স্বতস্ফূর্ত Club
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added by Kaidi
Source: neonbliss @ lj
added by BruCaS_LoVE
Source: tumblr.com
added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr
added by jemgrl323
Source: darrencrissweb.com
Zephyr in the sky at night I wonder
Do my tears of mourning sink beneath the sun
She's got herself a universe gone quickly
For the call of thunder threatens everyone


And I feel like I just got home
And I feel
And I feel like I just got home
And I feel

Faster than the speeding light she's flying
Trying to remember where it all began
She's got herself a little piece of heaven
Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one


Quicker than a রশ্মি of light
Quicker than a রশ্মি of light
Quicker than a রশ্মি of light


And I feel
Quicker than a রশ্মি of light
Then gone for
Someone else shall be there
Through the endless years

She's got herself a universe
She's got herself a universe
She's got herself a universe

And I feel

Quicker than a রশ্মি of light she's flying
Quicker than a রশ্মি of light I'm flying
This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try আপনি on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her চেরি chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in প্রণয় tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter,
You're my experimental game
Just human nature,
It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey

I kissed...
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posted by girly_girl
Gotta প্রণয় Sue!

Sue: We're gonna bring this club down.
Quinn: And I'm gonna get my boyfriend back.
Sue: I don't care so much about that.

Emma: Since when are cheerleaders performers?
Sue: Your resentment is delicious.

Sue: Iron tablet? It keeps your strength up when আপনি menstruate.
Will: I don't menstruate.
Sue: Neither do I.

Will: Hold on a second, Sue.
Sue: I resent being told to hold on to anything.

Sue: That was the most offensive thing I've seen in 20 years of teaching — and that includes an elementary school production of Hair.

Sue: I want my full budget restored. I want a fog machine.

Sue: I'm...
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added by grekos
তালিকা of nicknames used on স্বতস্ফূর্ত (Source: স্বতস্ফূর্ত Wiki, some from memory). A few have been left out so if আপনি can think of any just post in comments)
Rach, A-Rach, Babe, (Finn)
Miss Bossy Pants, Eva Peron (Mercedes)
RuPaul, Man Hands, Treasure Trail, Stubbles, That Thing, Sweetie (Quinn)
Yentl (Dakota, Santana)
Boy Hips (Lauren)
Benedict Arnold (Kurt)
Dwarf, Midget, Hobbit (Santana)
Barbra Streisand (Suzy Pepper)
Lady, Michele (Sue)
Baby, My Hot Little Jewish American Princess (Puck)
The Jew (YouTube user)

Finnocence (Santana)
Frankenteen (Santana, Dakota Stanley, Sue)
Sugar রশ্মি (Sue)
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added by Saul_Mikoliunas
Source: 20th Century শিয়াল টেলিভিশন
season 6
Finally hes গান গাওয়া not rapping!
season 1
ফালি song
episode 8
mash up
matthew morrinson
will schuester
added by EastPwincess
credit to laurenbrie
season 1
added by judesmommy
Source: gleewallpaper.tumblr.com
added by robin221
Source: gleeandstuff.tumblr
added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr
added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr