Castiel Club
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added by iceprincess7492
School was out and Jerrick walked to the gate. He didn’t see his mother anywhere, but a strange woman came his way.
“Hi, Jerrick” Meg ব্যক্ত charming when she reached the eight বছর old. Jerrick took a few steps back. “Don’t be afraid. I know আপনি don’t know me, but do আপনি remember being sick and a man made আপনি feel better?”
Jerrick nodded heavily.
“I’m a very good friend of that man. He’s visiting your mom and I was so kind to come and pick আপনি up” Meg explained.
Jerrick’s teacher walked towards them.
“Is there a problem?” she asked suspicious.
“No, I’m just picking...
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added by maskedknight666
added by bouncybunny3
Feeling uncomfortable and strange Cas decided to take a walk around the park. It was as if a hundred প্রজাপতি were fluttering in his belly.
“You don’t look so good, man”
Cas turned around and looked serious at Andy. “I don’t feel so good, either”
“You need to use the bathroom?” Andy asked slightly concerned.
“That won’t be necessary” Cas said. “I just have a bad feeling”
Andy nodded in understanding. This wasn’t the first wedding he attended. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for the bride অথবা the groom to be nervous.
“Look, man, I’m sorry about last night” he said....
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posted by HaleyDewit
The পরবর্তি room had some kind of pool with dark blue water and Meg had to ক্রুশ the water to reach the door on the other side. She looked around to find Kevin’s message. She found it on the wall, পরবর্তি to the door. She read it and shivered. The tablets were hidden at the bottom of the pool. Meg could swim, that wasn’t the problem. But the water would probably be ice cold and আপনি could bet there was going to be something in the water, ready to attack her.
However, since she didn’t have any time to waste, she stretched her arms and dived into the water. She was right; the water was ice cold....
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Sam was back home. He had প্রদত্ত his statement to the police and they had no reason to প্রশ্ন it. Anna was there, too and she wasn’t alone. She had brought a woman with her.
“Sam, this is Maryana, she’s a witch” Anna introduced the woman. Sam squeezed his eyes in suspicion.
“You brought a witch here?” Sam exclaimed. “You know we can’t trust them. They’re selfish”
“I’m standing right here, আপনি know” Maryana pointed out.
“I know it’s risky” Anna started to explain. “But right now I think it’s the only option we have. Cas has gone completely off the rails and...
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added by melikhan
Source: Tumbrl
added by ForeverEternity
added by bouncybunny3
added by Ieva0311
added by KWcat_03x
added by haley_scott
Source: দ্বারা ~NaSyu
added by Dean-girlx
মিশা কলিন
posted by HaleyDewit
Raphael put the box inside a white vault. They had expected Anna to return to get it, not Dean Winchester. Fortunately they had trained Cas well in the years he’d spent with them and away from the Winchesters and আরো importantly from Meg Masters. Now if Naomi could get the other part of Cas back they would be able to fix him.
The sound of wings made him look up. Without turning around he knew it was Naomi who stood behind him.
“I hope all went well” he ব্যক্ত in a questioning tone.
“I put Castiel in an artificial coma” Naomi confirmed. “If we can keep Dean Winchester here long enough...
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posted by HaleyDewit
“Okay, okay, they’re gone! Will আপনি stop being such a whining bitch, now?” the brunette woman scoffed as she jumped of the washing table.
Erin looked up and wiped her tears. She sought support against the ঝরনা lining and stood.
“You again! Who are you?” she hissed frustrated. The woman picked up a towel and handed it to her.
“I told you. I’m your friend” she smiled mischievous. Erin jerked the towel out of her hands and wrapped it around her body.
“Friends don’t try to scare their বন্ধু to death” Erin snapped.
“Scare you?” the woman asked, playing innocent. “I...
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added by bouncybunny3
posted by HaleyDewit
A guard stood before her cell. “You have a visitor” he ব্যক্ত short. He unlocked the cell and walked to her. He cuffed her hands and took her arm.
He walked her to the visitor’s মহাকাশ to a টেবিল where Evan was waiting. Erin sat down and Evan smiled weak.
“Hey” he ব্যক্ত softly. “How are you?”
Erin shrugged. “I’ve been set up. My…parents…are dead. Someone killed them. And there was a girl and she was killed, too. I watched it happen. But I didn’t kill anyone. I don’t remember killing anyone”
Evan searched his ব্রিফকেস and conjured a few news articles. He put them on the...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Evan was back in Denver, in his office at work. He wanted to try to get some work done, but feared that it would be wishful thinking. His thought kept wandering off to Erin.
The door opened and Evan jumped up. His co-worker and best friend Daniel walked into the room. He walked towards the ডেস্ক and sunk down.
“How are you?” he asked a little nervous. He turned around in the chair.
“I’m fine, considering” Evan replied vague.
“And Erin? How’s she coping with everything?” Daniel asked. “It’s just that…the guys have been asking and I’m not sure what to tell them”
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