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added by Imyselfandme
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: IFeltHope.net
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: IFeltHope.net
added by milkie
added by Imyselfandme
Bella: “Whatever you’re thinking, Alice, I doubt I’m that free.”
Alice: “Free is free, right?”
Bella: “I’m sure I still have boundaries — like the continental U.S., for example.”
Angela and Ben laughed, but Alice grimaced in real disappointment. – pg 38

Alice’s expression was something I recognized — an expression that sent an automatic shock of panic through my body. The vacant look in her eyes told me that she was seeing something very different from the mundane lunchroom scene that surrounded us, but something every bit as real in its own way. Something that was coming,...
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added by keely6
অ্যালিস্‌ কুলেন
added by Natbr
added by milkie
added by Andressa_Weld
অ্যালিস্‌ কুলেন
added by milkie
added by milkie
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: IFeltHope.net
added by emily_v_cullen
Source: http://www.ifelthope.net/
added by emily_v_cullen
Source: http://www.ifelthope.net/
added by emily_v_cullen
Source: http://www.ifelthope.net/
added by emily_v_cullen
Source: http://www.ifelthope.net/