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posted by SpeedyGonzalez
I, SpeedyGonzalez did NOT write this. I just merely copyed and pasted it.

Ah, yes, Stephenie Meyer, লেখক of the Twilight series. My opinion of her, from the way that she has presented herself to the public in interviews and such, is that she is a whiny, self absorbed woman with the mind of a 13 বছর old. She can't deal with criticism because it hurts her delicate little feelings, and believes that she is an amazing writer and that her story and characters are somehow superior to those seen in the works of people such as Jane Austen and William Shakespeare. Here's one statement that shows that...
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First of all- Harry Potter isn’t just a childish bedtime story. Nor is it shallow. A story based off a single dream has no depth. Twilight অনুরাগী will never what kind of man James was before he turned vampire. Rowling, however, spent 15 years planning every little detail. She created a world within our own for her witches and wizards. She has based their heritage off of real mythology and history. Their spells are in a dead language and they have organized governments with strict laws. She has followed her characters’ stories from...
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Harry Potter is the End of an Era. Twilight is the End of an Error.

At first glance, আপনি would think this is just another oh-so-clever Anti-Twilight slogan, reiterated দ্বারা the Twilight hating masses, but in reality, are these antis only slamming themselves?

First off, what Era is Harry Potter ending? It’s own? So in other words, “Harry Potter is the end of Harry Potter”.

I’m assuming this “Error” is meant to represent Twilight, correct? So in other words, much like the above, “Twilight is the end of Twilight”.

In conclusion, “Harry Potter is the End of Harry Potter. Twilight...
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 Would আপনি prefer to read the new adventures of গায়ক পক্ষী after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," অথবা to know what happens to Edward and Bella after the ending of the Twilight saga?
Would you prefer to read the new adventures of thrush after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," or to know what happens to Edward and Bella after the ending of the Twilight saga?
Summer is the perfect opportunity to stop and relax and let your imagination fly: and what better opportunity to spend some 'time to read, drift into a fabulous world of the best stories?

But what would be the perfect book for summer: a new chapter of Harry Potter অথবা the sequel to Breaking Dawn? Would আপনি prefer to read the new adventures of গায়ক পক্ষী after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," অথবা to know what happens to Edward and Bella after the ending of the Twilight saga? Vote!

And how can আপনি imagine আরো of these stories? Let go of the ফ্যান্টাসি and ... "write" আপনি Harry Potter 8 and the new adventures of Edward and Bella!
posted by HaleyDewit
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
Rhytm of Poker Face

I’ve been in Azkaban for আরো than a decade
So if you’d ক্রুশ my way আপনি don’t think I’ll be afraid
I’ve become an প্রতীকী in the whole wizarding world
And you’re not even hot enough to be an escort girl

Whoa (x8)
You think you’re the best
But your hair’s like a mess
Whoa (x8)
You got no style
You প্রণয় a dude who’s dead nor alive

I would like, I would like
Now I would really like to Crucio your face!

Death Eaters:
You just insulted her lover
No not my, no not my
Don’t আপনি mess with my pretty face

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I suspect I'm not the only one, am I? XD...... Anyways, আপনি know you're obsessed with Bellatrix when....
Credit: Me Myself and I

1. আপনি throw away all of your hairbrushes.

2. আপনি wear at least some black every day.

3. আপনি rip your clothes on purpose.

4. আপনি call people আপনি don't like "filthy mudbloods".

5. আপনি yell "CRUCIO!" at people when আপনি get mad.

6. আপনি carry knives on your person

7. Your desktop background and screensaver are of Bellatrix.

8. Whenever you're typing a word that starts with a "B" অথবা an "L", আপনি accidentally type out a Bellatrix অথবা a Lestrange instead.

9. আপনি think her birthday should...
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Whoa. Its the final battle already? It seems like this all started a week ago....which it did....so...yeah.
NOTE: I am a Twilight fan, so do not suggest that I think all Twilight অনুরাগী are crazy. I also think HP is better than Twilight, though. Just a little.
NOTE:I like HP and T, I am not trying to make fun of either, I'm just having fun with some of the ideas.
NOTE: okay, I'm just putting this note in to build suspense.
NOTE: This is it. The big one. The end. The last one. The one and only. The awesome one. The one that is the end. The climatic one. The one that, if আপনি do not read, will send...
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So Harry Potter is MUCH better than some stupid book about wimpy girls and sparkly fairies. First off:
ALL the Twilight people are UGLY! I mean seriously, Taylor Lautners muscles are gross and he has ugly man-boobs. He looks like a creep on steroids. and Robert Pattison looks like a bum, and Kristen looks like a drug aggict as Bella. I mean, EW! Who wants to watch a movie with eyesores like them? Harry Potter is WAY better, I mean we have HOT guys, and the girls aren't half bad either! I mean. we have Lucius, Draco, Sirius, and Snape to say the LEAST! Plus like a zillion other eye-candy dudes!...
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posted by lucius_malloy
So, once there was this girl - well, actually that girl still is - but anyway, this girl who we'll call Emma, for the purposes of now. (Well, actually, we'll call her that because it's her name. But আপনি get the point.)

Around two, two and a half years ago, when Emma was in sixth grade, one of her বন্ধু - let's call her K, if she must have a name - was পাঠ করা a book that looked rather interesting. It was black, with a shiny hard cover, and had an আপেল on the front. It was called Houkutus, which translates to Temptation. Emma liked the name and thought it might prove an interesting read, but...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Chapter 1 part 1
It was 8.30 am. A 17 বছর old girl lay asleep in her bed, a naughty smile on her face. She was obviously dreaming. She put her arms around her বালিশ like she was embracing it. She could dream on forever. But unfortunately…
“Isabella Swan, if আপনি wish to be on that plane in time, আপনি better get your pretty গাধা out of your বিছানা right now!” a female voice shouted from downstairs.
Bella groaned and with her head half underneath the sheets she touched for the alarm clock. She opened her eyes a little a checked the hour. The knowledge she gained, made her eyes almost fall out...
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It's pretty obvious from just my ব্যবহারকারী নাম that I am a 'Twilighter',but I will try not to be biast in this article. So, lets compare the two...

Which made আরো money?

♥ The movie 'Twilight' made $69,637,740 in the USA and £2,508,422 in the UK, in its opening weekend. 'Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone/philosphers stone' made $90,294,621 in the USA and £16,335,627 in the UK, in its opening weekend.

♥ 'New Moon' in its opening weekend made $142,839,137 in the USA and £11,683,158 in the UK, whereas 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets' made $88,357,488 in the USA and £18,871,829 in...
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posted by DivyaHarry
These are ট্যাটু of girls who are over-the-top obsessed about Twilight. Click on the লিঙ্ক to see them.



Are these people kidding themselves? The worst is the Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson one. Ugh!

I was horrified দ্বারা looking at them. It's one thing to be a part of a fad but it's a whole different thing to make that fad a part of your body.

What is the world coming to? Tomorrow when these girls go to get these horrors removed they'll probably be spending a lot আরো than they spent paying to get it done.
I'll admit, I have a pretty diverse bookshelf. I have the Harry Potter Complete Series box set পরবর্তি to my Twilight books. People who burn/flame either book are either A. extraordinarily biased অথবা B. have a legitimate reason and may actually have something intelligent to say. To find out what people thought, I decided to ask people who surrounded me at school what their opinions were. If you're interested, read on...

I took a survey of my fellow female students to see what they thought at my middle school (what possessed me to do so, I cannot say), and many of the উত্তর I heard were something...
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It is not made দ্বারা me, I found it on a webpage, but I think it's totally true, so I thought I should উঠিয়ে রাখুন it there.
There are swearing in the text! আপনি were warned.

I am a Twilight fan, and let me spell it out for you:

-I'd say, "Yeah, I'm one of those crazy Twilight people." But no, I'm really not.

-Edward is a too melodramatic and can suck my inexistant dick.

-I hate it when people think 90 percent of Twilight অনুরাগী are immature middle school girls.

-I hate immature middle school girls who are Twilight fans, cause they give us "normal" Twilight অনুরাগী a bad reputation.

-I do not wish "Edward waz real...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry and his friend entered the hotel in high spirits. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were already there, and one look told them they had been very worried. Ginny glanced at Harry’s wide smile and the newcomer, and said, very icily, “Who is she?” to Harry.
Harry grinned even wider, and J K smiled. “This, Ginny, is the one and only J K Rowling!” He saw their looks of astonishment. “You know,” he added, “she wrote our books!”
“Oh,” ব্যক্ত Ginny, sounding rather relieved. Ron laughed.
Hermione looked surprised, but knowing as to why he had brought J K.
“And why did আপনি bring...
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posted by hpotterforever7
This is an প্রবন্ধ that will clear some things that have been used in arguments between Harry Potter and Twilight.

The first thing I would like to clear up is Lily Potter's protection to Harry. Now, I know some have ব্যক্ত that it doesn't make sense because people die to protect others. For example, in the seventh book, Voldemort goes tothat family to ask for Gregorovich, but the women ব্যক্ত he wasn't there. Voldemort raised his wand, ready to kill her, and then her kids came running out. She shielded them, and died, but then why did they die too? This doesn't work because the women didn't have...
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posted by SpeedyGonzalez
I Speedy Gonzalez did not write this I merely copied and pasted it. The original may be found link.

I got Breaking Dawn on the দিন that it came out and was hoping that Meyer would somehow redeem the steadily deteriorating quality of the Twilight series. What a huge disappointment. I was even আরো disappointed when I found out how Meyer was responding to the criticism towards it. Then I discovered that she was লেখা Midnight Sun. I looked অগ্রবর্তী to that because, even though all of the বই suck, they are a guilty pleasure and Twilight was the best of all of them. Then she stopped writing...
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80. In harry potter lots of girls fell in luv with guys. And i could not understand your writing. আপনি sound drunk.

81. Reason why harry potter is better.

82. আপনি just admitted that harry potter story is better. And this isn't a who would win: wizards অথবা vampires.

83. আপনি did not give one reason why harry potter is better instead আপনি went on a rant on how much u luv it and আপনি keep on insulting it. Let me deflect your insults. Harry potter is not nerdy just because he wears round glasses and sometimes smart. Edward is not real to আপনি cause he is a flake. And again it doesnt matter if harry...
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Alright,I don't know where to begin,I guess I already begin.

I can't believe I've taken months to conclude that I was being something humiliating,nasty and dumb for those past months.I loved Harry Potter with all my heart,its the very first novel I would not eat to have it.I used to like Twilight too when I watched the movie in the first place.

However,its pretty obnoxious when media started to compare my most পছন্দ book with a simple প্রণয় story like Twilight-no offenses,just how I used to think.That's why I joined this site,to prove that all the "move on Harry Potter.." things was wrong.
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So I am পাঠ করা reasons as to why Twilight অনুরাগী think Twilight is better than Harry Potter. I just want to make it clear; there is a big difference between liking one series better than another, and one series actually being better than another. I also want to reply to some of the আরো common ones I've seen.

"Twilight has আরো love!"
Okay, Twilight does not have আরো প্রণয় than Harry Potter দ্বারা any means. Twilight has a lot of obsessive lust, which is often mistaken for love, but they are quite different.

Why is their relationship lust? Why isn't it love?

Well, what do Bella and Edward do together?...
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