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added by heroesfan4eva
Source: http://spoilertv.blogspot.com/2008/06/doctor-who-davros-red-dalek.html
added by no1drwhofan
added by iceprincess7492
Source: DW Filming Locations @ Twitter
added by Moacir
Source: MetS
added by Natalie_Singer
Source: tumblr.com
added by Natalie_Singer
Source: tumblr.com
added by Natalie_Singer
Source: tumblr.com
added by heroesfan4eva
added by JoannaVonDoom
Source: unknown
added by DoctotWhoLover
Do আপনি wanna fly the TARDIS? come on lets go through time and space
we never do this anymore
come through the door
times about to waste
were gonna see some Daleks
and দেবদূত too
please tell me আপনি wont Blink!
do আপনি wanna fly the TARDIS?
আপনি dont have to fly the TARDIS!
Amy: no আপনি do it Doctor
ok fine.

Do আপনি wanna fly the TARDIS?
অথবা vist someone whos long dead?
i think some company is overdue
i've started talking to an old cybermans head
(Hang in there Handles)
it gets a little lonely
all these empty rooms
just watching the years go by!

Ponds i now your long gone.
the দেবদূত took আপনি far away.
আপনি say to সরানো on and im trying too
its just so hard to do there is no way.
আপনি were my only family it was the ponds and me
what am i gonna do?
do আপনি want to fly the TARDIS?
"The new Doctor Who series four trailer starring david tennant as the doctor, catherine tate as donna noble and many other people! This ad concentrates on Donna and the monsters that lye ahead!" Uploaded দ্বারা Monkeyinaspasm. Belongs to the BBC.
ডক্টর হু
series four
season four
coming attraction
posted by 21doctor
Captain Jack Harkness stood at the bar on the সৈকত anywhere on Barcelona - the planet Barcelona. He put his cockteil glass on the desk. It was a strong stuff but tasty. He looked around. Pretty women and handsome men in bathsuits অথবা naked, also alien a la colour were sunbathing, strolling around অথবা chatting.
Near to him sat a grey-brown fured greateared dog with a long, fluffy tail, like a terrestian fox. It sat backside to him. An other dog, a typical Barcelona dog with no-nose came to it, sniffed and, after the foxtail dog snarled, went away.
Suddenly the sitting dog stood up. It went with...
continue reading...
added by ellie_bellie135
Source: GIF
added by iceprincess7492
Source: DW Filming Locations @ Twitter
added by iceprincess7492
Source: Farfarawaysite
added by Moacir
Source: MetS