Please read these before আপনি begin.
1. No controling other user's characters
2. If someone gives আপনি a fatal wound just die, don't make a big thing about it, আপনি can always make another charcter
3. No fighting, as in out of roleplay fighting, I don't want to have to kick anyone out, this is supposed to be fun for everyone
4. Before আপনি begin roleplaying put up a পরিলেখ for your character on the Profiles forum
There is no to how many character's আপনি have. আপনি can make a new ফোরাম but keep it going with the storyline. Don't make a ফোরাম for creatures that aren't in the real story. If আপনি have প্রশ্ন about how the story goes and what kind of character আপনি can be check the Storyline article.
1. No controling other user's characters
2. If someone gives আপনি a fatal wound just die, don't make a big thing about it, আপনি can always make another charcter
3. No fighting, as in out of roleplay fighting, I don't want to have to kick anyone out, this is supposed to be fun for everyone
4. Before আপনি begin roleplaying put up a পরিলেখ for your character on the Profiles forum
There is no to how many character's আপনি have. আপনি can make a new ফোরাম but keep it going with the storyline. Don't make a ফোরাম for creatures that aren't in the real story. If আপনি have প্রশ্ন about how the story goes and what kind of character আপনি can be check the Storyline article.