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added by azulann
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
Another Child

{Thunder and wind. Camera passes some calmly grazeing horses; we open
on Seto's room.}

Asante sana
Squash banana
We we nugu
Mi mi apana!

{We see he is painting on his wall: a new child, with the
ceremonial mark across the forehead, next to the old drawing of Atem.}

Ahh, Mana...

{Wind blows Seto's hair wildly, signifying Aknamkanon's presence}

Ooh, Aknamkanon! Such a day this has been! Princess Mana's birth...
another Circle of Life is complete, and the Pride's future is once
again secure.

{Wind blows at the paintings, scattering some of the markings}

Aaah! Stop it, stop it,...
continue reading...
added by Hanna467
added by Anime_Manga
added by BellatrixFan
added by Yugi1
added by Hayorotsed_Kole
Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
added by QueenYamara
added by FanFic_Girl_26
posted by DusanIvanovic
Ever wanted to cheat?So easy,there are a lot ways.
1.Prepare deck,and on turns আপনি have just a strong cards like Dark Magician,Blue Eyes White Dragon (i have it not deck of it) and many more!
2.Use a strongest card in one turn.
3.Never ever say that আপনি listened to this প্রবন্ধ cause,people will look at it and cheat against আপনি be careful.
4.Last turn,you have to choose a strongest card EVER to beat your opponent easy.
5.Drop all weak and useless cards.
Look at those cards,they are so easy to cheat with.
Hope আপনি enjoyed cheating.
If আপনি have some weak cards,you can go to ভান্দার tommorow অথবা today/tonight অথবা some another day.Then,drop every weak cards (they have like a 900 and less (1000 and আরো is stronger) like a Kuriboh haves less than that).
added by lilmissYuganna
Source: Yuganna
added by QueenYamara
added by Wolf_Rin
Source: https://yemachu.github.io/cardmaker/
added by lilmissYuganna
added by lilmissYuganna
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER