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Scoop on Arrow, Castle, NCIS, Criminal Minds, POI, TVD, S.H.I.E.L.D., অতিপ্রাকৃতিক and আরো

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Arrow’ Season 3 Felicity and গুল্মবিশেষ Storylines — New Mystery Man | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
‘s Laurel about to hit the storyline bull’s-eye? Will Ward still vex the
mind having trouble coping? Read on for answers to those questions plus teases from other shows.
RELATED Save the Dates! 50+ July Premieres and Finales
Season 3? –Anita Oh yes, you can. We spoke with exec producer Marc Guggenheim at a Thursday night CW soiree, where he professed, “One of the things we’re most excited about is Laurel’s story. Everything that we’ve been gearing up for, for the last 46 episodes, will come to fruition” — possibly including that passing of a baton/leather jacket in the season finale. As the season opens, “She’s still in the DA’s office,” Guggenheim added, “and there will be some interactions with a new character that we haven’t announced yet…. Her fans will be really, really happy.”
Are we going to learn anything about Felicity’s past on this season of
As Felicity/EBR’s fans very well know, “We have had a backstory for her for over a year now that we keep saying, ‘This is the episode where we’re going to do it,’ and we don’t,” Guggenheim shared. “But this is the year we’re going to do it. That script is getting worked on as we speak.”
EP Teases Season 3′s Big Bad, a Big ‘Date,’ Non-Oliver Flashbacks
’s Ward will find himself working alongside the people he betrayed? –Rachel
“Alongside” is perhaps an optimistic way of viewing things! As exec producer Maurissa Tancharoen reminds, “He did very bad things” toward the close of Season 1. That said, “He’s in our custody now, and he’s a great villain to have around.” And he WILL be around. “Ward is definitely in the mix” as Season 2 opens, says EP Jed Whedon. “Brett [Dalton] has done a great job, and we love who Ward has become.”
With Michael Weatherly having gotten in such good shape this summer for his triathlon, will this be addressed for
The actor’s lean, mean physique apparently will help Tony’s game. Show boss Gary Glasberg tells us he’s in the “formative stages” of crafting a new love interest for Tony, someone that NCIS’ most eligible agent (G Callen excepted) will meet through a case. “It’s time for Tony to continue to grow a little bit,” says Glasberg. “He went through a lot last year emotionally and tried to deal with Ziva’s departure as he could. And it’s time” for someone new. “We’ll be mature about it and handle it properly, and Michael’s excited about it.”
Fresh from TCA, show boss Jeremy Carver tells us that Episode 5, the series’ 200th, will be titled “Fan Fiction,” a meta bit of fun written by Robbie Thompson.
Stars, Boss Drop Season 10 Spoilers, Talk Series’ Endless Future
Early this season, we will find out that Garcia has been struggling with shooting the nurse that tried to kill Dr. Reid in the season finale. Her solution: a trip to Texas to try to make things right. Bonus scoop: In addition to the pair of episodes Matthew Gray Gubler is helming this coming season, Joe Mantegna and Thomas Gibson also are returning to the director’s chair.
scoop? Like, guest cast or who’s writing 7×02? –Sandra
On the casting front, you probably have seen this fresh bit of scoop. As for the writer of Episode 2, which involves the murder of a toy mogul, that’d be a gentleman named Andrew W. Marlowe. (IOW, the premiere isn’t a two-parter
‘s Andrew Marlowe and David Amann. Soooo, is there anything else they shared about the new season in their interview? –Mandy
Greetings from America! Your new showrunner Amann teased “a really fun episode,” somewhere in the first four of the season, “that deals with what seems to be an invisible killer — and the characters take a lot of pleasure in that.”
EPs Talk Finale Twist: ‘Fans Are Going to Be Happy It Wasn’t a Dream’
The season premiere – which airs Sept. 23 and picks up about six weeks after the finale – is titled “Panopticon.” (I’ll sit here while you Google that….) OK, are you back? Exec producer Greg Plageman also told us that viewers will be “pleasantly surprised” by who
’s Cara Buono is playing, only adding that her character does
What coping mechanisms will Elena from
be using to deal with the fact she lost Damon (seemingly) forever? –Ana
It sounds like she’ll be burying her nose in the books, of the medical stripe. As indicated by a flurry of recent castings – and likely a
as a time slot rival — “When we come back, we’ll see that Elena is actively pursuing a degree in pre-med,” show boss Julie Plec told us. “She’s a smart girl, and Elena’s father was a doctor, so she’s trying to figure out how to help people and save people, just as her family did.” And merely as an added bonus, “We’ll meet some hot young pre-med guys and sexy doctors” as she does so.
I know it’s midseason and all, but is there any casting news for
As a matter of fact, casting calls have just gone out for the series regular role of Gwen, an ER doctor and single mom who’s sophisticated and calm on the outside, but can “cut loose” as needed. (Perhaps a new honey for Ryan?) The killer drama is also filling the recurring role of a charming husband and dad who’s got — wait for it –
’s renewal, how about some scoop for us? –Teena
After chatting with Titus Welliver about his Amazon series
’s final two episodes. “He’s a former military/law enforcement guy who’s trying to secure areas on land from the pandemic, and things are not what they seem with this character,” he shared. “What appears to be obvious is not so.” Fun fact: The TNT drama drop-by reunited the erstwhile Man in Black with
director Jack Bender, “which was a great treat,” he said.
Season 5, as always reported, runs 22 episodes. Stateside, at least, the first 11 are airing now, and the rest will come around next summer.
. How about any little something for this loyal fan? –Debbie
 need the Inside Line on a favorite summer or fall show, email! (
With reporting by Vlada Gelman and Andy Swift
Sorry, but I am not interested in a new love interest for Tony. I struggled through watching last season. Between this, and the awful new girl, I’m done. It was a nice run.
I’m interested. At least no one is interested with pairing him with the “awful new girl” as they have been with Kate (I LOVED them together) and Ziva (meh). I want to see someone fun for him because he always seems to fall for these sad, serious people.
The new girl has no connection with any of the characters, least of all Tony.
Agreed! The new girl has no connections to anyone, really. Not sure why she is still there.
the new girl isn’t awful however they do need to give us more background on her and I’m sorry they made her “married” which leaves no room for romance with some character on the show.
I don’t care how much background they give her, she is will still be dull as a wet dishrag. Spare us the background, I already get enough sleep at night.
I think there has to be some credence to the theory of some that she is related to someone because I find no other possible explanation for why a flop character played by such a bad actress is coming back for a second season.
I’m sorry they made her “married” which leaves no room for romance with some character on the show.
I still find it amusing that people, be they pro-shipping or anti-shipping, honestly believe that a character being married on a show automatically indicates that there’s no chance whatsoever for them to get into a romantic relationship with another character. ‘Cause it’s not like people can’t/don’t/won’t have affairs or anything, or fans won’t ship people regardless of whether or not they’re already in relationships, right?
Mind, I too doubt this show would go that route, and I’m all for marriage being treated like the respectable lifetime commitment it should be. But still…when it comes to TV in general, the fact remains that being married doesn’t mean squat a lot of the time when it comes to relationship storylines.
Bishop will never be romantically involved with any other characters, and it has nothing to do with being married. She has zero connection with anyone. If she was single, nothing would change. She is a cold, dead fish.
I was mainly speaking in a general sense overall with that-the discussion about her just sparked that comment.
Though, that said, we get it, you don’t like her.
Well, the question is, will this ‘new love interest’ have any connections with Tony?
Tony is already so goofy, I think he actually is best paired with someone serious.
Outside of the team is always better (as shown by both McGee and Gibbs with his happy exotic car ride closing scenes) and I welcomed Bishop being married. She’s a great addition to the team in that role TPTB appear to prefer of having someone new to show being educated in all things NCIS and Gibbs.
I could have gone with a Salli Elise Richardson-Whitfield more experienced “newbie” but Emily is doing a fine job and I expect we’ll get better glimpses of her husband as time goes by: they’ve always been sparse on the private lives of the team, Ducky’s mother etc. unless very involved in an arc such as Tony’s Jeanne Benoit (Scottie Thompson)
Emily might do a good job with Bishop if she could act, but she can’t. The writers are evidently aware of that since they seem to minimize her involvement in strategic scenes as much as possible.
She can’t act and can’t do stunts. Her “fight” scenes are pure comedy. The bad guys have to slam themselves into walls for her to take them down.
I can’t act worth a damn. I don’t try. I’m paid good money to do the job I”m good at. If I was no good at it, I’d get fired pronto.
Agree John, outside the team and mostly offscreen works so much better as far as pairing up characters.
I’m looking forward to seeing Ellie next season
I agree with both you and John. I do get so tired of the same select few who pop up with their “we hate Bishop” chant, over and over, ad nauseam. We get it kids, you don’t like her. However, others do, so get a grip, get a life and get over it.
The chemistry with Ziva is not replaceable. Definitely would watch if cote was back as Ziva otherwise it is just blah blah blah.
i don;t tell people to shut up, I tell them that they need to get a life. You are the people who want Tony to wear a chastity belt saving himself for a woman who taunts teases and emasculated men. A fatal beauty, And that’s supposed to be healthy.
Move along then. There are millions still watching….you won’t be missed.
I agree 100% JimC!! Anyone who says the new girl isn’t interesting is obviously a bit on the shallow side, unable to let a character develop naturally, instead of slam-bam-thank you, ma’am! I’ve watched it from the beginning, and I’ve seen characters come and go. I really loved Ziva, and I thought Kate was alright.It’s the way of the world and life, that not everyone is going to like everything. Just roll with it, ok? Accept what happens, and try to enjoy it.*S*
Funny you mention “slam-bam-thank you, ma’am” since Michael’s pet name for Emily is “Wam-Bam Wickersham”. Source: Michael’s Twitter timeline.
Same here. The only love interest I would see fjor Tony is Ziva.
Except TONY and ZIVA didn’t see it that way. Paris? One and they didn’t ever go there again…
I hope Michael Weatherly enjoys the storyline but I’m not interested either.
They sold me on Tony/Ziva in their first episodes, and then they limped along for the next eight years, and then nothing. I don’t trust the show to ever put it’s characters into a long-term viable relationship, unless they’re peripheral like Jimmy or Vance, so mostly I feel sorry for the actress playing Tony’s new love interest.
And they closed Tony/Ziva in Paris. That was quite a long time ago…
Paris where the writing teased that they slept together, and Tony said the only picture he took that he really cared about was the one of Ziva?
then you are an easy sell because their intent in the Bellisario years was to never sell TIVA as a love interest. IN fact it wasn’t tiva it was just an intro to a new character who was complicated. And wow was and is she.
I don’t understand at all how she was cast. She is boring, boring, boring! Her idiosyncrasies aren’t cute or funny or endearing. I don’t have any interest in learning more about her husband or her back story, etc…She just needs to go but I don’t see that happening, unfortunately!
Yeah I’m less than impressed with that scoop. I was hoping for more action, more under cover but seems whilst diluting the ncis pool they’ve handed that over to la where we just get stuck with romance, becoming more and more like greys anatomy. Paint by numbers cases where we can guess the criminal in the first quarter and romantic entanglements. Where are the awesome emotionally and actioned charged episodes. Most recent have fallen flat minus the goodbye to the wonderful Ralph Waite. Did anyone enjoy that Parsa storyline? I’ll still watch due to my past adoration of the show and characters that I love, but it is definitely no longer must see.
I enjoy the awful new girl, and I’m glad they have her married from the start.
I remember thinking Tony had an interesting vibe with that chaplain from a few seasons back who began to help him get over his fear of children. I was surprised she never appeared again.
Why must there be a new romance for Tony? What about McGee? Surely there’s a lass somewhere who could turn both their heads and stir a little rivalry between them. That would surely be better than “the awful new girl.”
“some new interactions with a new character” ? New love interest for Laurel ?
There was an interview with Berlanti or kreisberg where they revealed that Laurel would be getting a new love interest this year. the interview was not on this site.
well they mentioned that “Her fans will be really, really happy” so im guessing it has to do with her really stepping up and becoming black canary.
The best idea I have is that they’ll be introducing Wildcat aka Ted Grant, a world class boxer who trained Black Canary. Fans have been questioning how good of a fighter Laurel could be compared to Sarah who had actually been a part of the league of assassins for years. So really starting her crime fighting journey now and developing laurels skills is important
From comments Katie Cassidy Tweeted she’s been training pretty hard since last summer so that could easily be connected to a long game the writers have laid out. Or her deciding simply to buff up, who knows?
frankly I wish they would get rid of Laurel, she’s the weakest link, most uninteresting, blah character on the show!
I could not agree more felicity has no point being on this show maybe they should move her to the flash or another show bcuz lately she is seriously bumming me out!( I swear to god I do not mean to be offensive (if you do find it offensive))
She is the weakest link on the show but the writers need to take steps to fix that. She needs a purpose beyond the woman that Oliver screwed around on. If they finally stopped with the Oliver/Laurel stuff and made Laurel into her own fierce character, she wouldn’t be wasted. It’s all the Oliver stuff that drags her down. They’ve outgrown each other and both characters need to move on.
Panopticon (from Wikipedia): The Panopticon is a type of institutional building designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow a single watchman to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) inmates of an institution without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the single watchman to observe all cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that all inmates must act as though they are watched at all times, effectively controlling their own behaviour constantly. The name is also a reference to Panoptes from Greek mythology; he was a giant with a hundred eyes and thus was known to be a very effective watchman.
PERSON OF INTEREST is an excellent television show. Very strong writing, and top-notch casting (particularly Jim Caviezel as Mr. Reese; coincidentally, his new film When The Game Stands Tall hits cinemas 22 August). Can anyone fill me on how he was cast for the role on the show?
As far as I know, the producers wrote John Reese with him in mind. Caviezel just happened to be available at the time to say “yes” to the producers. A stroke of luck that worked out well for them.
Didn’t Finch use the name Jeremy Bentham in an episode?
POI is the best written show on network tv (I think it’s up there with the cable dramas and deserved an Emmy nod for at least writing) and has the best cast of just about any show out there. I would like see old friends Elias and Scarface return (although Enrico Colantonio has a show airing on CTV in Canada, so I don’t know if that would work) at some point…their last scene together taking care of Simmons was unforgettable and one of the best endings to any episode of any show, ever.
When I heard Tony was going to “mature”, I thought that meant he would act less stupid, and maybe do something a little different in his job. Not yet another woman. The only woman I ever want to see him with is Ziva.
get over it already! ziva is gone and frankly they were terrible together!
Well, I hope this ‘new love interest’ connects with the audience…cause Tony’s past love interests most certainly didn’t, except for Ziva and that came too late for the fans.
Does Glasberg really expect to find someone with the same chemistry he had with Cote de Pablo? good luck.
No way will anyone ever have the same chemistry with Michael Weatherly as Cote de Pablo. Knowing Glasberg pervhant for casting she will probably have the same chemistry with Tony as Bishop has with everyone on the team. Meaning none at all.
He shouldn’t want the same chemistry because shippers would only be disappointed yet again.
I wonder if they had actually done a Tony/Ziva relationship if Cote de Pablo would have left. The constant treading water in terms of both professional and personal relationships wore me down. How much worse did it have to be for the actors?
A big ol’ THANK YOU to Matt for the Felicity news! That is WONDERFUL. Season 3 is definitely looking up. Can’t wait for the show to begin.
With the developments of Oliver and Felicity, Diggle and his growing family, Thea returning with Malcolm, and now FELICITY’s BACKSTORY … heaven’s bliss.
I know! I saw that and I cheered! I can’t wait. This is so long overdue.
I’m so happy. It’s what I’ve been waiting for.
yesterday felicity fans were mad n they sd b coz we r waiting 4ever…!!! now MG is like we hav blah blah. im pessimistic bt i will believe when i see it with my own eye….
Oh hell, here comes the Ziva backlash brigade…
I was just going to say…*Breaks out the popcorn and settles in, shakes her head*.
Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, in regards to topics NOT related to that show…happy to see some “Criminal Minds” news. No surprise that Garcia might be struggling a little with having to go through what she did in last season’s finale, so I look forward to seeing how her trip helps her deal with that. It’d be kinda fun if she brought Reid along, actually, and the two of them became closer friends over it as well, and were able to both get away from all the recent stress for a while. Whether they go that route or have her travel solo, either way, I think that’ll be a very interesting storyline. And I’m excited for the cast-directed episodes, too!
If there’ll be a fun episode coming up in the first 4 episodes of Castle I guess the drama of the horrendous last finale won’t last very long. I don’t know what to make of that, but I guess if they don’t rush anything I’ll be totally on board for fun Castle – especially because that’s the show I fell in love with.
hopefully Castle will be more about “Castle” and less the “beckett” show! I watch for Nathan Fillion and it’s as if he has taken a backseat to the beckett character lately, ugh! I find her character to be cold, obnoxious, self centered and arrogant! They need to focus more on the Castle character and less on her IMO!
Hopefully Castle will be more about Castle and Beckett. I watch the show for Stana Katic but Castle and Beckett together are the bread and butter of the show and neither character is better or worse than the other. Be classy.
Seems like such a simple suggestion, doesn’t it? I understand some characters won’t be to some people’s liking, but looking at the different shows being discussed here and some of the comments about how much they hate this character or that one…I don’t get that level of hatred and ranting about fictional characters. Chill, people. Wouldn’t it be better and less stressful to talk about the characters you actually LIKE instead?
When you see responses like this you can see how much being a fanboy/girl of a certain actor can render someone completely incapable of reasonable discussion; so much bias. You’re are pretty much making up those attributes because none of them apply to the character of Kate Beckett.
Thanks for the NCIS, Agent of Shield and Castle scoops. Looking forward to Tony hopefully finding someone with whom he can have a mature, equally caring relationship. Unfair to not let his character move forward and find the happiness no one else was willing to offer. Hopefully his character will also get some exciting storylines this season. And I’m glad that Ward is remaining on Shield. His character became infinitely more interesting after he went to the dark side.
I’m excited to think that NCIS might finally let Tony move on and have a story that actually focuses on him instead of always relegating him to supporting role in everyone else’s big dramas. He hasn’t had any serious focus in years unless he was being used to accessorize a Ziva story. He looks fabulous and it would be nice if they could take the hero spotlight off of Gibbs for a second or two and let Tony shine as an agent.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that (as we all know), no matter who they cast as Tony’s love interest or how good the story is, Ziva/tiva fans already hate her just like they hate Bishop. There is zero percent chance that they will objectively look at or be mature about Tony moving on even though Ziva certainly did. He’s supposed to further stagnate and pine away in the off chance that CdP decides to grace NCIS with one final performance.
Yes, he had a lot of good screen time with the Jeanne Benoit arc, but that was a long time ago.
Thank you for answer my question, Matt (liking the answer is simply a bonus). It’s great they’re not going to let Michael’s physical change to go unaddressed for Tony.
“answering” not “answer” – would really love to have 5 minute “edit” feature (or I could just proof read before hitting Post Comment).
I like the answer too Joni. We finally get to see some forward movement with Tony. Thanks for asking a great question.
Hey Matt, so no 2 episode arc for the season opener… Please tell me they are not abandoning “Castle got kidnapped..” I jokingly jested he was sitting in an ambulance on the scene of the fiery crash (as Beckett looked on at the flaming car in horror).. But I really don’t want that to be so.. Also.. Does this mean they are going back to the 2-EP arc formula during sweeps ala’ Pandora/Linchpin & Target/Hunt?
He has said on twitter that it isn’t a two parter, good news for the cliffhanger-haters, they might get a wedding in the premiere.
I personally like when the two-parter comes in between, more than like last year.
I get the impression it’ll follow the vein of season six’s three-episode arc. Maybe not a smash cut to black with “TBC,” but a clear story throughout each. .
So disappointed with the NCIS spoiler. I will not be watching Tony with anyone new. Ziva’s departure was not handled well. Of course I was a Tiva fan so the only way I would have liked it is if she had chosen to come back home with him & them have an off-screen relationship. After years of teasing the fans & end up with nothing & not even an ending story line that made sense is really disappointing. Seasons 4 and 11 were both horrible & it sounds like 12 will be a mix of the 2.
An off-screen relationship would have been a great decision. It would have appeased fans who didn’t want the show to become all about their relationship, and fans who wanted them to be together. My ideal would have been an off-screen relationship and Cote back for the series finale, where we got to see them together a little. As it is, I gave up the show when Ziva left. :(
We invested eight years hoping for some payback on Tiva and we got stabbed in the back and given nothing. No way will I ever invest in a show with such horrible disdain for their fans who supported them for years.
They slept together, lied about to everyone and then NEVER revisited it. The characters quite clearly were “been there, done that, nope, never again”.
Teammates who back each other, sure. But romantic? No, they’d always have Paris (to warn them off that). She was also written as very seriously involved with a umber of men after that: the character had clearly moved on from what paris had shown her was a bad idea.
Good grief people! Are you seriously suggesting that Michael Weatherly’s Tony is supposed to have a love affair with a character whose portrayer decided to leave the show and has made absolutely no indication that she’s coming back? CdP has moved on – please do the same. Some of us love Tony and not tiva. To make him spend NCIS’s remaining seasons pining away for an absent character is ludicrous. He deserves better and hopefully tptb will have the courage to let him move on instead of catering to a crowd obsessed with a romance that wasn’t even really a romance. “Tiva” was all innuendo that was written that way so it could be open to interpretation.
They had a mature conversation at the end. They parted as friends, but she needed to do something w/ her life not related to law enforcement or politics.
It’s as though the Tiva fans would be happy w/ nothing less than hardcore porn.
I’m really looking forward to Arrow’s Felicity Smoak’s back-story and story-line. This is long overdue and it’s great to see that Arrow knows just how important this is to her fans. Finally!
This may be a stupid question, but does that mean ABC has renewed Rookie Blue for season 6-the 2nd half of season 5-like GlobalTV?
I’m excited about both the Laurel and the Felicity news! I can’t wait to see KC/Laurel begin the journey towards becoming Black Canary, and Felicity’s backstory is long overdue. Also great to hear the AOS team talk about Ward as a villain. I have no interest in the show woobifying him and having the rest of the team forgive and forget. He did beyond terrible things, and I don’t see him back on the Bus with the other characters ever, really.
Matt – Thank you for the ‘Castle’ scoops. Looking forward to Season 7.
I cannot believe CBS and NCIS are wasting the Tony and Ziva storyline. I am so fed up with GG it is enough jto send me jto another show. Bones gets it! oh that’s right GG is no longer on that show that’s why they can have a happy couples.
There was no Tony-Ziva storyline past Paris beyond platonic teammates who backed each other (somewhat, when she wasn’t betraying everyone).
What about whether Fitz on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is part of the next season? We’ve heard about Ward and Triplett, but nothing about Fitz…you can’t have Fitz Simmons w/o the Fitz!
I don’t know, they wrote him down some pathetic pathways there in the closing eps. Simmons grew and got to be too good for him, IMHO.
[Laurel] fans will be really, really happy.
What about, you know, everyone else who watches the show? Do they only write Laurel story arcs with her fans in mind?
Thanks for asking about Felicity on Arrow, Matt. I do appreciate it.
Sadly, it’s always the same old thing for her. ‘Yes, we’ll give you a back story some day but meanwhile, here is this great stuff about the latest guy we’re giving her as a love interest so her popularity will rub off on him.’
They’re really excited about Laurel’s story, she’s putting bad guys away as a lawyer, there’s great stuff coming for her and it’s going to be the culmination of the last two years of what they’ve been planning for her. There are storylines for Thea, Roy, Diggle and Sara is coming back.
While I’d like a back story for Felicity, all I really want is a story arc that’s finally about her and not about using her to prop someone else’s story. Of all the characters on Arrow, past and present, she is the only one who never has a story line of her own.
I think they were caught off guard by how well Emily Bett Rickards comes across in her scenes and have struggled to get beyond their initial vision of “somewhat cute I.T. girl with glasses”.
I agree. Felicity is probably the best thing about the show and she DESERVES her own storyline and a backstory. Hopefully this will flesh her out a bit more. I’ve no doubt she’ll be wonderful at whatever they give her. EBR is magical.
İ think we’ll finally get it — I just hope they do it justice and even better, more than one episode. We’ve gotten a lot of info on characters I could care less about, it’s time to give us some good stuff!
I just love Major Crimes and Rizolli and Iles. What I really like is that they split up the season so you don’t have to wait a whole year for 10 or 11 eps like Bates Motel. I wish more cable channels would follow suit.
I’m thrilled that Major Crimes and The Last Ship got renewals – Seasons 4 and 2 respectively.
Love Rizzoli and Isles and Suits and Covert Affairs too (all already renewed).
Like you, I love the split seasons and the following season starting up just a few weeks after the previous season ended.
It’s hard to understand how they all think Castle is dead, he is later found, and they’re all joking about a so-called invisible killer within the first four episodes. But… OK…
Five seconds in to the first ep they can note the car is empty and simply was torched for a diversion.
True, but if they have a two-parter-ish arc, then that doesn’t leave much time to explore Castle’s recovery.
OH MMY GOSH…stop with the Ziva talk already, she is gone gone gone, get over it!!! It’s getting down right pathetic!
“Rookie Blue Season 5, as always reported, runs 22 episodes. Stateside, at least, the first 11 are airing now, and the rest will come around next summer.”
I’m sorry, but 22 episodes spread over 2 years isn’t a 22 episode “season” :(
The only thing I as a fan would be happy about when it come so Lauren it would be her being killed off. I can’t stand her character in the show but that may be die to the fact that I can’t really stand Kate Cassidy.
On the other note putting TVD against Grey’s is not a competition for me. Have been watching both since the beginning but at this point TVD got so annoying and I am ready to let it go. The change in schedule will just help my decision.
Finally Felicity gets a backstory. About damn time.
Gotta love a season description (Rookie Blue) that denies a shortened run, confirms a twenty-two ep length …but then adds the caveat that there’s only eleven going to be shown in a year. How long does one have to go between runs before ‘season’ becomes a bit redundant?
A love interest for Tony? LOL, I can imagine how horrible that “romance” will turn out :D
Thank you Matt for the CM’s, Arrow and Agents of Shield!
Will Carrie Preston and Michael Jackson Fox be regulars this season, on The Good Wife?
I thoroughly dislike Robbie Thompson’s scripts (HATED Meta Fiction last season) and I hate the meta episodes so I am not looking forward to the 200th ep of Supernatural at all. I was hoping for an intense, serious, emotional episode like the 100th ep and I was hoping that it would be written by Jeremy Carver, the only writer who knows how to write Sam and the brotherly relationship. Instead we seem to be getting some silly piece of nonsense.
Loving all the Castle scoop this week! Everything has just made me even more excited for the new season. Thanks and I hope the info keeps coming! :-)
Dare I ask which topic in this spoiler list is warranting such a strong reaction?
The Castle & PoI scoops are much appreciated. Practically salivating for the return of Team PoI and their new cover jobs & hopefully we get than much anticipated Caskett wedding soon (seriously unless it’s the series finale Rick or Kate are highly unlikely to die for realsies).
I am hoping Laurel’s love interest will be Ted Grant aka Wildcat. That would also help her train up. The only thing is…I really like Caity Lotz as Black Canary…Hoping the writers can pull off writing Laurel’s possible canary story in such a way that is likable, and without killing off Lotz.
Always excited to hear we get more back story on Felicity. I think it would be super fun for another road trip story like Russia, but maybe this time to Vegas? I wouldn’t hate a flash back to MIT either.
Matt\'s Inside Line: Scoop on Arrow, Castle, NCIS, Criminal Minds, POI, TVD, S.H.I.E.L.D., Supernatural…
NCIS Boss \'Thrilled\' for Cote de Pablo\'s New Gig, Affirms There\'s No Bad Blood
Castle Books Wire Alum for Pivotal Season 7 Guest Stint
CW Boss Defends Beast Renewal, Offers Supernatural Spin-Off Update, Drops Dixie Pregnancy Bombshell
1NCIS Boss \'Thrilled\' for Cote de Pablo\'s New Gig, Affirms There\'s No…228
2Matt\'s Inside Line: Scoop on Arrow, Castle, NCIS, Criminal Minds…129
3So You Think You Can Dance Recap: Summer Lovin\' (Had \'Em a Blast)120
4Big Bang Theory Stars Still Waiting for Pay Hikes, Production Starts…104
5Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Nashville, Scandal, Blacklist, Good Wife…102
Castle Books Wire Alum for Pivotal Season 7 Guest…
The Affair Trailer: New Showtime Drama Plays the…
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