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Girl's P.O.V.

It was cold, and I curled up under the small blanket in the রাস্তা ally. I cannot believe my mom through me out! She's such a mean person....why I'd like to.........car lights? I closed my eyes and waited for the car to stop.
"Hello?" It was a guy, I peeked up and saw it was Yugi Muto, I couldn't believe this! I stood.
"Hi." I breathed, he looked shocked at first.
"Are আপনি alright?" He asked, I nodded no. "Do আপনি need a place to stay?" He asked, all I did was nod. He picked me up and placed me in the back of his car. A girl was sitting up front, she had short hair, and looked really...
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I fairly opend my eyes, a swaying motion rocked me like being in a crib. I opend my eyes a little আরো to see Yugi above me, I was in his arms. I closed my eyes for a moment, and he chukled, and I heard a key opening a door, click,click,click. It turned three times, and then I opend my eyes onley into slits, and a big wooden door swung open into a beautiful house. I opend my eyes in suprise, it was dark, but I could see the different colors, and funiture. It was a grand manson maybe. House. Building? I didn't know, but it overwhelmed me, and I decided to close my eyes once আরো dozing off a...
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posted by Courtneyfan6
Akiza: Up!
Akiza and Mai: Up!
Akiza, Mai, and Alexis: Up!
Akiza, Mai, Alexis, and Mina: Up!
Tristan: Sing!
Tristan and Joey: Sing!
Tristan, Joey, and Jack: Sing!
Tristan, Joey, Jack, and Kalin: Sing!
Girls: We're flying.
Boys: And singing.
All Except Tea, Yusei, Bakura, and Crow: We're flying and we're singing!
Mai: Come fly with us!
Mai and Joey: Come fly with us!
Carly: We've got a lot 'o crazy tunes to bust! Haha!
Akiza: Come fly with us!
Akiza and Mina: Come fly with us!
Alejandro: It's a pleasure, and an honor, and a must. (Akiza sighs in love)
Yusei: Guys, this is messed. You're গান গাওয়া in a plane.
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posted by Courtneyfan6
(The story starts with Joey sleeping at his house with chips on his stomach, in a white শার্ট and underwear)

Mai: Unacceptable!

Joey: Mai!

Mai: My বন্ধু will be here in 20 মিনিট for my slumber party and you're laying around in your tighty-no-longer-whities.

Joey: A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend.

Mai: If আপনি trusted me আপনি would leave for the night.

Joey: (he laughs and ভূট্টা chips come out of his nose) আপনি make ভূট্টা Crunch come out my nose!

Mai: Joey!

Joey: Look, I'll stay upstairs in my room and not interrupt.

Mai: আপনি promise?

Joey: I promise.

Mai: Good night,...
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posted by safben
        Chapter 6: The uninvited guests

    Yugi, Ryou, and Malik sat পরবর্তি to the steps that led to the throne. Yugi was the one closest to the steps so he got a good view of the Pharaoh if he turned his head. Atem looked at the slave sitting পরবর্তি to the steps.
“First off to start tonight's celebration are the dancers!” Seto announced as six Egyptian girls came out to the middle of the সিংহাসন room.
All eyes were on the dancers. All of them were wearing পরাকাষ্ঠা and yellow skirts and white tops that covered most of their chests, but it...
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posted by safben
This chapter is pretty much explaining about the character's past, but I had to change a lot about Malik's past. Rate and মতামত and most importantly, enjoy.

Chapter 3: Ryou and Malik speak of their past

    As the sun was rising upon the horizon, the entire Mediterranean sea shined. Like a sapphire the sparkling water looked so beautiful that one would want to touch it, but unlike a sapphire আপনি won't feel the same smoothness when one actually holds the gem. Upon the sea, Osiris' crew had already woken. Some were hauling the sails up, while others looked out for their homeland...
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"Hello!I'm the লেখক of Joey's worst দিন ever." Carly ব্যক্ত waving.
"You might want to know somethings about it."
"No we don't!" Marik called.
"Well." Marik ব্যক্ত leaving.
"Well now...Yes my name is Carly and-" Carly stop and looked to her left Marik was coming out of no where again.
"Kay." Marik ব্যক্ত leaving again.
"Some one lock him out!."
"Alright..Now আপনি may be wondering why I picked Screamshipping (Dark Bakura and Serenity) over Silentshipping (Seto and Serenity).Well I was watching this video link and it pushed me over...
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posted by anime_obsessed5
Joey went to বিছানা as the দিন came to an end.The পরবর্তি morning Serenity woke him up.
"Big brother it's time for school." Serenity ব্যক্ত waking Joey up.
"Alright get out so I can get dressed." Joey ব্যক্ত half asleep.
"Alright." Serenity ব্যক্ত leaving.
"(My little sister is growing up...)" Joey thought to him self.After he got dressed he went down stares realized he was going to be late the ran off to school.When he got there.
"Joey..." Yugi said.
"Yeah?" Joey answered.
"Isn't that Serenity's backpack?"
"What?" Joey ব্যক্ত looking at the backpack,It was Serenity's just as he realized so Serenity came running...
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posted by anime_obsessed5
Serenity dropped to her knees she cried,Yugi Turned into Yami.
"Don't cry little cutie." Yami ব্যক্ত to Serenity.
"What?" Serenity asked
"Yami don't use my body to hit on Serenity!!" Yugi's spirit yelled.
"Make me!" Yami said.
Yami and Yugi started to fight for the body.
"Would someone help me?" Seto said.
"Kay." Marik said
Marik Seto stand up.Mai came in and held Serenity
"There there let it all out." Mai ব্যক্ত as Serenity cried into her.Bakura was losing the duel.Serenity pushed Mai away.
"Switch out with me!" Serenity ব্যক্ত standing up.
"What?" Evil Bakura asked.
"Switch out I'll take over!"
"But you'll...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Monsters (x20)

Poseidra, The Atlantean Dragon (x2)
Atlantean Dragoons (x2)
Atlantean Marksman (x2)
Atlantean Heavy Infantry (x2)
Atlantean Attack Squad (x2)
Deep Sea Diva (x2)
Tridon, the Atlantean Emperor (x2)
Deep Diver (x2)
Mother Grizzly (x3)
Snowman Eater (x1)

Spells (x15):

Call of the Atlanteans (x3)
Salvage (x2)
Surface (x3)
Water Hazard (x1)
Mystical মহাকাশ Typhoon (x3)
Aqua Jet (x3)

Traps (x15)

Aegis of the Dragon Lord (x2)
Spiritual Water Art - Aoi (x1)
Poseidon Waves (x3)
Bubble Bringer (x2)
Icy Crevasse (x3)
Damage Diet (x2)
Mirror Force (x2)

Extra Deck (x10):

Number 32: হাঙ্গর পাতিহাঁস (x1)
Gagagigo the Risin (x1)
Snowdust Giant (x1)
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (x2)
Abyss Dweller (x1)
Aero হাঙ্গর (x2)
Black রশ্মি Lancer (x2)
posted by malandcar
A large knock at the the door awoke Yugi. The knock was at the front door. I’d better go see who’s at the door, a sleepy Yugi thought. He walked down to the door and opened it. There he found a girl. She was wet, as it was raining outside.
“May I spend the night here? It’s raining and I can’t find anywhere else to stay,” the girl said.
    “Ummmm, I’ll be right back,” Yugi replied as he went to ask his grandfather.
    “Grandpa, grandpa, wake up!” Yugi said, waking his grandfather.
    “What, what? Oh, it’s...
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Yugi Moto woke with a fright from a bad dream screaming, his grandfather came in to check on on him. Walking slowly in with an old raceing trophy to protect himself , he sliped in Yugi's room. "Yugi? Are আপনি alright my grandson?" He asked with concern for young Yugi.
"I'm fine grandpa.... I guess I just need some water." Yugi ব্যক্ত rasing up slowly as his granfather turned on the light.

Yugi walked to the রান্নাঘর tired,rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His blue pj pants drag the floor like a cat dragging in a mouse. Somehow during the night he had হারিয়ে গেছে শার্ট ,and he hadn't really noticed ityet....
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“Emma, Emma. Come on, wake up.” My eyes fluttered open when I felt someone shaking me. I looked up and saw dear ol’ pops. I felt unusually groggy; I’m usually willing to wake up. So, I thought, it must be early. I turned to see neon numbers illuminating, numbers that read 3:15.

“Dad, what do আপনি want? It’s three in the morning.” I ব্যক্ত sleepily, still half asleep. “Emma, normally I would scold আপনি about আপনি talking to that Kaiba character last night, but this is urgent. I’ve been up all night because of it.” He said.

“Why can’t আপনি just sleep on it like normal people?”...
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So, when I got home, I took a ঝরনা and changed out of that hideous school uniform. At least I only have to wear it on Mondays. Great, another reason to hate the day.

After my shower, I put on my long sleeved, gray Omni-Peace shirt, some Mudd jeans, and a pair of gray socks. I have this strange, unbreakable habbit of always wearing socks, even to the beach! But, of course, my dad makes me take them off before stepping out of our hover craft and slipping on some sandals.

I finished my science homework for Mr.A and flopped on my বিছানা with a bowl of রামেন noodles I got from the kitchen. I then...
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*As Mia was walking, she noticed a girl standing in the snow looking at the sky*

Mia: hey, what are আপনি doing here alone?

Girl: I like to make poems about nature's beauty, so that's what I'm looking at.

Mia: But it's so cold out, why don't আপনি come with me to a বড়দিন party ^^

Girl: ^^ That sounds awesome, I'm Silver দ্বারা the way

*Silver & Mia head to the party*

Ryo: *looks out window to where Silver and Mia were*

I've deided that I don't প্রণয় আপনি anymore

Bakura: That's good. who are আপনি trading me in for?

Ryo: That girl that was with that other girl

Bakura: >.> that girl, really?

Ryo: well,...
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posted by InvaderCynder
"you go first." i invited Yugi. he nodded and looked at his new hand of cards. his poker face was imposable to break, that's for sure."I'll start দ্বারা laying this card face down." he explained as he did just that."and then I'll play Kuriboh in defense mode and end my turn." he concluded. "man, আপনি guys sure like that little পশম ball." i giggled.i looked at my hand of cards and smiled."I'll just put this card down and end my turn." i told him. he got a confused look on his face for a few সেকেন্ড but then just went with it."I put multiply on my Kuriboh and send the multiples at your life points...
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posted by InvaderCynder
i was walking in Egypt when i saw somebody with a really weird but somehow cool hair style walk into a hidden passage way.I decided to check it out, not knowing what else to do. i was at a curious age, after all.i stopped humming so i wouldn't be detected.unfortunately, i was detected anyways.and, boy, was i surprised it was just a kid! "who are আপনি and what do আপনি want?" he demanded,seeming fearless. i could sense the fear দ্বারা the jerky twitches in his eyes. I could not, however, make up a comeback.

Suddenly his eyes grew with both Anger and Amusement."well?" he asked in a আরো Mature voice."uh..."...
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posted by anime_obsessed5
Last time-

"(Aw man I'm lost...I blame Joey.)"
"Hey are আপনি lost?" A familiar yet kinder voice ব্যক্ত a bunch of mucilage guys showed up and pushed Serenity on the ground
"Okay just hand over the girl and we wont kill you." the leader ব্যক্ত
"Wow আপনি beat them all."
Evil Bakura offered her his and and he helped her up
Joey glared at Evil Bakura
"Keep away from her."
"Whatever." Evil Bakura ব্যক্ত going back to the dark place
"Big brother your such a jerk!"
"He helped me and আপনি threatened him!"
"....(Does she...?)"
Joey and Serenity got finally...
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posted by anime_obsessed5
*What happened last time-
"Hello my name is Marik.What's yours young lady?"
"Serenity Wheeler."
"Hey I was Talking to the hot girl!"Marik ব্যক্ত angrily
"WHAT?!" Joey Yelled Moving in front of his little sister
"Well no need to get touchy."
"You Four better Stay away from Serenity!" Joey exclaimed*

Joey stormed out of the room after Serenity
"Serenity I don't want আপনি coming to my school any more."
"A-Alright.....But that one was kinda cute...."
"Which one?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Serenity skipped away happy and giggly when she bumped in to Tristan
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added by BellatrixFan