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added by KatiiCullen94
Source: livejournal
added by vanszerelem
নিউ মুন
বেলা সোয়ান
জ্যাকব ব্ল্যাক
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahjacobbella.tumblr.com
added by kiss93
added by Natalie88
Source: mine
জ্যাকব ব্ল্যাক
বেলা সোয়ান
নিউ মুন
added by BruCaS_LoVE
বেলা সোয়ান
জ্যাকব ব্ল্যাক
নিউ মুন
posted by lovinJake
I change my mind like a নেকড়ে destroys clothes
Yeah, আপনি PMS like a girl I would know
And আপনি always think, always speak cryptically
I should have known that you're no good for me

'Cause he's hot and you're cold
He says yes and আপনি no
His in and you're out
His up and you're down
You're wrong when he's right
His Black and you're white
We fight, we break up
We hug, and make out
You, আপনি shouldn't wanna stay, no
But you, আপনি don't really wanna go, oh

We use to be as one, so in sync
The same energy now's a dead battery
Used to talk 'bout everything, now you're plain boring
I should have known that you're no good...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
জ্যাকব ব্ল্যাক
বেলা সোয়ান
নিউ মুন
added by Mooneclipse
I held Bella in my arms thats when she started to cry."Bella why are আপনি crying."I tilted her head up with my finger and kissed her lightly on the cheek right beside her lips.She looked at me and stood on her tippy toes and kissed me hard on the lips.I kissed her back but then thought how wrong this was,she was married,Jacob was probaly at their house waiting for her to come home.

"Where is...Jacob?"I didn`t want her to do something we would both regret.She looked into my eyes the same way she did the first time we kissed(right now they were red and puffy)and took out her cell phone and showed...
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added by LilyPad2404
Source: http://fuckyeahjacobbella.tumblr.com/
added by cici1264
Source: JacobWolfHotie
added by lead
added by Blacklillium
Source: taylorlautneritalia.wordpress.co
From: RebelAngel9142
জ্যাকব ব্ল্যাক
বেলা সোয়ান
 Keila Black (Waterfall's)
Keila Black (Waterfall's)
Here is Chapter 53.......talk about Drama lolll hope আপনি guys enjoy :)

“Yeah, sorry this won’t happen again I promise” I ব্যক্ত as I winked at them and headed home.

We arrived প্রথমপাতা and I was so tired I fell right to sleep. The পরবর্তি morning I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I dragged myself out of বিছানা and stretched as I walked into my bathroom, I stared into the mirror, I was going to look like that forever a part of me felt happy but then it scared me a little, looking young forever. The thought quickly came and went and I continued to do brush my teeth and do my hair. I walked...
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