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This টুইলাইট সিরিজ screencap contains রাস্তায়, শহর দৃশ্য, and শহুরে. There might also be রাস্তার যে অংশ দিয়া যানবাহন চলাচল করে, অটোমোবাইল, গাড়ী, অটো, suv, and ট্রাক.

posted by KatiiCullen94
to darkfairy97! thank you!

i woke.if আপনি called that sleeping. but i diddnt want to move, i was too shocked to move, like i couldn't, paralized . again.
Jacob ব্যক্ত that he wasn't going to leave the house after last night, had givin up to continuing carrying on about the scent.
i jsut sat back ,and diddnt reply. i couldn't say a word. my face was numb, my whole body was cut off from me.
i knew that me অভিনয় this way would give concerns to jacob, but that diddnt matter now. i believe that after seeing Carlisle that Jacob knew who was there last night, but was too afraid of me to ask what happened....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
edward point of view.

(p.sfor New_moon_master!)

imortality, hurts when আপনি have nothing to live for.
the darkness helps, being alone, cutting off all sanity.
bella., her brown eyes. her scaret blush, fragile. beautiful. Isabella.

"Carlisles home, edward please come down and greet your father."
esmes thoughts begged. she found any eccuse just to see me act "normal"
i diddnt move, only to continue my rocking back and forth.
"hey carlisle, how was work?" alice ব্যক্ত joyfully.
"umm ok i guess" he mumled, even up here i could hear everything that was said.
"i saw bella today"
my head jerked up. and i sped...
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Hope ya like it!

Bella’s POV
Uuuh what happened? “ Bella? Bella sweetie?” called a sharp yet beautiful velvet voice.
I opened my eyes and sat up. In front of me there was a man with black hair and almost translucent skin.
I shot up and got into a fighting stance. “Who are you!? How do আপনি know my name?” I growled. “Bella?” he looked confused. “It’s me Aro. Don’t আপনি remember?” he was staring at me as if I had grown a সেকেন্ড head. “What are আপনি talking about? What don’t I remember?” I ব্যক্ত to him putting as much coldness...
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This is the lyrics to death cab for cutie meet me on the equinox on the new moon soundtrack. Enjoy!

Meet me on the equinox
Meet me halfway
The sun is perched at its highest peak
In the middle of the day

Let me give my প্রণয় to you
Let me take your hand
And as we walk in the dimming light
Oh darling understand

That everything
Everything ends
That everything
everything ends

Meet me on your best behaviour
Meet meet on your worst
For there will be no stone unturned
Or bubble left to burst
Let me lay beside আপনি darling
Let me be your man
And let our bodies intertwine
But always understand

That everything
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posted by AliceRoxx
This is Bella dwelling on how her life turned out. It is supposed to be if Alice never saw her jump off the cliff, so they didn't go to the Volturi, Edward is still alive somewhere but she hasn't seen any of the Cullens since her disastrous birthday party. Enjoy!

“Goodnight Mama!”

“Goodnight sweetie, I’ll see আপনি bright and early in the morning, ready for fishing with Grandpa ok? প্রণয় you”

I hugged and kissed my two, adorable children and wished them goodnight.

Oh, how big they were getting! Ben was almost eight! How I loved our little Ben, just like his father. The same sun-kissed,...
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Nightmares no Dreams, things I see,
one of them is you,
because we're বিভক্ত করা in two,
all of my life,
I dreamed to be your wife,
it isn't real,
আপনি don't know how I feel,
it took me so long,
to figure out you're wrong,
I drive down the road,
not knowing where to go,
might as well jump off a cliff,
I have no idea if I'll live,
so now I'm at the bottom of the ocean,
my mind going through all of this confusion,
I have no আরো air,
I still don't see আপনি anywhere,
but you're trying to save me,
I thought আপনি still hated me,
as my fingers slip through yours,
I now touch the sea floor,
knowing that I won't exsist anymore.
posted by TWILIGHTFAN1557
The years passed দ্বারা quickly and like time Renesmee grew quickly.But thankfully this did not bother me anymore for I knew she would live নিরাপদ and happly forever with her Jacob and family always দ্বারা her side.She had grown to be exacly like Edward but Edward still insisted that she had my eyes.Nessie was 12 now.It was so amazing how patient Jacob has been with Renesmee it wasn't like he was in a hurry for her to grow up he just enjoyed every moment of being with Nessie. Everything was just so blissfully calm and perfect.Edward,Jacob, our Nessie,and me were out hunting in La Push ,the pack didn't...
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 *Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is some pics from when Bella enters the Ballet studio. :)
*Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is some pics from when Bella enters the Ballet studio. :)
I shook as the driver pulled up to the sidewalk পরবর্তি to the Ballet Studio. I nodded to the driver, then he took off. The yellow chipped taxi zooming off into the pitch black darkness. I glanced at the doors to the ballet studio. Rigid, old wood framed delicate paned glass. I grasped the rusty old handle and heaved with all my might to open it, expecting it to be heavy. Which it wasn't and I flew backwards. I fell into the door but kept half my balance. I quietly stepped into the studio.
"Bella.. Bella, Bella where are you?"
I ran towards her voice in frantic movements. The sound was...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 13

“Where’s my dad?” I asked Jacob. “Is that him sleeping upstairs?” I asked. Jacob just shook his head yes. “Thanks for bring her here and I need আপনি and just আপনি tomorrow at my house for Neisse. All the rest of the people will fill আপনি in. I প্রণয় আপনি Jacob like a brother and a son. Thank- আপনি for over all these years. Edward and I need to get প্রথমপাতা so I’ll see আপনি in the morning make আপনি sure আপনি get there. Bye “I said. Edward picked up Neisse and we started walking out the door in the woods then we started running home.
    When we got home...
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Rotten Tomatoes has a pretty cool প্রবন্ধ featuring 5 cool facts about The Twilight Saga: Eclipse!

Fact #1: It’s Darker

The brand new poster for Eclipse (above) hints at a darker tone with its brooding storm clouds. With 30 Days of Night director David Slade at the helm, it’s unsurprising. “Every movie is different because we work with a different director on each one, which I love,” Taylor Lautner tells RT. “David Slade is perfect for the third film because it’s darker. Eclipse was my favourite book.”

Ashley Greene, who plays vampire Alice, tells RT that Slade isn’t just a prince...
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 jake and bella
jake and bella
come যোগদান the Jacob n' Bella vs. Edward and Bella club!!It's where আপনি can come and বিতর্ক which of these two couples is better! SO PLEASE JOIN!!And আপনি can always come and post anything আপনি want about jacob and bella অথবা edward and bella অথবা each of them seperately!!! So PLEASE COME যোগদান AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS ABOUT THESE WONDERFUL COUPLES THAT WILL SOON ENCOURAGE OUR FUTURES!!JK!! No RUDE মতামত PLEASE!!!! EDWARD AND BELLA!!!


;) :) ;) :) ;) ;)
এডোয়ার্ড ও বেলা
edward and bella
posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 7: powers
My head hurt to much I just wished to die I think it was worse than the venom that spread in a humans body to change it to a vampire as my old vamp friend Kayla told me how painful it was for her. i wanted to scream and make the pain less দ্বারা screaming it out but my mouth didn’t obey me I tried to সরানো my hands, legs but they wouldn’t সরানো to it was like I was paralyzed my breathing got harder I needed আরো air then someone touched my forehead and brushed my cheeks going down to my breasts…. thats what Damien always does! What's happening? is he doing this to me he likes...
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posted by MissCupcake
জ্যাকব ব্ল্যাক
Jacob Black
Name: Jacob Black

Type: Human/Werewolf

Special Ability: None unique only to Jacob except those abilities that are common to werewolves: telepathy with his pack, delayed aging, advanced healing, senses, endurance, durability & strength.

About Them: Jacob Black is Bella's best friend from New Moon and on. He is a Quileute Native American and a werewolf-although later revealed to be a shape-shifter as he doesn't transform on the full moon. In Twilight, Jacob plays a minor role, being a forgotten childhood friend of Bella's. In an attempt to learn আরো about Cullens, Bella flirts with Jacob, and...
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posted by MissCupcake
জ্যাস্‌পার হ্যালে
Jasper Hale
Name: Jasper Hale

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: Can manipulate the emotions of those around him

About Them: Jasper Hale, originally born Jasper Whitlock, is the adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adoptive brother of Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie, and husband of Alice. Due to his past, where he was able to feed on humans whenever he chose, Jasper lacks strong self-control. However, we also find that the "vegetarian" lifestyle is not Jasper's first choice and that this also affects his self-control. Tall with honey blond hair, muscular but yet lean, Jasper portrays his special ability well....
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I don't know why Bella was অভিনয় so werid ,these past couple days.Maybe human stuff.
but that night i found out .....

"bella are আপনি ready to go back to the cottage"
I asked her from downstairs alice ,was playing bella barbie.I would give her a few মিনিট to wash the make-up off her face.
i heard her opening the door and her slow footsteps coming down the stairs. i don't know why but these last couple days she had been super careful of were she was going ....ohhh little did I know.

We were walking hand and hand back to the cootage when i put my arm...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 9:

“Its fine Love, Let’s get back and figure this out. Love, আপনি know আপনি can talk to me about anything right?”
    “Yes I know. I just needed time to think without having to worry about Jasper felling my Emotions অথবা Everyone looking at me and I think the family needed আপনি and Neisse needs আপনি to pick her up so I thought আপনি were needed there আরো than here with me.”
“Okay but don’t be scared to ask to talk. Let’s get প্রথমপাতা until Neisse gets very worried and Alice and Emmet come looking for us.” He ব্যক্ত with a make shudder .I laughed.
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posted by trailofexcuses
When আপনি really think about it, Twilight consists of 50% talk about how hot Edward is. 30% of the word "chagrin" and 20% other. Even my English teacher ব্যক্ত that it's written at a 5th grade পাঠ করা level, to which I completely agree. Bella and Edward aren't "in love" all they're experiencing is lust, obsession, infatuation. What good does Edward do to Bella? The whole time আপনি hear about how perfect he is. It's easy to make a perfect character, anyone can do it. Besides, according to SMeyer, Bella is an "independent woman." Well, how is she independent? All of her decisions are based on Edward...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 18
I opened my eyes I was not were I was before I fainted I was somewhere dark I could recognize the scents I was in italy!how did I get here
-oh dear Bella আপনি finally are awake!we didn’t know if we will see আপনি vampire alive again!
He came closer looking at my shocked and confused face then alec came in
-oh Bella your awake!
He came closer and hugged me like he was my best friend অথবা something I didn’t want to offend him so I hugged him back
-what's going on?
I asked as I was pushing alec away
-oh Bella আপনি were sleeping here for 100 years!and now আপনি finally woke!
-i fainted for a 100...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 17
Bella pov
We were playing chess on the sofa and as always I was winning! Hehehe it feels so great every time I beat him
-u lose again!
I ব্যক্ত and clapped my hands
-yeah your good at this thing
-well what can I say……………
He sttood up and hugged me
-tell me how আপনি do this?
He whispered
I touched his head and tapped it hard and said
-just think.
He kissed my forehead and went upstaires to change cause we were going hunting
He came back and we raced deep in the green greeny jungel I always hated that color I like bron ,warm রঙ like the sun…………………….
I stopped at my...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I've got writers block. NO! And the world comes crashing down around me :(

No really I do have writers block. লেখা this chapter was hard so, I hope it turned out good!

Rate & মতামত Please ;)


When we got into Alice's car she was about to burst. I could just tell that she wanted to know everything that had happened when she was gone. And knowing Alice, she wouldn't be happy until she knew every last detail.

"So tell me, how did it go?" Alice ব্যক্ত while trying not to sound too anxious.

"AMAZING!" I blurted out before I could contain myself....
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