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What Animaniacs Character Are You?



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Vixie79 said:
You're Yakko! You're biggest feature would be your mouth. You're quick to come up with a smart remark to fit the situation, and can talk you way out of just about everything.
You seem to have a big ego at times, but you may just feel slightly insecure.You often feel like you have more responsibilities than others, but are clever enough to get through it. Many people like you, mostly because you can make anybody smile and laugh with you silly antics or witty remarks. You're a great friend, but your big mouth can also get you into trouble. Words that describe you: Loyal, witty, talkative
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
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You're Wakko! You are, what most people would say, a bit strange. You have your own way of dealing with things, at the time they may seem a bit pointless or
unnessary, but end up getting the job done in the end. You don't really talk that much, but your over-the-top actions often speak for themselves. You don't really
care what others think about you, and don't get angry very easily. This also means you're not afraid to burp or fart in front of other people, which can be a good thing.
You may seem to seek attention more than others, but this isn't a problem for you; people like you anyway. Words that describe you: Loyal, eccentric, goofy
Was this at all accurate? Let me know!

Well that was accurate. ^^ WOOF! I'M A DOG! XD
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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kndkid96 said:
You're Dot! You're cute (or beautiful) and you know it. You have an adorable, sweet, seemingly innocent exterior, but if someone crosses you or you're friends, they'd better watch out! You have a girly sence in clothing and are very polite, but have a hot temper to match. Words that describe you: sassy, cute, dependable Was this at all accurate? Let me know!

Figures. LOL
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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Vixie79 said:
We got all three Animaniacs here.
posted বছরখানেক আগে.
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How do you know which warner sibling I'm like??

P.S. I am definitely like Yakko
posted বছরখানেক আগে.