Is this too cliche/predictable?

In my story, the main character befriends someone she and her বন্ধু (and pretty much everyone else) did not like. Just a few আরো pieces of information, that is vital to the story, the main character is newly paraplegic, and the boy she befriends is also paraplegic. I was thinking in the end the boy starts dating one of the main character's friends? অথবা is that too cliche অথবা predictable that someone who once hated someone ends up dating them?

If আপনি think it's not, which friend do আপনি think would be best? One is somewhat of a girly girl and is pretty nice. It is her fault however that the main character is paralyzed.
The other is somewhat of a tom girl, is very sarcastic and impulsive, and had the most aversion to the boy.
The boy's personality is very sweet and goofy, but he's also a little damaged.

Thanks for any help!
 para-scence posted বছরখানেক আগে
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লেখা উত্তর

LaDispute said:
Nah it's a good idea! And I'd go with the first friend, because I like the idea of the struggle she could have with her guilt and him helping her get over that etc. etc... Unless আপনি weren't going that way at all but... xP

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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
Thanks! I'm still not certain, but that friend does/is have struggles with her guilt. Thank you! :]
para-scence posted বছরখানেক আগে
Puppetmaster111 said:
Well, it does not sound that cliche', it just kind of depends on exactly who he starts dating. Like if it were the main character অথবা a very significant character, the reader would think 'of course'. Now, a যেভাবে খুশী friend sounds a lot better because it is not that predictable (cause the main character usually ends up getting the guy/girl).

Hope this helps :)
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
Thank you, and it's definitely not going to be the main character. :] Thanks!
para-scence posted বছরখানেক আগে
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