Tokio Hotel Club
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added by twilight76
added by twilight76
added by twilight76
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added by twilight76
added by twilight76
added by twilight76
Humanoid - Tokio Hotel
Although they had only 16 years old on average when they debuted, they had already won a Best Newcomer award at Echo, which is the highest honor the বৃত্ত of German সঙ্গীত in a short period of time. Tokio Hotel is composed of the visual vocalist Bill Kaulitz, guitarist Tom Hip Hopera has braids and is the largest twin, bassist Georg Listing and ঢাকি Gustav Schaefer. Since their debut, they have three albums 1, 4 singles 1, 10 records of platinum and 40 awards from several different countries, including "Best Newcomer" at the VMA 2008 and "Best Band" of the European...
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added by ayseblack
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added by twilight76