Favorite TV Show: The Office, The Soup, Ghosthunters and Ghosthunters International, King of Queens, Cash Cab, ক্রাইম সিন ইনভেস্টিগেশন Los Vegas, Big Cat Diary and many more.
Favorite Movie: Harry Potter 1-7, Super, The Rocker, Juno, The Hangover, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Office Space, তারকা Wars, Sherlock Holmes and many more.
Favorite Musician: Evanescence, Slip Knot, Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Metallica, Green Day, Marilyn Manson, NIN, Portishead, Tori Amos and many, many more.
Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, Jack the Ripper mystery uncovered, A বছর At The Movies, The Pursuit of Happyness, most stephen King and Alice In Wonderland