Fighting For Freedom! Club
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added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা *dragon-nexus
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~bvw1979
posted by whiteclaw
"Sally are আপনি oka- w-wait where are আপনি going?!" Sonic said. "Anywhere but here,I am going to have this child whether আপনি like it অথবা not!" She growled. "Fine it's not my idea anyway!" Later he picked up his phone the number calling was 1-800-432-7098 "That's strange... hello?" "Hi I'm Sam Flynn,and I need your help." "Hey আপনি pass me another drink my taste is parched." He said. "Don't আপনি mean your throat?" Espio corrected. "What are আপনি my english teacher?!" "Jeez, sorry Vector. So anything new over there charmy?" He yelled. "Yes indeed, there was an attack about 30 miles from Knothole forest."...
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posted by musiclover2015
 Skye Prower
Skye Prower
Skye Prower is the son of Miles and Mina Prower, and the brother to Melody Prower. He existed in the original Mobius: 25 Years Later future and was preserved in the altered one দ্বারা the efforts of his father, Miles. In the new timeline, he became a member of the Future Freedom Fighters.


Unaltered Timeline-
In the original future, Skye moved with his family to Downunda shortly before Lara-Su's Unveiling. In a flashback of the departure recalled দ্বারা Sally, it is indicated that he was good বন্ধু with Manik, similar to the relationship between his father and Sonic.(StH: #138)

Five Years of...
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added by musiclover2015
Source: Pavel Cucka
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~GaruGiroSonicShadow
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা =TheSnowDrifter
added by Tails_Sonic
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা *kiss-the-thunder
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~2chao2
posted by Tailsgamer2
Prologue: Hey, T_a_i_l_s here just with a new name!
It already was Tails' 14th birthday... Well, one মাস after. Anyway Tails was sitting down in front of Emarald পাহাড় Zone, Soon he had a flashback,


Tails: ! Awesome I can fly দ্বারা spinning my tails!

Tails flew over to a plane following the footprints and was delighted to see his idol, Sonic napping under it. He flew inside the plane and took an immediate liking to it.

Tails: (whispering) wow!

Suddenly there was a huge explosion. Tails fell down into the cockpit. Just when sonic was gonna dash off, Tails stopped him

Tails: WAIT!!!

Tails lept...
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added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~Aamypink
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~rogferraz
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~nicochi
added by musiclover2015
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা *Skylined-53
added by musiclover2015
added by musiclover2015
Source: দ্বারা ~ViralJP