Twilight vs Buffy Club
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posted by HoltNLucy4Ever
Ever since I first started watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, I've always felt that অ্যাঞ্জেল was a better match for Buffy than Spike. To me, Bangel is the perfect couple and they're soul mates who are star-crossed প্রেমী like Romeo and Juliet. They've had to deal with things that no other couple have had to deal with but yet they've come out strong in the end. অ্যাঞ্জেল is the one that Buffy truly is meant to be with because she told him she was cookie dough and not fully baked while অ্যাঞ্জেল told her that he wasn't getting any older. They have been through a lot and I will always প্রণয় them. I've always...
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 Now, what's this business about sparkley vampires?
Now, what's this business about sparkley vampires?
This may be a little opinionated, since I am an avid Buffy অনুরাগী and Anti-Twilight, but here goes:

1. First and foremost, the vampires. In myths and legends, ভ্যাম্পায়ার are, in one word, evil. They are bloodsucking creatures of the night with an aversion to sunlight and a fear of things holy. They can be killed দ্বারা decapitation, fire, and a stake to the heart.

Buffyverse ভ্যাম্পায়ার embrace these myths, taking on a human appearence and shifting into "game-face" (yellow eyes, bumps, and fangs) at will. Sure, some ভ্যাম্পায়ার may have quirks and essentially good personalities, but they all have the same features...
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 Spike! I agree!
Spike! I agree!
This is basicly for people who are thinking of পাঠ করা twilight. Well I say DONT! never wast your money on something as shitty as "twilight"
when আপনি could buy something REALLY good like The Vampire Diaries দ্বারা L.J smith, অথবা mabey আপনি could watch something BRILLIANT like Buffy the vampire slayer insted of the "twilight" movies. LISTEN TO MY ADVICE! The acters/actresses put NO amotion AT ALL into there acting. And twilight basicly copied the vampire diariese just took out all of the really good starylines and replaced them with SPARKLING vampires. COME ON!, and the fact that edward is clingy and...
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