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Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett প্রশ্ন

How would আপনি end the film?

If আপনি could end the film Sweeney Todd any way আপনি liked, how would it end?
in past i have had got write 3 ff parts about of on sweeney
fansfunsz posted বছরখানেক আগে
 xxLovettxx posted বছরখানেক আগে
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Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett উত্তর

zanhar1 said:
with lovett and sweeney getting married and liveing দ্বারা the sea.
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
I agree, I think that It would be the perfect ending if Sweeney and Lovett got married!! :D
xxLovettxx posted বছরখানেক আগে
that's the perfect end!!!
ladyjanehbc posted বছরখানেক আগে
sweeneytoddfan1 said:
It would end with a giant penis giving Sweeney Todd a vagina then shaving off his hair. then raping sweeney.
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
khajitt said:
I would just cut it a few মিনিট earlier - when they are dancing together.
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
Me to !
RubyRosette5 posted বছরখানেক আগে
fansfunsz said:
in on my ff i have got do survive আরো charachter in on my remake:......................................................
(but i have had got free the poor girls in on the fogg hospital)not দ্বারা from Anthony but sweeney
(i put sweeney together with joanna)but in on my ff remake his daughter is was dissappear(in on my part 3 of my story)sweeney and Johanna(with a name and a aspect similar of his old wife lucy and daughter)i have had got do done run away from london(with Anthony help)sweeney marry the girl in on a Island(that was that of the dream of mrs lovett)and he propose to her in on a board of the ship when they run away(years later they have had got a daughter)in at the end sweeney and he 2nd wife are killed দ্বারা the people of the Island(like zombies)survive only just theyr kid baby(grow up a little)and Anthony and toby go to the Island to take her and to for 4 bring her to london(the city of her parents)and in at the end toby is a teeneger and Anthony is half almost a adult(like sweeney was in at the beginning alive)and Anthony after sweeney leave have had got rise toby(to work and job in on a factory)like sweeney say to do to him in past for 4 find the girl
and the 1rst met of sweeney and the girl was in at the market(when pirelli toby bendford come)
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posted বছরখানেক আগে 
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