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added by shannonfin
Source: Just Jared, x_ellie_x
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr, online
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by shannonfin
Source: pqpsmallville.tumblr.com
added by shannonfin
Source: stacymcgrew
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by LaurennSalvator
added by samsgirl84
Source: http://stillundercover.blogspot.com/search/label/Wallpaper?updated-max=2008-03-18T02%3A15%3A00-07%3A
added by Roguetime
Source: roguetime
added by bl0ndy
posted by Crazy-Chica
"Maybe I should just accept my destiny." – Lana Lang

Lana Lang is Clark Kent's first প্রণয় and Lex Luthor's ex-wife.

When Lana was 3 she saw her parents, Lewis and Laura Lang, struck and killed দ্বারা a meteor during the Meteor ঝরনা that hit Smallville. Ever since then, she was the poster child for the disaster; her cry of anguish was captured forever on the cover of Time Magazine. Her aunt, Nell Potter, adopted her and she wore a piece of the meteor that killed her parents as a নেকলেস in their memory.

Lana lived a mile away from the Kents and was admired from afar দ্বারা Clark for years. When...
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added by seanholmes2