One Stormy Night 'One Howl In The Storm' - 1.5

arashinyou69 posted on Aug 07, 2023 at 06:30PM
"I can see those fucks from a mile away.. They never fix up their fucking appearances.." Gabu mutters - eyeing his cohort looking about as they walk towards the lobby.

"Who?" Mei asks, approaching Gabu.

"It's my former pack," Gabu replies, his voice laced with bitterness. "They must have tracked us down or followed us. Those scruffy wolves..." He clenches his fists, a mix of anger, "That fuck Giro ain't with 'em but.. Look, Mei. We've got ta' call our reservation short."

Mei furrows his brows in concern, understanding the urgency in Gabu's words. "What's going on? Why do we need to cut it short right away?" he asks.

"They're here.. Get behind me if they see us.."

Mei's expression turns serious as he takes a step back, positioning himself behind Gabu. He trusts that he will use his fighting prowess to protect him from any harm. The wolf tightly grips a small blackjack he keeps tucked away in his satchel, ready to defend himself and his friend.

The two then leave the room, carefully navigating down the endless expanse of rooms and hallways.


One of the wolves steps up to the counter.. 'Barry', the lackey-in-command for Giro.

"You wouldn't have seen a green wolf, and a goat come in, wouldja?" The wolf sneers with his pseudo-Australian accent.

The receptionist behind the counter raises an eyebrow, unsure of how to respond to the wolf's inquiry. "I'm sorry, sir. We have many guests coming and going. Could you provide more details?" the receptionist replies cautiously.

Barry growls, his patience wearing thin. He leans in closer to the counter, his voice dripping with menace. "I don't have time for your fucking games! A green wolf and a damn goat. They shouldn't be hard to miss. Now, tell me where they are!"

The receptionist's eyes widen nervously, understanding the seriousness in Barry's voice. "I apologize, but that's co-confidential.. We aren't allowed to give-"

Barry's frustration mounts, and he slams a fist on the counter, causing a small tremor. "Don't play the fucking corporate goody-two-shoes on me! Find out where they went, or I'll tear this fucking place apart!" he threatens. The receptionist is rightfully terrified and immediately begins to retrieve the logbook for patrons who have signed in. Gabu's signature would have been there...


"D-did he seriously send out your old pack to get us both, even with the press involved?" Mei inquires, sweat beading down his forehead like there was no tomorrow. His left hoof is tightly gripped in the palm of Gabu's right hand as the two lovers barrel down the hall towards the 'exit' stairwell, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Gabu's face reflects worry as he glances back at Mei, his voice filled with concern. "I'm afraid so, Giro will stop at nothing to kill us both, but trust me - that one-eared fuck won't be getting anywhere near you," he assures, his grip on Mei's hoof tightening for reassurance.

They reach the stairwell door and Gabu pushes it open. The hum of fluorescent lighting and other electrical handiwork echoes throughout the stairwell, a cacophony intertwined with the rainfall outside and the uneven breathing of Gabu and Mei's heartbeats. Every step they take on the metal staircase echoes loudly in the empty stairwell. The faint scent of dampness hangs in the air, mixing with the adrenaline coursing through their veins. The only source of light comes from the flickering emergency exit signs.

Navigating the concrete steps with fear, the sounds around them become more pronounced. Distant voices, muffled but menacing, reach their ears, confirming that their pursuers are not far behind... in fact, Gabu can hear Barry's voice, a cadence he wished to leave behind back in the Bakubaku Valley.

/"Those fucking chumps really thought a hotel would save 'em from the ass-whooping they're about to get? HAH!"/ the wolf's muffled 'bluff' echoes into the stairwell on the bottom floor.

Gabu's eyes narrow with anger - the blackjack in his left hand shaking in tandem with his tightly clenched left hand. Though, as much as he wanted to beat the shit out of his former pack, he couldn't at this very moment.. Too risky.

Instead, the green wolf shushes Mei and peers the door open - seeing two more of his former packmates...

Beach and Zack. Though.. to say they were 'efficient' would be somewhat of an understatement - given that one had to act as a mentor to the hyperactive other. Nonetheless, they were acting as spotters - and it wouldn't be good if the two had to enter a brawl just to escape.

"I've got an idea," Gabu whispers, his voice barely audible over the hum of the surroundings.

"And.. what's that?" Mei's inquires, his hooves tapping against each other nervously as he waits for Gabu to elaborate.

The green wolf meticulously spies on them and creates a hypothesis right there and then, "They're.. dipshits, right? We create a distraction - and smack 'em where its good. Then - we fucking RUN to the Troopie and get out of here."

Mei looks at the ground, apprehensive. But there was no other way of getting out, so he reluctantly agrees, "Alright.. but if this doesn't work?"

Gabu takes a deep breath, "Then I'll have to create a scene just so we can survive."

Without hesitation, Gabu smacks the blackjack against the rough, 'popcorn' wall of the stairwell, creating a loud noise that reverberates through the confined space. The sound echoes, catching the attention of the two wolves standing in the foyer. Their heads snap towards the direction of the fire exit, their ears perked up in alertness.

Mei's heart pounds in his chest as he waits for the scene to unfold.

"Huh? What the fuck was that? I think I heard 'em!" Zack roars, his hyperactive mind being a factor in Beach not believing him.

"Just.. shut the fuck up, Zack. Those two pansies aren't hiding here," Beach interrupts, his voice laced with annoyance at his fellow pack member's hyperactivity.

Before Beach can finish scolding his hyperactive twin, Gabu swings the blackjack alongside the wall with even greater force. The loud clang of the metal meeting the wall and the reverberating sound of the lead tip hitting the surface resonates throughout the stairwell and into the foyer much more louder than before.

The sudden and unmistakable noise causes Beach's skepticism to evaporate instantly, replaced by a surge of adrenaline. "Shit, you're right, Zack!" he exclaims, his voice filled with urgency.

Zack's eyes widen, and his hyperactive energy shifts into high gear. "We need to go check it out! There's no telling what those two f**s are up to!" he exclaims, his voice filled with excitement.

The two wolves exchange a sneer as they approach the doorway. Unbeknownst to them, Gabu's eye remains wedged in the small gap between the doorframe and the doorway, his gaze fixed on their movements.

"Get to the side, Mei," Gabu orders, his voice toned with menace and the undying will to protect the love of his life, "I'll show 'em why they should have fucked off back on the snowy hills."

The timid goat huddles by Gabu's side as he assumes an [ AMBUSH ] stance, the blackjack suspended high into the air above Gabu's head as he awaits the door to open.

last edited on Aug 07, 2023 at 07:21PM

One Stormy Night No উত্তর