Waterbending Club
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added by The_Shizzali
Source: অবতার Spirit
added by The_Shizzali
added by The_Shizzali
added by masterkatara
Source: drawn দ্বারা a যেভাবে খুশী person on photobucket
added by The_Shizzali
added by parpar27
added by denerop
added by bobos
added by The_Shizzali
added by The_Shizzali
added by bobos
added by The_Shizzali
added by AvatarAang97
added by bobos
added by The_Shizzali
added by The_Shizzali
Source: AvatarSpirit.net
added by AvatarAang97
posted by wordbender
(Sung to the tune of the Rippingtons’ fusion-jazz hit with the same শিরোনাম from their album, “Sahara”)

Born of the water tribe,
This girl’s divine;
Dig that vibe.
Who could ever ask for more,
Having searched from কূল to shore?
Never imagined what was in store….

So let the আগুন inside
Reach out and shine,
To help us decide
What to do to end this war;
Never been there before.
Let this world remember this girl…

Leaving behind her
Home, reaching far out to find a
New way,
The start of a new day,
Never thought darkness fades away,
As she’s bending the water she gathers to rise,
This girl with the...
continue reading...
added by AvatarAang97
added by The_Shizzali