ব্যাটম্যান Club
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added by death-angel
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিসি কমিকস প্রকাশক
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিসি কমিকস প্রকাশক
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by death-angel
added by bama287
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by chickensocool
It's common for things to be জনপ্রিয় for a while and eventually go out of style. However, ব্যাটম্যান has remained a পপ সংস্কৃতি প্রতীকী for decades. There has been several ব্যাটম্যান shows. Despite all the advanced storytelling and technology that has come in সাম্প্রতিক decades, my পছন্দ version of ব্যাটম্যান is the original one from 1966. It was the most entertaining প্রদর্শনী of the 1960's, in addition to being one of the greatest superhero shows of all time. A lot of ব্যাটম্যান অনুরাগী scoff at this show, because they think it's an outdated joke of the past. However, I believe there's আরো to this প্রদর্শনী than just silliness....
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added by chickensocool
added by chickensocool
added by chickensocool
added by chickensocool
added by chickensocool
added by chickensocool
added by chickensocool
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিসি কমিকস প্রকাশক
added by rakshasa
Source: ডিসি কমিকস প্রকাশক