Zero Kiryuu Club
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added by peteandco
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added by peteandco
অনুরাগী video দ্বারা emodirector123
ভ্যাম্পায়ার নাইট
zero kiryuu
অনুরাগী video
দুর্গ of glass
added by Flickerflame
added by LowriLorenza89
added by Mew123
added by juurizero
added by LowriLorenza89
added by Nalu-love
Kaname and Zero were both freshly scrubbed, dressed and ignoring one another studiously দ্বারা the time the others arrived. Kaname had wanted to avoid meeting anyone in their room and so he and Zero had taken a টেবিল in the hotel's sleepy little bar and grill, which was adjacent to the lobby and allowed them to see when familiar faces appeared.

The Chairman and Yuki arrived first. Kaname was his usual, collected self as he greeted them, rising and pulling out a chair for Yuki at the end of the table, পরবর্তি to where he was sitting. He smiled, commenting softly and sincerely that he was glad to see...
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Only after Zero finally left through the window did Kaname try to rise from where he was sitting. He wavered slightly, gripping the দেওয়াল beside him for support. Could never have let Zero see that, couldn't let anyone see that. Of all the things that Kaname Kuran was expected and required to be… weak was not one of them. No one could see him weak.

He was still bleeding. Damn that boy and his stupid gun. Slowly shrugging out of the dark, now bloodstained শার্ট he was wearing, Kaname threw it into the fireplace, letting it burn, like he'd burnt the white school uniform stained with Shizuka's...
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About the club:
This club has been made(by Gwiazdeczka)for the Fanpopers loving,liking অথবা being interested in character Zero Kiryuu from manga/anime/light novels Vampire Knight of mangaka Matsuri Hino,director Sayama and writer Fujisaki Ayuna.This is a spot designed to access আরো information,images and প্রবন্ধ about Zero,and it also makes আপনি have আরো friends.

Aims of the club:
-To help আপনি প্রদর্শনী your প্রণয় to Zero and contact many other fans.
-To help আপনি get আরো information and প্রতিমূর্তি about him.
-To help আপনি প্রদর্শনী your thoughts in order to change some anti-Zero fans'mind.

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ভ্যাম্পায়ার নাইট
zero kiryuu
I was supposed to be away that night," Kaname continued with the quiet determination of one who had a difficult and unpleasant, but unavoidable task ahead. His audience listened silently. "It was my parent's anniversary, so the idea was to give them some time alone. I'd already spent the দিন with some family friends, the Kimuras, and was to spend the night as well, returning প্রথমপাতা in the morning. It was not uncommon for me to do so. I knew few children my own age who were not either frightened of me অথবা obsequies to the extent of unbearable. The Kimura family lived very nearby and they had a...
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added by Gwiazdeczka
Source: PSNick
added by Darkness_Reaper
It was a bright, sunny দিন despite the fall chill and the encroaching scent of winter in the air. Wind rustled through the late autumn leaves, ablaze with color in the sunset of their short lives. One অথবা two of the slowly shedding leaves drifted languidly on the breeze, landing with a sound only audible to vampire hearing.

Slightly আরো audible was the hushed rustle of fabric, the quiet shifting and shuffling of many feet. Here and there a soft, sporadic cough, a whispered word অথবা the sound of someone sniffing into a hanky occasionally punctuated the respectful silence as Chairman Cross's glossy,...
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-Are আপনি joking???-Walking slowly on the street,Zero asked Maria following him behind.
-Yes that's truth!-Maria replied-I'm walking,then got lost,and finally found out আপনি here,nothing more.
-I don't believe that a vampire like আপনি have to go out in the day.The Night Class only opens in nights,doesn't it?-Zero still ব্যক্ত coldly.
-Uhm...I...-Suddenly Maria stopped saying.She fell down,might broke face to the রাস্তা if Zero didn't hold her.Hugging her arms tight,Zero looks at Maria worried.
-What's wrong with you?-He asked.
-Nothing Zero...I'm just not fine so much when I go under the sunlight...-Maria...
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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: photobucket