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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Revenge, Brooklyn and আরো

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Revenge’ Renewed অথবা Cancelled: Season 5 on ABC | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to 
? The last few episodes have all felt very series-finale leaning. Will it be renewed or cancelled? And if we
get a Season 5, is there a major revamp in store? —Sean
Ausiello: Based on what I’m hearing about the finale, there would
to be a major revamp if the show returns for a fifth season. Actually, forget revamp — there’d have to be a
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Question: Ever since Emily VanCamp tweeted that picture of herself with Tom Amandes, I’ve been freaking out over the impending
Ausiello: Oh, we know quite a bit, Tim, including that the circumstances of their meeting might not be as clear-cut as they seemed in VanCamp’s tweet. “I know that it appears Amanda Clarke is in prison garb in a courtroom, but in regards to this show, it really means nothing,”
showrunner Sunil Nayar advises. “It could mean she’s been arrested, or it could mean she’s undercover, or it could mean she’s pulling a play on someone.” All right, Tim, take your pick!
Ausiello: Just because Jane and Rafael have broken up doesn’t mean sex is off the table. The titular virgin is “looking for anything she can do to salvage the relationship because she’s so in shock,” executive producer Jennie Urman reveals. “[Sex] comes up in a few different contexts, and then there are some surprising turns in that area.”
the thing I was hoping would happen in the penultimate Season 8 episode — a scene or scenes with Christine Baranski
Laurie Metcalf together, and not via Skype or telephone — will actually happen.
‘s renewal chances, but they started shooting the last episode last week, so I hope there is something you can share about it!? —Mandy
Ausiello: Outside of what showrunner David Amann shared with Inside Line, plus this bit of guest casting, all I can add at this point is that the Season 7 finale finally has a title — and it’s… “Hollander’s Woods,” which of course is a reference to the “password” that Not Henry Jenkins used to earn Rick’s trust after his vanishing. BONUS SCOOP: Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic remain in deep negotiations with ABC on another season and I’m told this one could go down to the proverbial wire.
PHOTOSCancellation Anxiety: 8 Shows You Should Probably Start Worrying About
Ausiello: Lucky for you, Matt Mitovich chatted up the cast at this week’s Paley Center for Media event. So for one, we’ve got Kevin Chapman teasing the April 28 episode (aka Part 1 of the season finale), in which the POIs are no less than Dominick and Elias: “Fusco gets himself into a situation that he almost doesn’t get out of!” As for the season-ender itself, Michael Emerson warns, “It ends on a note of, ‘They cannot survive.’ That it is impossible that this can go on.”
? Sadie’s departure seemed awfully abrupt. I love the character and the chemistry she was developing with Luke. —Erin
Ausiello: It’s highly unlikely you will see her again this season (Benanti’s a little busy headlining the tourist-trap musical
is renewed, there’s a decent chance you will see a fair amount of Sadie
Ausiello: Even though Happy has been giving Toby the iciest of shoulders since he stood her up on their first date, EPs Nick Santora and Nick Wootton can promise a light at the end of the tunnel for fans of their relationship. “Toby’s not the type to give up,” notes Wootton. “It’s two people with very difficult, checkered emotional and romantic pasts trying to come together.” Adds Santora: “There’s a little wink and nod at the end [of the finale] that there might be a thawing between them.”
‘s Zooey Deschanel when she goes on maternity leave? –Rita
Ausiello: “She’s missing four episodes next season,” series creator Liz Meriwether tells TVLine. BONUS SCOOP: Meriwether says that Season 5 guest star John Cho, whose character Jess will meet while on jury duty, is playing a prosecutor at the courthouse.
casting Brianna and Roger for next season? —Lana
Ausiello: “We’re not close,” series creator Ronald D. Moore says about the process of picking actors to play [Spoiler alert!] Claire’s adult daughter and the Rev. Wakefield’s grown-up son (briefly glimpsed as a child asking for biscuits earlier this season). We can tell you that the Starz series also is actively casting the part of [No, seriously: Spoiler alert!] Alexander Randall, Black Jack Randall’s beloved brother — though star Tobias Menzies tells TVLine he hasn’t yet screen-tested with anyone in the role. “It’s the one human relationship he has in his life,” the actor adds, “so yeah, that could be very fruitful.”
Ausiello: After last year’s finale killed off one character (RIP Meera) and brought life-threatening injuries upon another, series creator Jon Bokenkamp made it clear that he’s not afraid of shocking people again in Season 2. “Those things that
sometimes scare us in the writers’ room are often the things that we find most exciting, and we try to surprise ourselves,” he says. So, what does that mean for Harold Cooper, whose terminal cancer may go untreated in the coming weeks? In short, it doesn’t look good. “That might fall into the realm of cliffhangers and surprising storytelling,” Bokenkamp hints. “He’s in a bad place. That is definitely a storyline that we’re going to be embracing and wrestling with until the end of the season.”
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Question: Any tiny scoop for the last episodes of 
Ausiello: In the season’s penultimate episode, “The Lost Boys” — which airs May 5 and continues a story arc about a terrorist group that recruits young people online — one of the NCIS agents will form a special connection with a boy caught in middle of the scheme.
Question: Big fan here, been reading your column for years and years, and you’ve never let me down yet…. so I
 inquire about the April 1 Blind Item in Ask Ausiello. Something tells me that this is somebody on a Fox Comedy. —Matthew
Ausiello: The Season 1 finale, airing May 5, is titled “All Happy Families Are Alike.” Now, is that not-at-all ominous, or ominous in its non-ominousness?
seems to be hinting that Charlie Barnett might leave the show. Can you shed light on that? —Anonymous
Ausiello: Well, as weighty promo that aired after Tuesday’s episode confirmed, Mills does indeed have a decision to make that will heavily impact his future. “He finally gets his dream job back, but as that presents itself, his mom and sister come forward and they have a chance to run a restaurant in North Carolina,” executive producer Matt Olmstead previews. “He’s really confronted with a choice, which is, ‘Have I fulfilled my father’s legacy to the extent that I feel comfortable? And do I want my remaining family, which I’m the protector of, to leave and go do this restaurant?\'” The resolution of his internal struggle will
Ausiello: One of our central Mistresses will appear before a judge when ABC’s sudser returns this summer — but it might not necessarily mean she’s facing fresh legal trouble. Turns out Rochelle Aytes’ April will be getting an unexpected visit from her mother, a well-respected Circuit Court judge with whom she does not have the closest relationship. The show is looking for a sixtysomething African American actress to recur as the regal and put-together Marjorie, who’ll first pop up in the sixth episode of the season. (Here’s hoping mother dear likes the coffee and scones April serves up at Maison Sur Mer!)
? The end of the season isn’t that far off, and I want them to have hooked up by the end! —Kate Ausiello: All I’ll say is their unrequited romance will be a major focus of the finale.
 on Friday the 10th, and when they were doing facial recon, I could have sworn that Alex O’Loughlin’s face was one of the faces. Am I losing my mind? Do they use staff? —Laura
mazing” and… no. Just stop it. That shtick works when I do it.
 closer is an immensely satisfying bookend to the pilot, not to mention one of the best series finales ever. There are at least two great surprises (one of which
made my jaw drop), a handful of wonderful callbacks and, in the great tradition of this fine show, several do-or-die sequences that will have you biting your nails completely off and spitting them across your living room into the fireplace where no one will find them until next winter when it’s time to resume log-burning.
♦ Kalinda exit update: The theory I put forth atop last week’s AA, in which I floated the possibility that 
of the prevailing theories being buzzed about will actually prove true, is gaining some ground.
That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments and anonymous tips to (
Additional reporting by Vlada Gelman, Andy Swift, Rebecca Iannucci and Kim Roots
I just want to know if they will finally reveal if Liz is Red’s daughter! I’m still on the fence about it sometimes I think she is and others I don’t ugh I just want answers!!
I don’t think he is. I think she will ultimately turn out to be the daughter of Red’s best friend, or partner, whom Red got killed somehow. Red started watching over her, and became attached.
I have NEVER believed he was the father. Even with the very first promo, I just never believed it.
Has it ever been stated on the show if Red had a brother or sister that died? Liz could be his niece?
Don’t really care if he is or not, I just want Tom dead and off the show.
Tom should’ve died last season. What a douche character, dragging down the entire show. Kill him already.
She should have killed Tom last season Ive never disliked a character so much
I’m just going to enjoy the last 4 episodes of Revenge under the assumption that they’re the last of the whole series! Honestly, as long as they tie up all of the storylines and don’t have any “David Clarke is alive”-esque cliffhangers, I’m fine with it ending.
Will Blue Bloods return for season six? I hope so, even though the writing isn’t up to snuff lately.
My anxiety about the Castle -contract -negotiations has reached new heights *sigh*!
Hey, there’s a bright side, for those who want/need it:
“Down to the proverbial wire” is better than “dead in the proverbial water.”
It shows that both sides are willing to haggle it out and see the process toward the end.
Though I think the show needs to wrap it up this season. It’s been rather disappointing in the creative department and downright abysmal in the logical department.
They also waffled in finale details they gave to sites like this one, which just continues to suggest they don’t have a handle on the stories they want/are able/are allowed to tell. Which is just crazy to consider for a show in its seventh season.
Plus, the curious sadist in me would be interested to see how ABC would attempt to move on without both actors signed on.
I hope ‘contract negotiations’ don’t just refer to cash or days off. I really hope the actors have a say in quality of writing and direction of the show. Don’t know if this is possible. I believe that SK does actually believe in quality over quantity. I would love the show to stay if the could get the writing/story line back to pre ugh seasons.
The notion of quality is so subjective, though, and there are only two ways to somewhat quantify it: ratings and awards. And those aren’t even good methods.
I’m not sure they can really earn significantly more cash with ratings as they are. And, as for days off, viewers online don’t seem to like Castle or Beckett – lite episodes – but ratings don’t necessarily track with that, either.
I think the writers genuinely believe in the stories they’re telling these days. Writers associated with heralded seasons have since moved on to other projects, and every season since has been infused with new (and less expensive) blood.
How can a show improve its quality if there’s no one with authority and clout to enact quality control? And if a network really believes there’s something wrong with a show’s quality, wouldn’t they sever all ties with the former regime once a showrunner steps down? Why would they let the former showrunner and his spouse remain on board in any capacity, if they had major issues with their creative direction?
I just don’t think ABC has ever seen the Castle’s flaws the same way as its critical fans have.
I’m familiar with the concept of quality assurance and the quality control methods designed to deliver it. I like you do not/cannot even make a suggestion as to how to provide it. It seems as though ratings and awards come way after these methods should be in place (ie, after the horse is out of the barn, so to speak, or the cow or someone is out of the barn, oh well). So using the measure would at best give us a retrospective glance–but it may be better than nothing. If someone could actually sit and figure what components of a particular episode is hitting or missing the mark, then future episodes might be modified–difficult, of course, because of how far in advance they shoot. However, they could do this task by looking at seasons 1-3, 4 too and bits of 5 and 6 (clearly not 6/23). perhaps. Dunno.
My feeling is that ABC doesn’t really put money into the show. For example, and this is minor, but might be telling, the sets aren’t always what they could be. I really, really like the loft, her apartment and the 12th. But when you get away from them, it’s sets made with sheets and bubble wrap, and we’re told how clever that is. I guess the latest huge complaint is about the wedding backdrop. It didn’t bother me as much as it did some, but why would they even do that? I also get the feeling that ABC doesn’t promote the show enough. So it appears and I’ve heard a bit, that budget isn’t great-don’t know the ins and outs of that process.
I think AM et al have stayed attached because it was there original concept and when they were so involved, let’s be honest, we were all much happier.
I was just thinking that part of the solution to all the QA/QC issues might just be that a show shouldn’t try to produce so many episodes per season. Perhaps it should be capped at 12-15 at most maybe even less.
Good points about ratings and awards being measures used too late in the game.
Like you, I think ABC has been neutral and borderline ambivalent about Castle’s existence, for a few reasons. But I also think that, if they were truly worried about similar issues many of us have been complaining about, they would have done something more when Marlowe stepped down. They certainly wouldn’t have entered into another development deal with him if they didn’t fully trust his judgment. (Even if it ended up being a courtesy first-look deal in good faith.)
I would just be surprised if ABC ever responds the way fans here and elsewhere believe they should.
me too…..I *sigh* just makes things worse, just go one way or the other!
IMO, this seems like a pretty pathetic attempt by the Chicago Fire writers to create drama for Mills’ character. His dream was to be on squad, then on PD, then deciding he definitely wants to be back on squad. If he is still questioning what he should be doing at this point in his life then he really shouldn’t be a firefighter. Leave it to the ones who are truly committed. Btw, we all know he’s not leaving.
So happy about The Big Bang Theory scoop. I mean it’s still great when they can get Christine Baranski even via Skype, but nothing’s better than when she’s actually there in person. I still love that episode where Penny gets Beverly drunk. Can’t wait for some Beverly/Mary scenes, I hope!!
What does “go down the proverbial wire” mean?? its something bad right?
On Person Of Interest, will Shaw come back?
Sarah Shahi has said that she will be out for at least two seasons as she raises her newborn twins.
She said that once and immediately backtracked. FYI. –Mgmt.
A whole new show for another season of Revenge. Makes me think there will be a lot of death, LOL!!
So the blind item is definitely referring to Tea Leoni on Madam Secretary
I wish Outlander would stretch out the books… There is SO MUCH story to both Books 1 & 2 (Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber) that they could easily do several seasons off the material in those books alone. I say this because (spoiler alert)–Jamie and Claire are going to suddenly age 20 years after Dragonfly in Amber and I love Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan in those roles. I know, I know… the magic of a phenomenal make-up dept can fix that… still… I want to see more than 16 episodes for all the action in Dragonfly in Amber.
P.S. I have several idea for Brianna–Molly Quinn, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Spencer (from Bones), Deborah Ann Woll, Karen Gillan. I’m coming a little short with Roger casting brainstorming…
As for their aging, the books did have Jamie say that Claire barely changed at all. The problem would be with everyone living hard lives in the 1700’s… They will need some makeup. Especially whatever 10 year old they get to play Fergus. :-)
Jim Sturgess would make a great Roger. I love Karen Gillian.
How about Matthew Goode? I always picture him when I think of Roger.
Honestly I’ve kinda resigned myself that this will be the last season of Castle. Though I admit it gives me some hope that Stana and Nathan are still negotiating. If they just didn’t want to do the show anymore they woulnd’t bother coming to the table at all. Which means there is at least some interest in continuing on the part of the actors. That gives me more hope than I had because it means there is a money number there that will bring them both back.
I think it politically behooves all actors to keep negotiations open until the fat lady sings, whether they think they’ll get what they want from the beginning or not. Can’t afford to burn bridges or develop a reputation for being unnecessarily difficult.
true if they wanted to step down or should I say out they would have. It gives a little bit of hope but I don’t know……
yeah. Honestly as much as I love the show, I’d be okay with it ending this year as long as it doesn’t end on a cliff hanger. If it does and it isn’t renewed I’ll never forgive ABC.
Maybe the negotiations have to do with number of episodes in 8 rather than salary.
Probably both. I’d guess that ABC wants to renew it for more than one more season, or so they say, so that there’s a buffer there for compromise.
I first thought the “blind item” was Mike & Molly but AAs last clue seemed to derail that. Now I have no idea! I started off liking Molly but now she just seems “me me me me” about everything with no warmth with anyone on the show. They seem to do a good job in spite of her and she just does her own thing regardless of cast and plots.
I was so happy to see Cote de Pablo in the mini series The Dovekeepers, she and actor Mido Hamada were such a handsome couple. We should see more mini series like this.
Kalinda seems like the type to have a bag in her car at all times with money, fake ids, passport etc. My guess is she gets a call that indicates she will be arrested or her life is in jeopardy and she vanishes.
Or she kills Bishop and vanishes. She hasn’t spoken to Geneva about flipping, and Bishop wants to retire…
Markham kills Ava after getting his money back, Loretta kills Markham after finding out about her aunt (then ends up with the money). Raylan kills Boon then he & Boyd kill each other. That’s my prediction – that’s what would make me a happy man. If Vasquez gets his ass kicked that’s just a cherry on top.
“BONUS SCOOP: Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic remain in deep negotiations with ABC on another season and I’m told this one could go down to the proverbial wire.”
Well, at least no one’s re[ported to have walked away in finality. Straws firmly grasped!
From the beginning I’ve been of the opinion that they would both re-up. There aren’t too many opportunities for actors to take control of their futures like this. If they get the million per episode that they initially asked for that’s $20-40 million depending on how many seasons they go for. Suck it up for two years and Nathan can go do sci-fi web series and Stana can go make low budget indies until their heart’s content. Not to mention the rest of the cast. Let’s be real here. What are the odds that any of them, main or supporting cast, get attached to a long running series like this again?
I want Mills to stay but if his mom and sister never make an appearance again that won’t hurt my feelings. His mom is awful, I understand her wanting him to be safe but let your son do what he loves and quit trying to change him! I couldn’t stand Mills in season 1 but he’s really grown on me and I think he should get his spot on squad back.
I’d like to know if the MaKr of Cain story line will be wrapped up this season on Supernatural. Any word?
re: Revenge: Sounds like the series final if the show would need a major revamp or new show. My guess is Emily or David and Victoria are the graves. I guess there’s little hope for a happy ending.
That would be so unfortunate. Hopefully they let Emily walk into the sunset. I don’t care if she’s with David, with Jack and Carl, or simply alone. Let the woman live in peace. LOL
I agree, as long as Emily is still alive at the end of the show I don’t care what happens to anyone else.
she can walk if she takes her anger management meds with…
I’m sure someone’s already thought of this. But can someone suggest to the powers that be at outlander that Karen giligan needs a new gig and would be the perfect Brianna!!! Feisty and smart like Claire but tall and charming like Jamie.
Thanks for that much valued PoI scoop on the finale!
I vote for Debbie Allen to play April’s mother…
She was the first person that came to my mind, too. Olivia Brown is another. Don’t see much of her on TV any longer, but she’s a powerhouse actress.
Too bad Castle isn’t on Showtime. They could just renew it now and worry about contracts later.
Regarding Revenge: I think that both Emily and Victoria are going to die. Remember that the show started with the quote “When you seek revenge, be prepared to dig two graves”? I just feel like both Emily and Victoria have caused so much death and pain, whether intentionally or not, that they just have to pay. It reminds me a bit of Prison Break, where Michael was technically the hero, but writers said he had to die because his journey had resulted in so many sins.
Can we get some scoop on Hook for Once’s season finale. Feeling our area of the fandom may be somewhat looked down on lately, and I’m not sure why. Thanks.
BLIND ITEM: Not CBS, not a FOX comedy, Leading Lady, modest ratings, renewed, no set visit.
Is the Blind Item a leftover April Fools Joke?
And it’s going to be one of the kids from an ABC comedy, like Lily Pritchett, Sue Heck, Erica Goldberg or Zoey and Diane from Black-ish? Or maybe Camren Bicondova (Selina) from ‘Gotham’?
They might not be considered the leading ladies of their shows, though.
If not, I guess someone from The 100 or Chicago P.D.
If you are thinking Sophia Bush on PD, I highly doubt it. From the pictures her castmates post and how involved she is with the show, I would be surprised if the cast was annoyed by her.
I’ve been puzzling over the “popular-yet-modestly-rated” part since ratings, by definition, measure popularity.
imma say patricia heaton from the middle. maybe that’s why axle is leaving :(
Did the blind item state it’s a broadcast show? Cause I’m thinking Claire Danes…
Do you know if Stalkers is coming back? I really like this show
Blind Item: Poppy Montgomery, Unforgettable. Now an A+E show, filming to start next month.
I predict that if Revenge survives another season, Emily and Nolan will start Revenge Incorporated… An elite group of agents who get revenge for people who can’t get revenge for themselves. Maybe a flashy office in LA or Miami… I am just trying to think of ways that the show could get worse than it is this year.
They just need to end the show and give Emily Van Camp the lead role in that Agents of SHIELD spinoff.
I’ve not been that into revenge this season but I ok with it coming back! !! I love Blacklist period James Spader is it….love persons of interest and I would like shaw back but mommy duty calls but hurry up!!!!
I’m coming to terms with Revenge ending. Just please, don’t kill Emily.
I’m glad to hear that there are negotiations going on for Castle! It makes me very hopeful that both of them are at least willing to come back. It really wouldn’t have surprised me to find out that one or both had no interest in even negotiating. I just hope they get it figured out sooner rather than later. At this point, I’d just like to know one way or the other!
how about a Nashville spoiler about someone from the main cast…so over Luke/Layla/Jeff/the hooker…Sadie was Ok but I doubt many people are torn abour her departure. Love the show and #RenewNashvilleS4 all the way but can they just focus on the mai cast? They are amazing! No need for all the extras
Sorry to say but it sounds like Revenge is done. That doesn’t come across as an endorsement for another season. As for Castle, I guess that if they are still negotiating that is a positive. If they do both re sign they will renew in May, like ABC does every year. For the fans sake I hope they get it done soon, so they can either get ready for another season or get ready to say goodbye. I cannot imagine a scenario where ABC moves on without either one
if they do resign someone will spill the beans before ABC makes announcement! I think that we will know soon…..
On the Blacklist I love Tom Keen! I know he’s not going anywhere, but it scares me to even think about it.
I believe Kalinda will end up disappearing with Bishop, God knows why xD
I’ve been watching Castle ever since the beginning and I’m pretty baffled by how much you guys love this show. I loved it too at first but the last two seasons are just dreadful. Not pointing any fingers at the cast, they’re the only thing that make this show tolerable at this point. The cases are DULL, I feel like all of them are the same with similar “twists” and no mystery at all. You can always tell “whodunnit” right away. Kudos to the actors who keep the show alive but the writers need to boost up the game. Maybe change the way the episodes are unfolded. You know, the structure. I know it’s ABC — family friendly stuff but it used to be a much more intriguing show. Now I just watch the show without really paying attention to the “details” of each case.
Since Revenge’s original premise was a twist on the Count of Monte Cristo then my guess for the finale is that Emily finally gets her full revenge on Victoria and Victoria either ends up in jail or dead. She’s the only person that Emily has yet to get revenge on and was the one who did the most wrong by Emily. And with keeping to the story Count of Monte Cristo I’m thinking Emily will get to walk off into the sunset with Jack and his sun. I will completely hate if after four years the writers don’t let Emily have her true revenge and end the show with her suffering in some way. Poor girl has suffered enough and if this is the end she needs to finish what she started
some read the questions, that’s all we know, for now. I think that there will be a limited season 8 to wrap up. them talking about it is a good thing. I think…..hope to know something soon!
So Revenge really is ending? Holy crap! Next week’s teaser said “four episodes left” and not “….of the season.”
It feels like it’s hinting that Emily and/or Victoria will die.
Re the blind item — My guess would be Katherine Heigl of “State of Affairs”, particularly since she has a reputation for being “difficult”, except the show hasn’t been renewed. Could it be Emily Deschanel from “Bones”? He said it wasn’t a FOX comedy, but hasn’t ruled out a FOX drama.
Gah! The press release for Plea, the penultimate season episode of Revenge says, ““Plea” – Emily enlists Nolan and Jack to help prove her innocence while Ben takes measures to keep her locked up.”
It ALSO lists Charlotte, Courtney Love and Roger Bart (Mason) as guest stars.
I visit everyday a few sites and information sites to read posts, except
this webpage gives quality based articles.
An online story arc for the NCIS finale?? How is this supposed to rattle the fans?? Not going to lie, this season has struggled with good storylines, the chemistry with the characters is basically non existent, and the demo ratings are a big issue right now. I watched 5 episodes in total this season. Probably wont be watching at all next season. Its just not worth it anymore. Maybe if they let EW go but not sure thats going to happen.
Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Revenge, Castle, Scorpion, Outlander, NCIS, Chicago Fire, Brooklyn and More
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