Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2077 উত্তর

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Showing Replies 1051-1100 of 2077

বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He peeked his head from the comforter* A little....... Can we make the headache go away now?
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"Of course, although it may be harder.. Might need Ren to come here in a bit, since he said he has the perfect cure for you." Kairi left for a moment, soon coming back with a damp cloth. She sat above Katsuki on the bed and gently brought his head over her lap. "This may be a little cold..." She placed the cold damp cloth over his forehead, gently massaging his head as well. "Does that feel a little better, love?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mmm..... It feels a bit better...... Ugh.... He did say that didn't he.... Once I kill this hangover, then it's back to business...
*The door opened, it was Ren entering with a drink in hand*
Ren: Good morning happy couple.... Well, at least one of you is happy... The other.. Not so much...
Katsuki: Shut up....
Ren: Anyway, I got you a little something. *He set the tea on the table next to Katsuki* Remember how you were a kid and loved chamomile tea? Well, I've got that... Mixed with a few herbs... The best part, you won't even tell the herbs are there. This drink plus a little rest, will have you back on your feet.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"See, there's the perfect hangover cure for you!" Kairi massaged his head for a little longer before helping Katsuki sit up so he could drink the tea. She removed the cloth from his head, "Do you even remember anything from last night?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ...... I can't really piece it together.... I just remember being at Vin's... The next thing I know, I was kind of gone... After that, everything's a blur. *He said as he began to drink the tea*
Ren: Really?
Katsuki: Yeah.... I don't remember much after I got drunk..
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"You really remember nothing huh..?" Even just thinking about it managed to make Kairi blush, "Well, on the brightside you didn't end up being much of a troublemaker. If anything, I actually liked drunk Katsu quite a bit..."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: For real?
Ren: Yeah, you were quite the romantic.
Katsuki: The romantic huh? *His face turned red*
Ren: Katsu... Tell me, how do you see Kairi in the future?
Katsuki: Simple, I plan to have her hand in marriage.
Ren: Right, right... And if you were to have a daughter... And I mean this specifically, what would you name her?
Katsuki: Mmmm.... Well, I've thought of Kaori..... But, there was a name I couldn't look away from..... Iliana...
Ren: Your old friend?
Katsuki: Yeah.... Well, because I have no doubts she'll grow into somebody wonderful. As good as she was.... Why the 20 questions?
Ren: No reason, just thought I'd.... Get a little light on my brother's future.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"So everything from yesterday night really was true to his feelings...." Kairi thought.
Kairi smiled softly, "Don't worry about it, Katsu... Just never change, alright..?" She said, hugging him as he drank his tea. "Actually, you know.... I heard that Vin and drunk Katsu convinced Ren to ask out Najenda..." She smirked, "So, Ren... Did you do it?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He blushed* Yeah, I did. Well, I guess you could say we have a bit of a date tonight. Kairi... Would you mind working your gourmet goddess magic for us?
Katsuki: Hey, that was supposed the title I started.
Ren: Was it? Then let's just say you and I are on the same wavelength here.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Kairi giggled, "Heh, if anything I was actually hoping that you'd ask.. I'll gladly work my magic for your lil date tonight." She rested her head on Katsuki, already daydreaming about what she could make for them. "This is your first date with each other so I have to make sure it's something extra special..."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Thanks a bunch. Seriously, I'll owe you big time.
Katsuki: Doesn't sound to me that you'll owe her. Especially considering that it sounds like she wanted to do this from the start. *He said finishing his tea as he laid back down* Now..... I just need to rest.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"Oh for sure. Ever since we even brought up the idea of them two having dinner together.. So you don't owe me one bit!" Kairi then got off the bed as Katsuki laid back down. She kissed his forehead, "Should I leave you to rest then?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Yeah... Once I'm rested, I'll be there. Give Najenda my apologies, but she'll have to take my place for a bit....
Ren: I'll be sure to. *He said as he made way to the door* [Satoru will be here soon, but I don't want to burden Katsu's mind while he rests....]
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Kairi placed the cloth back on his forehead, "Rest well, Katsu.. Come to us once you're feeling back in shape!" She said, as she went out the door with Ren. "While he sleeps... I assume everything was alright with Isla last night?" She asked Ren.
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He nodded* At first, she didn't seem all that into the deal.. However, once I brought up the importance... She began to fall in line. Satoru will be here today, and we'll see where we go from there.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"That's good to hear then.. I've met Satoru before, so it'll be nice to see him again." Soon enough, they arrived into the throne room where they met with Najenda. "Najenda, good morning!" Kairi greeted.
Najenda watched them as they walked in, "Good morning.. Someone seems to be in a good mood."
"Well, I don't know..." Kairi grinned, "I just heard that two of my favorite people are having a date tonight, hehe..."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Heh.... I also asked her to work her special magic.. As Katsu put it yesterday, her gourmet goddess magic.. Of course, he doesn't remember he said it. Well, I'm glad to know that I could be a favorite to you. Especially because you're pretty much my sister in law.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Kairi's eyes looked to the side, "It's not official just yet..."
"Yesterday sure made it seem official...." Najenda said. "In general, Katsu could've kept quiet about proposing and it still would've been obvious."
Kairi blushed, "Hush!" She then looked to Ren, "But yeah.. Now that I'm around you two so often, you guys grown to be my favorite. Even though you and I did have a rough start..." Kairi smiled, "Of course no one can ever top Katsu though."
Najenda chuckled, "See? It's obvious."
"Najenda!" Kairi exclaimed.
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: I don't hear her denying it. Acceptance is usually the greatest first step. *He said teasing her, then pulling her in for a hug* My sis is absolutely adorable.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"Ah, Ren!" Kairi pouted, "Maybe I'm gonna have to start thinking twice about you two being my favorites..." She said, jokingly.
Najenda couldn't help but smile as Ren pulled in Kairi, "You know you'll never do that.."
Kairi just rolled her eyes, until she then remembered, "Oh, Najenda.. I'm sure you realized by this point, but Katsu asked for you to take his place while he rests."
Najenda nodded, "Don't worry, everything's already been under control. Although I have to ask... With this whole Isla and Satoru situation, would he want to be present once Satoru arrives?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Well, for what it is right now... He's resting off the rest of his hangover... He may be back by the time he comes.. Though for the time being, we'll have to improvise. I made him one of the best cures known to man, so hopefully he'll be back soon.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"For the time being then it won't be too much of a problem since I took over the both of you yesterday." Najenda said.
Kairi placed both hands on her hips, "Technically, since you two love messing around with me so much, you wouldn't even need to improvise! Why worry about not having the Emperor when you have the Empress, *cough* future Empress *cough*, right here!"
Najenda smirked, "Oh, so you already want to start taking on the title, huh?"
Even just thinking about made Kairi feel a little overwhelmed, causing her to immediately shake her head, "No no! I'm good! I didn't say anything..."
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Oh? And for a second I was starting to think you were about to take over the throne. Though, I bet if you just watch Najenda, she can give you all the tools necessary to being the best Empress you can be. *He said patting Kairi's head* Especially when days like this happen to come by, you never know.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Kairi rubbed the side of her arm, "It still so scary thinking about it.. I've only been an assassin for as long as I can remember, you know? One that used to barely speak at that. What could I ever do?"
Najenda sighed, "You worry too much Kairi, you'll be just fine." She smiled, "Like Ren said, I'll be right here for you. But, you have to remember that Katsu was in a similar boat.. Although he may have different circumstances, it was still a pretty big jump in positions. But I know for sure that you both have the heart for this role..."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: I doubt Katsu would've ever saw this day coming.. Aoi Hono holding the mark of an emperor... If he hadn't had that dream vision. He likely wouldn't have even known... If I would have told him straight out, he likely wouldn't even believe me back then.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded, "Yeah, it would've been a lot harder to trust you... It was already difficult as it is."
"Well, we had to get through a lot of rocky situations to even get to this point.... Let's just be glad things turned up the way it did." Najenda said.
Leone then knocked on the door, slowly opening into the throne room, "Hey, good morning! I don't mean to interrupt, but I think your guest is here... Although there is a little bit of a problem."
"Problem?" Kairi asked.
Leone sweatdropped, "That girl Isla is along with him.... They're still outside the entrance right now."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He scratched his head* Jeez..... Alright, let's let Satoru in.... Isla is to stay outside, otherwise the deal is off. Leone, let's go. *He said beginning to make way to the entrance to meet them* Yo, Satoru....
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Satoru looked to the side, clearly not wanting to be here, "Ren...."
Isla excitedly appeared over Satoru's shoulder, "Ren!"
Leone sighed, "Isla, you know damn well you're not supposed to be here."
Isla frowned, "Well that's mean, I just wanted simply drop Satoru off.. It's a big day for him, you know?"
Satoru turned his head to Isla, raising an eyebrow at her, "For me?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He also raised his eyebrow, taking a bit of suspicion from that statement* Big day huh? Well, she's not being mean.... She's going by the royal protocol. *He then looked at a guard* Bring him in, but let's search him before he sets foot towards the Emperor. [Though, Katsu won't exactly be here for this. But, he should be back around soon.]
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
The guard brought in Satoru, beginning to pat him down and make sure everything was safe. Satoru seemed completely unbothered by it.
Isla on the other hand was purposely being annoying at this point, trying to look over Ren and Leone as the guard took in Satoru.
Leone placed her hand on her hip and blocked Isla's view. "This means you gotta go. You wouldn't want me to take you out by force, right?"
Isla rolled her eyes, "There's no need. I'll be taking my leave... Although, hopefully I'd be able to come back soon, hm..?"
"Uh huh.... I hope not." Leone said. "It surprises me you even served under the Empire at some point.."
Isla chuckled, "Well life is full of surprises, is it not?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: You're right.... Life definitely is full of surprises.... *He then looked at Satoru* Doesn't look like you're armed at all. Good, Leone... Mind keeping an eye on her? There's not much she can do on the outside, but it's to be safe.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"Keeping an eye at her!?" Leone just stared at Isla with a sense of dread, "Yes I do mind..."
Isla grinned, "Oh? I think that's a great idea actually, we did start on the wrong foot after all.. Perhaps we can be great friends!"
Leone crossed her arms, "You hurt Kairi, I have zero interest..."
Isla pouted, "We can't go past that?"
Leone sighed, just turning to Ren, "You go ahead and take Satoru to them.. I'll, unfortunately, keep an eye on her for you...."
Satoru had his hand over his forehead, "Can't she just make things feel easier for me, for once..." He thought.
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [With the amount of Imperial Arms users here, she'll be outmatched if she tries anything.] Alright.... *He then gestured Satoru to follow him* Right this way then. *He said, beginning to head back to the throne room*
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Satoru nodded, following right behind Ren. "I guess before anything.." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I just want to apologize on behalf of Isla first... I, of all people, should know how much of a handful she can be sometimes. And that probably will never end either."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He only sighed* You've been with her long enough to know. I mean, I'd only been around her for a minute or two and took notice of it real fast. Though... If you work in the Empire long enough, you get your own annoying cohorts at times. It's just something that unfortunately comes with the territory.. Though, it's not the case lately. The people here now, they're my family 100 times over.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Satoru replied, "Is that so..? Well, even with how much of a handful Isla can be sometimes, I could still very much say the same with her... She's dear to me and none of that will change... Despite how I feel about this whole situation, if she insists then I promise you I'll get her what she wants."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Now let me ask you this.... If what she wants could by chance tear the world apart... Maybe even start a war, would you still do it? I only ask.... Because we can't afford pointless wars...
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Satoru stayed quiet for a moment thinking about it, "I won't lie to you... If she still insists, then I still wouldn't hesitate to do it. By this point where I'm at, what only matters to me is keeping her protected... And as long as I'm there with her then I can ensure that."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: .I see.... Then I hope you'll understand this... If anything is to come of what you do for her..... Then I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to stop you.. Well, should the time come of course. For now, as far as I know... You're not guilty of anything yet.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Satoru nodded, "Well, in all honesty I do hope it stays thats ways.. Although for the most part, you could say that's why I'm here, isn't it Ren?"
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Well, you're here on her behalf.... She wants access to records, yet you haven't got full permission from the Empire to its library... Not to mention, the motive just sounds completely off. Making an Imperial Arm? It just sounds like a big problem.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Satoru sighed, "Don't you think I've felt the same? I may do anything for her, but that doesn't mean I don't have my own opinions on it... It can be a problem in many ways.. But, once Isla has her mind on it, it's almost impossible to steer her interest towards something else. Which is why I'm here for her."
As they got closer to the throne room, Kairi was already outside the entrance, waiting for the two of them.
"Kairi..." Satoru said.
Kairi waved as she spotted them approaching, "Satoru! My curiosity may have gotten to me and I couldn't help just to wait out here.. But long time no see, it must've been a couple of years now..."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: History..... *He then looked between the two* I'll uh.... I'll let you two briefly catch up.... I'll be waiting inside. *He said as he headed inside, leaving Satoru and Kairi. Then walking over to Najenda* Leone's keeping an eye on our outside guest.... *He looked around* [No Katsu yet....]
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Najenda nodded, "Good, who knows what could be going on in that girls mind... I'm sure Leone can handle it."

Kairi watched as Ren walked in and then looked back to Satoru, "I see you're still working alongside Isla?"
Satoru nodded, "Never planned on leaving her side in the past, it's still the same now. Though, I never expected you to be here of all places..."
Kairi sweatdropped, "A lot has changed, I guess.... But, I see Isla still has that Imperial Arm craze.. If anything it's gotten worse."
"Yeah..." Satoru replied, "It was alright, until the idea of creating an Imperial Arm herself crossed her mind. I heard about what she did when you tried visiting her, so I wanted to apologize for that...."
Kairi pat his head, "Always apologizing on her part, it's fine. Sure, I didn't expect any of it.... but, I shouldn't have ran off on my own to begin with..... Well, anyways! Come in, I'm sure just talking to me like isn't what you necessarily came here for." She said, welcoming him inside the throne room.
Satoru walked in, noticing the missing Emperor. "Is the Emperor not here currently?"
Kairi scratched the back of her head, "Well, about that...."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Well, he had a bit of an Emperor's night. Finest drinks and all that. He's resting that night off... But, he may be back soon.. Hence, Prime Minister Najenda will be acting as a temporary Empress until he's back.
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
Najenda nodded, "Mhm... So, he'll be absent for the time being, if you don't mind."
"As long as I achieve what I had to come here for, then it doesn't bother me." Satoru said.
Najenda clapped her hands together, "Great... Then how about we get started with this, hm? Firstly to just establish everything, Kairi explain your connection to Isla... And how we even got here to begin with."
Kairi scratched the back of her head, "Right.. Um... In the past, Isla was apart of the Revolutionary Army, mainly helping on behalf of the Imperial Arms that came in... She was the one who helped me get a hang with Kurai... It's also known that previously before that she worked under the Empire as well.... I went to her recently to get an explanation about my mark spreading, and that's when everything sparked."
Satoru added onto it, "You guys became suspicious of her and that's when you discovered her desire to make an Imperial Arm... Although, before I get into why she wants to... Why was I specifically chosen to talk about this instead of Isla herself?"
Najenda explained, "I've never met Isla myself, but as far as I know she plays around a lot... It's almost like she likes to dig her own hole and you can never tell her true intentions..."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Not to mention, if we were to being her in here... She'd likely dance around the point to the utmost annoyance... That's why we have you. We feel that you'll be a bit more to the point for us..
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"I guess that does sound like Isla..." Satoru said. "As far as her reasoning goes, what she told Ren was the truth. It's purely for her own curiosity, it's just how her brain works. She'll think of a question that'll suddenly pique her interest, and she'll continually fixate on it until she answers it or until she's satisfied... Typically, if not always, it has to do about Imperial Arms." He explained.
"Is that so? When she finds something to be interested in, does she never consider the consequences of what could come out of it?" Najenda asked.
Satoru shook his head, "Generally it depends, but in this case, no. She doesn't care what could come out of it, she purely just wants to make it."
Najenda replied, "Well, she may not care about it but, we do. I don't think you two understand the problems that can erupt out of this... Not only would it cause chaos within the Capital but, what message would this send to other countries? That we approved the creation of an Imperial Arm in a time of peace?"
Satoru crossed his arms, "Who said this had to be revealed to the public? In my eyes, it's purely for Isla..."
Najenda raised an eyebrow, "Purely for Isla? We're not going to welcome her in for just selfish desires. Not to mention, this place has been lied to enough during the last reign. If an Imperial Arm is being made, the public is bound to find out."
Kairi added on, "Let's say we do welcome her in and she successfully makes the Imperial Arm... What would she even do with it afterwards? Not to mention... How do we know she won't make more?"
Satoru gritted his teeth, looking to the side, "At this rate if we go this far, they're never going to consider letting her in.... Is that why Isla wanted to be here instead? She'd probably be able to buy more time than I can... It could probably give me enough time to find a way to sneak in and just get the information myself... Then.... Does that mean... That's what she's doing instead!?"

Meanwhile at the entrance of the castle...
Isla kneeled down, gently patting the head of a sleeping Leone, "Maybe we really could've been friends, but that's not what I'm here for right now... Fighting you would've meant instant death for me, so this will do for now..." Isla stood up, around her being other guards who were also fast asleep. She placed her hands on her hips, "Now to find my way in there with the least number of problems for me.."
বছরখানেক আগে TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He sniffed the air,* Huh? Somethings wrong.... Seriously wrong.....
*Just then, Katsuki came out of his room and to the throne room*
Katsuki: ........
Ren: Katsu...
Katsuki: *His right eye glowed an azure blue* Ren...... Take him to a cell...
Ren: What? What are you-
Katsuki: Just do it! Now!!! *He said as his second voice resonated*
Ren: ... This pressure again... [Hold on, is he sensing the same thing then?] *He then dashed over to subdue Satoru*
Katsuki: Just hold here a sec... I'll go greet our outside guest..... *He said making his way to the entrance, seeing Isla* Well..... And here I didn't think we'd meet like this....
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে LillyBlack said…
"God damn it, my hunch was right huh! I wish we all could've been on the same side here, but I guess that wasn't up to me to decide.... I'm sorry in advance, Ren." Using his Imperial Arm, quickly Satoru camouflaged his body with the room to throw Ren off. He threw his head back to hit Ren's and freed himself, immediately running out the door to make it to Isla.
"Satoru!!" Kairi ran up the door, watching Satoru run down the hall. "It's been years since I've seen him but I never knew he had an Imperial Arm!"
"Forget that! The both of you go after him!" Najenda ordered.

"Shit, shouldn't he be with Satoru instead right now!? Just a few minutes longer is all I needed.... I have to find a way around this or it'll just get worse by this point."
Isla grinned, "Emperor Katsuki, is it? I didn't expect to be seeing you out here... Did you decide that you wanted to join the lovely slumber party I'm holding?"