLove
The evening fell and Rebekah and Katherine were sneaking down the woods. Rebekah had called Katherine to tell her she had a plan and she needed her help.
“Where are we going?” Katherine wanted to know.
“To Klaus’s hiding place” Rebekah vaguely explained. She walked through the cemetery and stopped at a grave. The stone said: “Here lies Esther Mikaelson, beloved wife and mother”
“What are we doing at your mother’s grave?” Katherine asked confused and a little disrespectful.
Rebekah didn’t respond, but bowed অগ্রবর্তী and removed the stone. Katherine came closer and noticed...
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They heard the door close and wondered who came barging in, until a familiar, female and British voice solved the mystery.
“Anyone home?” Rebekah called from downstairs.
“Ugh” Damon sighed. “I’ll go” He stood up and walked to the door, but when he wanted to open it, the door was slammed in his face and Rebekah barged in. She held a guy in her right hand and a blood bag in her left hand.
“What are আপনি doing here?” Elena asked tired.
“I came to apologize” Rebekah explained flighty, while she tossed the bag to Damon. “I was wrong to bite you. It’s just that I busted Stefan smooching with that vamp strumpet and আপনি look like her, so I got carried away. I don’t understand what it is that draws Stefan to women with your appearances. You’re not even that pretty”
“I appreciate your honesty” Elena মতামত প্রদত্ত sarcastically.
“Hey, I’m as open as your legs were last night” Rebekah replied blunt and Elena’s cheeks turned red.
It was the first time Damon and Bonnie saw each other since Bonnie had ‘cured” Damon.
“Caroline’s not home” Bonnie said, a little distant.
“I’m not here for Caroline” Damon replied. “I need to talk to you”
“Okay” Bonnie frowned. “Come in”
Damon entered the house and Bonnie guided him to the kitchen. Sheriff Forbes wasn’t home.
“What, eh,…what do আপনি need to talk about?” Bonnie asked slightly nervous.
“Do আপনি know a guy named Keith?” Damon asked, as he sat down, following Bonnie’s example.
Bonnie nodded. She didn’t see why she would deny it. “Yeah,...
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The door of the Boarding House slammed open and Stefan entered the house, with Katherine still in his arms.
“Stefan, are আপনি all right?” Rebekah asked worried as she quickly got up. She walked to him, but Stefan headed for the stairs.
“Where’s Damon?” Elena asked when she didn’t see Damon coming in.
“He…he stayed behind. There was something he had to do” Stefan ব্যক্ত vague.
“Stefan” Elena protested unsatisfied.
“He’ll explain everything when he’s back” Stefan replied impatient. He turned to Rebekah. “Could আপনি bring some blood bags?”
Rebekah reluctantly went to...
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Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then হারিয়ে গেছে his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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Damon looked pissed at Veronica while he pulled the vervained অনুষ্ঠান- অ্যারো out of his shoulder. He scribbled up and looked around to see if he recognized anyone. He didn’t. Veronica aimed her crossbow at him and fired again. Damon screamed, but managed to stay on his feet.
“What’s going on?” a familiar voice ব্যক্ত agitated. Derek pushed some people aside and looked at Damon, who looked back betrayed.
Veronica handed the crossbow to Derek and her eyes still pinched on Damon she said: “Go ahead. Finish the job, Derek”
“What?” Derek asked confused.
“Kill him” Veronica said. “He killed...
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Derek entered Ric’s loft. He had been eavesdropping Stefan and Katherine’s conversation and now he was looking for Rebekah.
“Rebekah!” he yelled.
He heard some mumbling coming from the basement. He raced toward it, opened the door and saw Rebekah sitting at the bottom of the stairs. She had been staked with a regular stake, but her hands were chained, so she couldn’t pull it out.
Derek ran off the stairs, kneeled and pulled the stake out. Then he unchained her hands and gave her the bag of blood he had been carrying with him. “I know আপনি prefer the fresh stuff, but it’s the best...
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Damon looked up at Bonnie, agitated and feeling betrayed. “What are আপনি doing? You’re supposed to help me. আপনি just came back to finish what আপনি started, didn’t you?” he said.
“No, Damon” Bonnie ব্যক্ত calm. “I am helping you”
“By putting me back here? How is that going to do any good?” Damon asked.
“I didn’t put আপনি back in here” Bonnie ব্যক্ত cryptic. “You never left. Physically, sure. But deep down you’re still here and আপনি want to know why?”
“Please, yes, the curiosity is killing me” Damon replied sarcastically.
“Deep down আপনি think আপনি deserve this” Bonnie...
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Caroline walked out of the grocery ভান্দার and closed the door. She turned around and bumped into Tyler.
“Sorry” she mumbled and wanted to walk away, but Tyler called her.
“Caroline, wait up” he said.
Caroline held her steps, but didn’t turn around. Tyler walked to her.
“Hey, I’m…I’m sorry for last time” he started uneasy. “I was a little uptight”
Caroline raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t act uptight, Tyler. আপনি acted like a jerk”
“I know, but I’m trying to explain myself here” Tyler continued.
Caroline shuffled with her left foot over the paving. She then looked...
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Rachel stroke her fingers through her hair. “Oh my God. What have I done?” she mumbled agitated. “Think, Rachel, think” She looked around. Then she grabbed Gabe’s feet and dragged him to the farthest corner.
She ran to the stairs and went to the রান্নাঘর where she searched the drawers for matches. In her panic she forgot she had been living here for about twenty years and the matches lay in the সেকেন্ড drawer পরবর্তি to the cupboard underneath the sink ever since. She pulled it open and grabbed the matches. Then she opened the fridge and took out a bottle of Malt Whisky. She ran back downstairs to the body. She opened the bottle of Malt and poured its content over the body. Then she stroke a match and let it fall down and watch how Gabe went up into flames.
As she watched him burn a sudden agony fulfilled her body and she dropped the bottle. She fell down on her knees and felt her body contracting and convulsing while she screamed.
Elena walked into Damon’s room, where Damon was lying on the bed. He looked up. “You still angry with me?”
Elena shook her head. “No” she sighed. “I should’ve known better. আপনি still angry with me?” Damon frowned. “I wasn’t angry. Why would I be angry?”
“Because I was so stupid to think you’d want to have a conversation with the one that betrayed you” Elena ব্যক্ত sad.
“Oh, well, I’ll have to get over it sometime” Damon shrugged. He looked at Elena. “And you’re not stupid” He lifted up his head and kissed her. Elena stuck her hand behind his neck and pulled...
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