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7 Things আপনি Need To Know About The Charlottesville Violence And White Supremacist Terror Attack


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I agree with much of this.

The alt-right is a small portion of the right and it's stupid to equate the two. Many of the ideals of the alt-right are anathema to the ideals of the traditional right - the former is a fundamentally authoritarian ideology, for one. Accusing conservative people of being alt-right is harmful and counter-productive.

Concerning #2: While their numbers may be overstated, the influence/threat of the alt-right is not. While they're only a portion of the right, the US President himself borrows from their rhetoric, implements their ideas, and hires from their base. Their social media presence is growing link: it's grown 600% since 2012. It's an unfortunate fact that their ideas about nationalism and immigration are probably being normalised and bleeding into the mainstream right (and otherwise 'moderate' people). We've now had numerous terrorist attacks inspired by alt-right or white supremacy ideology: Dylann Roof killed 9 people in a black church, Alexandre Bisonette opened fire in a mosque and killed 6 people, Anders Breivik killed 77 young people at a Labour youth camp, a Minnesota mosque was recently bombed, and now this.

A few qualms with this article: I don't agree that the acts on both sides "culminated" in this - the protesters did absolutely nothing to deserve murder, and the blame lies with the perpetrator and his ideology alone. "Antifa thugs and miscellaneous counter-protesters" comes across as quite callous. And lol, not every anti-racism protester is a violent, "hard-left Marxist", in fact, not even the majority of them.

Anyway while I don't agree with everything in there, his overall tone was quite reasonable.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে