The La Cerva Sisters 💗

Authored by urmotherq

Kourtney La Cerva Barker âĻ

Kourtney was born on December 18, 1979. She is a Sagittarius, "People born on December 18 are charming and romantic and often they try to transformation the world, one step at a time with their aspiring nature. They are original and dignified as well and appreciate settings in which they can offer a helping hand and show how aiding they are." 

Kourtney Mary La Cerva is the first daughter of the second generation of the La Cerva, starting the women empire of the La Cerva family. She comes from Michael La Cerva & Apollonia La Cerva. 

"Ive been wearing lipstick since I was in 7th grade. That was our form of daring self-expression, because we had to wear uniforms in school. It made our teachers so angry."

Kourtney has a rebellion streak in her nature, she doesn't like to be controlled because of her childhood. The nature of the La Cerva household from back in their childhood, has left Kourtney with scars forever turning her personality into a dark soul. Kourtney has a wit, good one liners, and a resting bitch face. She is a boss when she walks into a room, she can control the setting no matter who you are, but you don't realize it. You can easily thinks shes harmless but Kourtney will come to shock you. Kourtney has a fierce way about herself. Kourtney has grown into more of a heartfelt person and into her emotions. She has try to reslese herself from the trauma that was laid upon her in her childhood. Kourtney has grown away from her family and is trying to leave the lifestyle laid upon them. 

Kourtney has four children, Fezco Cloud La Cerva,  Lily Rose "Jocelyn" Brasco La Cerva, Cassie Brasco La Cerva (come from her relationship with Donnie Brasco), & baby Rocky Thirteen Barker with Travis Barker. . 

"I didn't expect to see Kim, but I'm gonna be professional when I really just want to sock her in the face" 

"I remember one day I was kissing Fezco and he spit up in my mouth and I loved it." 

"Sometimes I just wish nobody knew who I was."







Kim La Cerva â§


Kim was born on December 6, 1980. She is a Sagittarius, "A Sagittarius born on December 6 is a kind, soft-spoken individual that has a love of people and is a natural mediator. They understand the power of quiet persuasion. Their positive attitude and good manners make them pleasant to know and nice to be around. People born on this date raise sociability to an art form."


Kim La Cerva is the first born from Michael La Cerva and Kris Jenner. She overtime has really taken on the role as top godmother in this family. She also been notoriously known as Kris favorite daughter. Kim understands what their lifestyles asks for. No matter the situation Kim will make it to the task. Some say, and even her herself will say she carries this brand on her back and is the most hard working. 

'There’s a lot of baggage that comes with us, but it’s like Louis Vuitton baggage; you always want it.” 

“I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised.”

Kim has a nice and sweet nature to her, but by any means I wouldn't cross her. She has a sweet demeanor but she can be ruthless and cut throat if your to try to upper end her. Kim has been underestimated her whole life, been told shes too pretty, naive, or kind. She taken every punch from her sisters, media, and men. But she has overcome them all and proved many wrong. Kim carries alot of trauma from their work in their many lifestyles but she continues to prevail. She is greedy and at times selfish. She's heavily into her looks and her body, she always wants to be the best and look the best. Kim carries alot of fear of getting old which associated with death, as she and her family have done alot of bad things. Kim at the end of the day is a good person just born into this lifestyle. 

Kim has five children with Kayne West, North West, Saint West, Justice West, Rue West, and Gia West. 

"I'm kind of shocked I'm getting a fashion award when I'm naked most of the time."

"Daddy is a singer, performer, artiste. Mommy has so many talents I can't even begin to name them."



Khloe La Cerva áƒ“

Khloe was born December 10 1984, "As a Sagittarius born on December 10th, you are sweet and supportive of those around but can also be very frank and sometimes harsh. Your life will often seem to be a balancing act between your responsibilities and your deepest desires and you will always try to have them both". 

Khloe comes from Sonny La Cerva & Kris Jenner affair. Khloe has been a outsider since the moment she was born into this family. Khloe has a placement of middle child synodme and carries alot of insercuties within this family. Khloe has a hard time liking herself and has become addicted to plastic surgery to fix the appearnce she thinks she needs fixing on. 

"I would surrender my being to see you whole once more." 

"But I also enjoy life... the more scrutiny I am under, the more confident I become. I am who I am. I can't do anything about it, and I love who I am."

Khloe has a caregiving nature to her, always being the one to take care of all the kids coming from her sisters and of course her own. Khloe struggles alot with her view on herself and her relationships to her sisters. She has become immensely attached to them and will change off her paring of who she attached too at the time. Khloe is a naturer and has been raised as the housewife of the family and is put in situations where she has to stand by her man or family, even if their in the wrong. Khloe is wronged alot. But she also has a wicked sense of humor and is an aggressor she is a protector of her sisters. Khloe has a obnoxious personality that shines through from her father, Sonny La Cerva.

Khloe has four girls with Max Menzella, Dawn Menzella, Fawn Menzella, Kendall Menzella, & Kylie Menzella. 

"I'm not a big cry on a shoulder person. I'm very introverted when it comes to my own stuff." 

Debbie La Cerva āĻ“

Debbie was born on June 20, 1985, "Being a Gemini born on June 20th, you have a sympathetic and protective nature. You are mindful of those around you and although you have your own rhythm you try to be acceptant of everyone else's. When something or someone has caught your attention, you have no rest until you do something about it."

"“I’m on a billboard in Times Square, but my bathroom is still dirty, and I have toothpaste on my face.”

Debbie comes from Tom Hegan and his wife Nicole Brown Simpson who was brutally murdered by her obsessed ex-husband OJ Simpson. Debbie was taken in by Kris and her daughters as family when they left the OG La Cerva family house. They embraced her as family. As a child Debbie kept a quite and shy demeanor. But as Debbie grew older they saw a different side of her. 

Debbie to the La Cerva family, she was not blood but she was a tool to their machine. Debbie is like a onion with many layers, there's always a lot to unfold with her. She has different faces at all times and you never know what to expect out of Debbie. Shes the most unpredictable out of the bunch. She can do one thing and than do the other. You can never get a good read on a person like Debbie. She has deep fueled trauma from where they come from and how everything operates around them. Debbie at heart is a broken little girl who wants to protect her toy, her toy being Raymond. Debbie is a fiercely protective mother over her two children, Quinn and Ray. But Debbie is also a goofy person with many jokes to fly out of her pocket and facial expressions. She is truly a icon. 

Debbie La Cerva has two children with Henry Fabray, Quinn Fabray and Ray Fabray. 

"“When you’re an actress – or just a woman – a lot of the exercise classes that are offered are so sort of male gaze-skewed. It’s all working out for the beach and not for function at all."

 “Every time I get catcalled, I fantasize about being able to do a wrestling move on someone.”

“I often feel like a character actress trapped inside the mean, aging Barbie’s body.”