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5.01 || 4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days

Nathan: Give me the bottle Luke, অথবা Dan wont be the only Scott who shot his brother.

Brooke: I believe in our lives we were all meant to do something. It does not matter when your success comes, success can come whenever আপনি want it to.

John Knight: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but rock & roll can't actually save the world.
Peyton: See, I disagree. Walk into any club on the strip tonight, and just look at the kids. Look into their eyes. I mean they're all looking for something to believe in, and I think that সঙ্গীত can be the thing to change the...
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In less than 1 দিন to the end of what was once my পছন্দ show, many feelings invade me. Obviously sadness being what most stands out, the fact of seeing one of the best programs I have ever seen on টেলিভিশন leave to never return is heartbreaking, One বৃক্ষ পাহাড় lived with me for almost 8 years of my life and I think that all the অনুরাগী will agree with me that when আপনি see a series for so long, especially one as deep as this, from one moment to another it passes from being just a টেলিভিশন script to become a part of you.

I was only 9 years old when I came across this wonderful story and although...
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posted by othobssesed1996
i know a lot of ppl think im crazy when i say i hate HJS but i just do for many reasons. i mean i like her with nathan like nathan makes me hate her less. But i still realy dont like her. This is only about hjs not BJG who plays her.

I have many reasons but i will only tell আপনি four.

number 1- she never knows when to shut up. Just close her mouth and it really pisses me off. For example in episode 3.16 the school shooting, everytime jimmy edwards asked a vitorical প্রশ্ন she would answer it. Everytime jimmy did something she would say something she would try to connect with him. but if it doesn't...
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posted by james_lover
The fourth season consisted of 21 episodes and ran from September 27, 2006 to June 13, 2007.

As the end of High School approaches, everyone finds themselves at a crossroads in their lives. Nathan survives the accident and after some initial confusion, Haley is revealed to be pregnant while Rachel turns her attentions to Nathan after Cooper leaves town, using Nathan's theory that it was really Keith who saved him from the accident to get Nathan's attention. Rachel backs off when she learns that Haley is pregnant and Nathan later learns that he had a vision of Keith and it was this vision that...
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We all know that Chad Michael Murray is returning for an episode of One বৃক্ষ Hill's ninth and final season. Hell, we spent weeks freaking out about it! But, a little birdie (ahem, me) heard that he may be back for আরো than one episode. Yes. For real.

While at Chad's NYC book signing tonight (for his graphic novel Everlast -- get it!) a অনুরাগী yelled, "Come back to One বৃক্ষ Hill, Chad!" Chad nicely smiled and replied, "I did! We've shot one episode so far."

That's when I stopped in my tracks. Wait. A. F*cking. Second. "So far?" I asked (loudly). Oops. No one else seemed to catch it! WHAT?!? Was this just a slip of the tongue অথবা will Chad be back for more?!? "We'll see," he ব্যক্ত with an innocent grin.

Come on. Maybe Chad was just teasing us, but either way, The CW execs better their their cards right! CMM is ratings gold!

Stay tuned for my interview with Chad as well as ছবি from the event! I totally fan-girled out on him and he was super nice about it. #Embarrassing #WorthIt
If you're a "Leyton" fan, pay close attention to পরবর্তি week's One বৃক্ষ পাহাড় season finale, because it may very well be the last আপনি will ever see of your পছন্দ brand-newlyweds.

Following weeks of contract negotiations and publicly made hints that a shake-up was afoot, Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie burton will not be returning for Season 7, a CW rep confirms for TVGuide.com.

To help fill what must have been an anticipated void, বৃক্ষ পাহাড় recently promoted Austin Nichols (aka Julian) to series regular status for this fall. Furthermore, two new characters will be introduced during Season 7, says EW's Michael Ausiello
I'm actually beginning to grow tired of the বিতর্ক and I'm considering rooting for Lucas to choose Lindsay অথবা run off with Skillz. Im a ব্রুকাস্‌ অনুরাগী but I strongly dislike the animosity that keeps appearing between the shippers. Admittedly ব্রুকাস্‌ Vs Leytoners are not nearly as vicious as some of the Nachel/Rathan অথবা the Brathan crowds, I've no idea what that is but some of them just seem plain mean.
There are a thousand reasons for Leyton and a thousand for Brucas, but Im tired of the 'Who should Lucas be with' picks, especially since whenever I read them I seem to catch spoilers without any spoiler...
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Tonights episode was really good I thought. I've spent pretty every season of OTH not really liking Nathan. But I absolutely loved Nathan in tonights episode and I feel bad for him. Neither of these things happen often.

Nathan was definately the best character tonight. I felt so bad for him. I really do think that he should have told Haley about Carrie's behavior long পূর্বে however that doesn't justify Haley's behavior tonight at all. I think she completely overreacted. She didn't listen to a single word that nathan ব্যক্ত yet she listened to every single word that a crazy woman says!

I'm having...
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Haley: Skills is going to take Jamie to keep him away from the TV.
Nathan: আপনি know the first memory I have is sitting on my father's lap bouncing a basketball. He spent my entire life trying to get me to the NBA, and now he is going to take that away.

Haley: Nathan, নমস্কার its gonna start soon.
Nathan: It's been a good life, huh?
Haley: Yea, it's been a wonderful life, and আপনি know when the প্রদর্শনী is over it's still going to be a wonderful life, because I প্রণয় আপনি and your son loves you, and nothing that happens in the পরবর্তি ঘন্টা is going to change that.
Nathan: God I needed to her আপনি say that.
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The last droplets of rain the sky had to offer fell briefly, as Nathan hurried up the steps of his and Haley’s apartment. Once he had finally reached shelter - like magic - the rain stopped.

He pushed his ঘোমটা off, and blinked. “Son of a bitch..”

It wasn’t long before he remembered what he was doing there, and he quickly made his way towards his apartment. Slipping his key in the lock quietly, he slid the door open, hoping Haley had gone out shopping.

No such luck. No sooner as he’d opened the door, the petite woman appeared from the bedroom.

Mid length auburn locks down, the girl frowned...
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posted by Leightonfan
"At this moment, there are 6 billion, 4 hundred, 71 million, 8 hundred, 18 thousand, 6 hundred, 71 people in the world. Some are running scared.. some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day.. others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some are good.. struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world, 6 billion souls -- and sometimes...all আপনি need is 1."
That's one of my পছন্দ উদ্ধৃতি on One বৃক্ষ পাহাড় :)
Um...Even though I my পছন্দ couple is Brooke and Lucas, I thought that since there are two other couples that people can seem to...
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posted by james_lover
The third season consisted of 22 episodes and aired between October 5, 2005 and May 3, 2006.

Three months later, things pick up where they left off at the beginning of the summer. Lucas and Peyton spent their summer together and are hiding a secret from Brooke when she returns from California and proposes a non-exclusive relationship with Lucas. Brooke takes pity on a homeless Haley and takes her on as her roommate. Haley tries to win back Nathan, who has spent the summer at "High Flyers", a বাস্কেটবল camp, however Nathan isn't ready to trust Haley again. He pays Chris to come back to Tree...
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I got really bored so here's just a little story I made up. As I ব্যক্ত I'm really bored.
Season 7 Episode 1 'Touch me, I'm going to scream Part 2'.
Illumination came from the roaring আগুন within the marble mantlepiece surrmounted দ্বারা a golden mirror.
Seven বন্ধু plus a baby girl and a young boy were sitting in a various seats in the living room embracing the warmth form the আগুন and talking among themselves. The gang had decided to spend a week in Rachels log cabin. Luckily Rachel gave Brooke the keys after she left বৃক্ষ Hill.
Lucas was holding Sawyer and pulling faces hoping to make her laugh....
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posted by deanwastedyou
Well I want Leyton to have their own vows so I decided to write down what they should tell each other..... I hope u like it :)

[Lucas puts the ring on Peytons finger]

LUCAS: I could stand here and say all kinds of things about my প্রণয় for আপনি but I rather just say one word, "Lonely" that's what আপনি were before. I met আপনি and আপনি were alone, kind of like me, just some high school kid looking for something in the world and I found you, I found আপনি Peyton. I fought for you, হারিয়ে গেছে you, saved আপনি from death and I kept saving আপনি until one দিন আপনি saved me. The দিন my world became clear, the দিন I...
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 Brooke, Peyton & Haley, Sorry I Mean Brooke, Peyton & Brooke ♥
Brooke, Peyton & Haley, Sorry I Mean Brooke, Peyton & Brooke ♥
The Ravens are playing an away game, and the tension between Nathan and Lucas continues to rise. On the way home, the tension boils over, and Whitey kicks them off the coach- 30 miles from home.

Whilst walking back, the two boys encounter some members of the team they just beat.The two boy then get kidnapped at gun point. Working together, they escape.

Whilst running away, they see a blue VW Beetle. Inside it is Brooke, Peyton and Haley.

Brooke was injured during the game, and took some drugs. She asked Peyton to drive her home. Peyton turns to Haley for help then Brooke asks Peyton if Haley can come with them. She's reluctant at first, but quickly agrees.

Elsewhere, Karen and Keith attend a business function, and tempers flare when Deb and Dan are seated at their table.

This Episode Is Named After link
 Brooke ♥
Brooke ♥
1. She's One In A Million
2. She's Got A Big হৃদয় And Is VERY Forgiving :)
3. She's Made Her Own Family
4. She's Fierce
5. She's Not Afraid To Cry
6. She Knows How To Have Fun :)
7. She Is An Awesome God Parent
8. She's Smart Enough To Concur The World :)
9. One বৃক্ষ পাহাড় Wouldn't Be The Same Without Her
10. Inside & Outside, She's Still Our B. Davis!
11. Everyone Wishes For A Friend Like Brooke :)
12. She Will Change The World One দিন :)
13. Every Girl Wishes To Look Like Brooke :)
14. After 4 Years, Brooke Davis Didn't Change
15. She Grew Up আরো Than Everyone Else
16. She's Brillant, ব্রেভ & Beautiful
 I Give a ইঁদুর গাধা about আপনি
I Give a rat ass about you
1. Why do আপনি প্রণয় Brucas?
It´s kind of hard to explain why I do প্রণয় Brucas… Mostly because it’s really hard to explain feelings, and what makes me প্রণয় ব্রুকাস্‌ is the way that they make me feel everytime that I see them together on the screen. Like Naley, ব্রুকাস্‌ make me believe in true love.
I know that this can be a little strange for people to understand (mostly for the Leyton fans), but the fact that ব্রুকাস্‌ isn’t together now doesn’t mean that they didn’t really loved each other when they were. They really make me believe in true প্রণয় because their relationship was about forgiving,...
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Hi, this is Don with BuddyTV and today I’m talking to Mark Schwahn, creator of One বৃক্ষ Hill. There are a lot of One বৃক্ষ পাহাড় অনুরাগী at BuddyTV, so we asked them to জমা করুন some প্রশ্ন for you. I just wanted to go over some of those. People want to know if Mouth and Millicent are going to get serious পরবর্তি season.

Yeah, I feel like Mouth finally found a girl. Fourth season, fifth season, Mouth sort of drifted a little bit until we met Millicent, and it just felt so right to me, that couple....
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posted by televisionfann
I recently started watching the প্রদর্শনী One বৃক্ষ Hill, and of course I got hooked. I প্রণয় the plot lines and characters, well most of them. I despise Lindsey, but I noticed something strange that she and Lucas have in common. Their initials are the same. Has anyone else noticed that? Lucas Eugene Scott and Lindsey Evelyn Strauss [LES]

How strange is that? Makes আপনি think that maybe Lindsey was meant for him, minus the whole fact that Lucas will never marry someone other than Peyton অথবা Brooke. But due to further information, well the cast তালিকা of season 6, I think it is নিরাপদ to say that ব্রুকাস্‌ or...
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This is just a really old ফোরাম post that i didn't get a chance to put as a soapbox, so here it is.
(words credit: TV.com)


Ok am so sick and tired of ppls reasons why Leyton shouldn't be together অথবা even have a chance to be 2gether অথবা think that brucas/jayton will automatically be 2gether in S5!! And also am so sick of ppl just hating on Peyton for the wrong reasons! Well am just going to say everything here and u don't like it then whatever!

I'll start off with 2 common REASONS for assuming that Leyton won't be together in S5 অথবা shouldn't be together at all...
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