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added by R33n33sm3
added by webcam
A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten husbands.

On their wedding night, she told her new husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin."

"What?" ব্যক্ত the puzzled groom.

"How can that be if you've been married ten times?"

"Well, Husband #1 was a sales representative: he kept telling me how great it was going to be.

Husband #2 was in software services: he was never really sure how it was supposed to function, but he ব্যক্ত he'd look into it and get back to me.

Husband #3 was from field services: he ব্যক্ত everything checked out diagnostically but he just couldn't get the system...
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added by Poziomka
posted by akaneikegami
The following are actual examples from Children's Essays I have read. The লেখা prompt was: tell a story about a হারিয়ে গেছে puppy. The children involved were from 3rd to 6th Grade. Enjoy.

Recess. All the calm the kids kept during school was let out with squeals, screams and running wildly about.

We went out to the playground. I watched in disgust as Erica took a big bite out of her চিনাবাদাম butter, marshmallow and black জলপাই sandwich.

Suddenly I hear a little wine and a big তিমি coming from behind the slide.

We saw a dog that looked Hispanic. He was so dehydrated that he gained five pounds when I spit...
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added by DaPuglet
Source: DaPuglet
Actor Zack স্বর্ণ is rising fast among the web টেলিভিশন industry recently receiving a nomination for ‘Best Male Performance’ in a Comedy দ্বারা The International Academy of Web টেলিভিশন for his role in “Stockholm.” The IAWTV Awards event serves as a platform for members to honor the best of their profession, so it’s no surprise that স্বর্ণ was thrilled with the nod which came out of the আরো than 470 officially-submitted web series.

Gold is a notable rising actor in Hollywood having held lead roles in six feature films. This past বছর he was nominated for Best Actor at the Los Angeles...
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added by Poziomka
Source: www
 "Act-Anon" - poster
"Act-Anon" - poster
Calling all Actors! No…not for an audition, but instead to check out the hilarious new web series “Act-Anon.”

This fictional saga follows members of a 12-step style program for বন্ধু and family of actors addicted to their craft. Actress Camille Thornton-Alson created the series based on real-life experiences, but isn’t looking to poke fun at actors…just simply laugh along with them.

Camille adds, "I প্রণয় actors and our craft. I wanted to create a fun and exciting platform for some newer talent to be seen. And, because it’s directly related to the industry, I thought it would be...
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The five stages of Giraffe death as seen on robot chicken. Funny.
robot chicken
adult swim
 "Bad Therapy" - poster
"Bad Therapy" - poster
Looking for ‘Bad Therapy’? Well, I’ve found it!

Actress Kaylee Sapieha is offering up some not-so-sound উপদেশ in her brand new comedy web series, “Bad Therapy.” Based loosely on some real-life experiences and a friend’s mock therapy session as part of a school project, Kaylee proves that not all therapy is equal starring as the problem-creating Therapist, Pipa Whistler. Dealing with some pretty major issues, like alcohol, drug addiction, lying, depression and anxiety, the series offers up something for everyone to laugh about.

Kaylee adds, “I loved working on this project for...
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 "Airport Douchery" - (L-R): Alice Toohey, Sonora Chase, Jennifer Lee Weaver
"Airport Douchery" - (L-R): Alice Toohey, Sonora Chase, Jennifer Lee Weaver
‘Tis the season…for travel nightmares! And, with that actress/creator Sonora Chase has set out to humorously commiserate with anyone heading to the airport this holiday season, launching her new comedy web series “Airport Douchery.” The three part series takes flight on YouTube November 14th, followed দ্বারা FunnyOrDie.com on November 17th.

In addition to creating her own work, Chase portrayed ‘Betty’ on ABC’s “Romantically Challenged,” worked with legendary director Martin Scorsese for a role on HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire,” and appeared on the NBC series “Chuck.” She was...
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added by Poziomka
Source: www
 Matthew Cornwell & Brooke Jaye Taylor in "Becky & Barry: The Series"
Matthew Cornwell & Brooke Jaye Taylor in "Becky & Barry: The Series"
Ever wonder how actors stay so optimistic on the typically bumpy and never-ending road to stardom?

That’s exactly what you’ll explore in the first three seasons of the comedy web series “BECKY & BARRY: THE SERIES.”

The series comes from Atlanta-based creators/ producers/ stars Matthew Cornwell and Brooke Jaye Taylore (a real-life husband and wife), who engaged স্থূলবুদ্ধি বাচাল ব্যক্তি D Zimmerman to direct the episodes. No doubt some of the antics are based on their actual experiences and they also brought some special guests along for the ride, including Mark Fincannon (North Carolina-based Casting...
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added by adavila
added by Poziomka
Source: www
added by Poziomka
Source: www
added by Poziomka
Source: www
added by Poziomka
Source: www
added by Liryz