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posted by HoltNLucy4Ever
Ever since I first started watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, I've always felt that অ্যাঞ্জেল was a better match for Buffy than Spike. To me, Bangel is the perfect couple and they're soul mates who are star-crossed প্রেমী like Romeo and Juliet. They've had to deal with things that no other couple have had to deal with but yet they've come out strong in the end. অ্যাঞ্জেল is the one that Buffy truly is meant to be with because she told him she was cookie dough and not fully baked while অ্যাঞ্জেল told her that he wasn't getting any older. They have been through a lot and I will always প্রণয় them. I've always...
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Okay, so far got a couple of users want to যোগদান the "Spuffy Competition".. Thank আপনি for particating. Now just finished my thoughts for questions..

I've been having this feeling that this event will happen with out no interruptions অথবা delays.. Thank আপনি for thoses that I want this event.. I can really tell that আপনি want a Spuffy Oscars, Graphics Contest, & QUESTIONS..Too.

Here are ALL 25 প্রশ্ন of Spuffy:

1) What episode does Spike প্রদর্শনী his appearance to Buffy?

2) Why did Spike strike an alliance with Buffy to defeat Angel?

3) What episode does Spike get his chip?

4) How many dreams...
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Buffy: Life's a প্রদর্শনী and we all play our parts
And when the সঙ্গীত stops
We open up our hearts

It's all right if something comes out wrong
We'll sing a happy song
And আপনি can sing along

Where there's life there's hope
Everyday's a gift
Wishes can come true
Whistle while আপনি work
So hard all day

To be like other girls
To fit in in this glittering world
Don't give me songs
Don't give me songs

Give me something to sing about
I need something to sing about

Life's a song আপনি don't get to rehearse
And every single verse
Can make it that much worse

Still my বন্ধু don't know why I ignore
The million things অথবা more
I should...
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posted by adwbuffy
Hey, for the past seven years of Slaying for Buffy Summers. She has been through a lot of problems towards men. For my other প্রবন্ধ "Buffy's Past Relationships". Buffy was in a lot of pain and suffering.

I have been thinking through this out. When she had first relationship with Angel. The first vampire she incounter when she was training to be a slayer. অ্যাঞ্জেল was really emotional towards her. Lots of jealous,afraid of that he might her,shakey vampire,and deny that he loves her. The relationship between অ্যাঞ্জেল and Buffy was about "True Love" the beginning of it. Buffy was realizing from Angel...
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 New York City WB টেলিভিশন Fall 1999 Season Annoucement
New York City WB Television Fall 1999 Season Annoucement
Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz have created one of the best (if not the best one) TV couple of all time! What made them so special, what was the reason they were so real ?

One word: Chemistry. This is the key. And it's not only about the great working relationship they had, but it's even আরো about how they felt about each other in real life. আপনি can see a lot of screen couples which in a movie অথবা series play great loves but in reality barely stand each other (e.g.Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey), অথবা simply don't share any special friendship, just regular working relationship. The...
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Season Seven of "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER" has been a পছন্দ of mine for years. But it has been rather unpopular with many অনুরাগী of the series. And I suspect that this unpopularity may have centered around the character and main villain of Season Seven – the First Evil:


If there is one nemesis that has baffled অনুরাগী of "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER" for the past six to seven years, it would have to be the First Evil. This entity first made its appearance in the Season Three episode, (3.10) "Amends" and became Buffy Summer’s main nemesis in Season Seven, the...
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 spike season 2
spike season 2
"Time was আপনি would've taken her out in a heartbeat. Now look at you. I bet this, uh, tortured thing is an act, right? You're not... housebroken?"

"If every vampire who ব্যক্ত he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock"

"Time was আপনি would've taken her out in a heartbeat. Now look at you. I bet this, uh, tortured thing is an act, right? You're not... housebroken?"

"Do আপনি know what I found worked real good with Slayers? Killing them."

"I find one of your বন্ধু first, I'm gonna' suck him dry...and use their অস্থি to bash your head in. Are আপনি getting a word picture...
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This is my review of the show. When I had heard about Buffy, a huge প্রদর্শনী that envolves with Witches, Vampires, and Slayers. But when I heard that Sarah Michelle Gellar was playing a vampire slayer. I knew this প্রদর্শনী is going to be great with a powerful actress.


When I first started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer I was smart that I watch the first season to understand the প্রদর্শনী better. In the beginning for me was absolutely good, a lot of drama, passion and romantic scenes for Buffy & Angel. The প্রদর্শনী in the beginning was very intense for all the characters especially for...
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I'm here to discuss our first rewatch based on your পছন্দ Buffy' couples.. Like Bangel, Spuffy, Cander, Xanya, Willara, Willoz etc...

I'm not taking Debs idea in the beginning of last years idea. I was thinking this out and thought it would be a great idea to share your পছন্দ couple and how they first met on the show. So I was thinking of making rewatch marathon on relationships that আপনি প্রণয় so much from our পছন্দ tv প্রদর্শনী Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Heres an example: I got started on marathon from my friend here on Fanpop!.. We decided on a Spuffy Marathon and decided on our favorite...
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 Whats gonna happen next?
Whats gonna happen next?
নমস্কার BuffyVerse & AngelVerse fans,

You may know that I put a new event that give আপনি all the opportunity to write your very own FanFiction. I created a ফোরাম called link. Also for some people that saw my orginal idea that I tried my best on creating a Spuffy FanFiction but didn't work. So with The Scoobies Awards that the lovely ArabellaElfie designed for all অনুরাগী to nominate there পছন্দ from Both shows. With great success of that, Katie (ArabellaEflie) agreed that its time for FanFiction.


1) Pick a couple/slash couple, the timeline can be anywhere অথবা the finals give আপনি a little...
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Ok so many অনুরাগী have been wondering and hearing a New Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. That is true but many cast members having many projects that they are too busy with a Buffy Vampire Slayer movie.

Like for instints Sarah Michelle Gellar & James Marsters seems they really want one A New Buffy the Vampire Slayer along with it is a Spike Spinoff of Angel. But they realize one thing that would effect them both is the creator of the series is too busy with "Dollhouse" that seems not doing well on শিয়াল some rumors about this conclusion.

For Sarah Michelle Gellar the one main reason she...
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 অ্যাঞ্জেল Buffy and Riley "The Yoko Factor"
Angel Buffy and Riley "The Yoko Factor"
As we all look back Season 4. Buffy fell in প্রণয় with a commando guy who works for underground secert society called the "Intiative". Riley Finn a man who never had a girlfriend in his life until there was Buffy. There relationship was very hard for them in Seasons 4 and 5. Season 4 was about trust and care. When Riley found out about "Angel". He flipped out on Buffy. Like felt that was loosing her in that season. Buffy was trying to make Riley understand her feelings towards Angel.

Season 5 was the worst act yet for Briley. When Buffy first met the famous vampire name "Dracula".Riley was feeling...
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posted by charmed-buffy
I stand in the pouring rain
আপনি couldn't even be there to pick me up
Yer taking me for granted, again
Yer running outta time, and yer outta luck!

Just a moment of weakness
I should examine my head!
Just a moment of weakness
I never meant a word I said

I'm sick with the Beijing flu
And আপনি chose then not to come home.
A week later I caught you
স্নেহ চুম্বন a girl who was my clone!

Just a moment of weakness
I should examine my head!
Just a moment of weakness
I never meant a word I said!

(oh, why should I stay and pretend?
আপনি make me laugh again
My darling, truth is - we are not even friends!
Oh, প্রণয় comes and it goes.
Where yer হৃদয় stops - no one knows...
How did I wind up in the is mess, here - with you!)

Just a moment of weakness
I should examine my head!
Just a moment of weakness
I never meant a word I said!
she's in ecstasy
her hollowed sky
pours down heavenly
and fakes desire
i've been living here
in the red
i've been feeling
i'm dead again

we've been bored before...

i have never felt so alone
since the time we left ourselves
half past gone
we've been living here
up against the red
i've been feeling
i'm dead again

we've been bored before...
we'll be bored again...
we've been bored before and again

she's in ecstasy
her hollowed sky
pours down heavenly
and fakes desire
i've been living here
up against red
i've been knowing
i'm dead again

we've been bored before...
we'll be bored again...

shadows to the wall...
Rape plays a large and controversial part in the Whedonverse. When most people think of rape in the ‘verse they will most always think of the scene in Seeing Red, whether আপনি be a Spuffy অথবা Bangel অথবা even Tillow.
I will try to keep my own thoughts and feelings about that scene from this. I have a personal bias for the character Spike and the ship of Buffy & Spike and I’m sure that shows.
If আপনি were just looking for the obvious attempt of physical rape, then yes, Seeing Red would enter your mind. It is most interesting to me that one that is only attempted, never followed through...
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After I watched all the seasons. I finshed watching অ্যাঞ্জেল season 5. I was figuring out which vampire with a soul has a better understanding what a soul is?

I was thinking of Angel? At first because he had it longer than Spike. In Angel's dark past and his history behind his soul. He was cursed with gyspies. Cuz, he slaughtered a lot of people and gyspies (Drusilla) was one of the factors because he turned her because of her gifted sight and Angelus's obsession of Drusilla.

Once অ্যাঞ্জেল got his soul he was on redemption. Looking for his path as a demon with a soul. Angel's life changed when he...
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 xander season 2
xander season 2
"What was he? A-a demon? A giant bug? Some kind of dark god with the secrets of nouvelle cuisine? I mean, we are talking creature- feature here, right?"

"I'm seventeen. Looking at linoleum makes me wanna have sex."

"Well, let's see, um, six feet tall, claws, a big old snout in the middle of his face like a wolf. Um, yeah, I'm sticking with my first guess."

"Are we overlooking the possibility that she may be very attracted to me? ... She's possessed."

"Hey, it's me. If Angel's doing something wrong, I wanna' know...'cause it gives me a happy"

"Angel's our friend...except I don't like him"

"Just meet...
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 buffy season 1
buffy season 1
"Giles, care? I'm putting my life on the line, battling the undead. Look, I broke a nail, ok? I'm wearing a press-on. The least আপনি could do is exhibit some casual interest; আপনি can go hmm."

"I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die."

"It's my first day! I was afraid that I was gonna be behind in all my classes, that I wouldn't make any friends, that I would have last month's hair. I didn't think there'd be ভ্যাম্পায়ার on campus"

"My diary? আপনি read my diary? That is not okay! A diary is like a person's most private place! আপনি don't even know what I was লেখা about!'Hunk'can mean a lot of things,...
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City of Rome
It was the middle of the night. Buffy was walking down the street, talking to someone in a really tiny microphone. There was a small earphone in her ear, so each time she’d say something pedestrians who passed দ্বারা would give her strange looks, because it seemed as if she was talking to herself.
“Yes, Willow, I’m taking care of myself” Buffy reassured her ginger friend on the other side of the line. “I’m actually sitting in restaurant Chinappi as we speak” she added, before taking a bite of her sandwich
“I hear cars, Buffy” Willow replied a little offended. Did Buffy...
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 Oh my, that's unsightly!
Oh my, that's unsightly!
I was browsing soapboxes one দিন a few months পূর্বে when I came across a drinking game set around the প্রদর্শনী Supernatural, written দ্বারা Bealoser. This made me remember a time from high school when my best friend and I participated in a Buffy drinking game(bad girls, i know!). Our only criteria for taking a shot was when a vampire was slain অথবা we spotted a visible bra strap, the latter being fairly often considering that it was an episode from either season 2 অথবা season 3.

While browsing link, I realized that there were countless things in Buffy that could trigger a drink, so I started লেখা down...
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