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added by Costa
Source: http://finchelhudsonberry.tumblr.com/
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posted by girly_girl
 The lovely Lea!
The lovely Lea!
Just a magazine প্রবন্ধ I found about
The A-z of Lea Michele:

A is for acting:
Lea began to perform on stage at the tender age of nine, despite the fact that she doesn’t come from a showbiz background. ‘ I প্রণয় the theatre,’ she says. ‘It’s the air that I breath!’

B is for Broadway:
Its where she started and while she loves being on tv, Lea’s হৃদয় belongs to the New York Stage. ‘I want to play every musical role there is!’ she declares. Ambitious much?!

C is for Cory Monteith:
Lea is rumoured to be cultivating a comance with Cory, the hottie who plays Finn, but in reality, she’s...
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added by Nicky23
added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
Source: falsealarm715.livejournal.com
added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl