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added by MisterH
Source: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyxtxz_trish-stratus-shelton-benjamin-vince-mcmahon_sport?start=114
posted by mrdaredevil30
 Trish successfully defends her championship against Christy Hemme
Trish successfully defends her championship against Christy Hemme
Why has Trish been the most successful diva in ডবলুডবলুই history?
Strength? No.
Luck? No.
Physique? No.
She won most of her matches because she always wrestled smartly. Her contemporaries Lita, Victoria, Molly Holly, Jazz, Mickie james, Ivory etc were no doubt আরো powerful than her. But she defeated them most of the times (except lita and mickie james) because she possessed a varied set of moves and played in a smart way! That is what matters. I admire her for that.

Speaking of hotness, she is the hottest diva in ডবলুডবলুই ever hands down. She just oozes sex appeal. Her in-ring attires were the best and perfectly matched her body and style. Every girl would want to be like her and every guy would want to be with her.

She is and will remain the best Diva in ডবলুডবলুই and I respect আপনি for all that আপনি have প্রদত্ত to the WWE!

P.S. I could safely say that during her time in WWE, she was the sexiest woman on earth and I just প্রণয় her. Please come back!!
 Trish Stratus in ring
Trish Stratus in ring
 Trish in a magazine shoot
Trish in a magazine shoot
added by Lida
added by Lida
added by Lida
added by samarthparikh62
Trish Stratus might be the greatest Diva to ever set foot inside a ডবলুডবলুই ring.

Gorgeous, powerful and talented, the Canadian beauty was easy on the eyes, but tough on opponents. This rare mix of good looks and skill helped Trish nab a record seven Women’s Championships during her run with WWE.

Stratus’s reputation as one of the greatest females in sports-entertainment history did not come easily though. First achieving success as a fitness model, she entered ডবলুডবলুই in March of 2000 as a manager, leading the careers of Test, Albert and Val Venis. Immediately, the ডবলুডবলুই Universe could tell she was...
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added by Lida
added by Lida
added by jessfan
Source: google.com/images