1.Canned স্যালমন মাছ $2.89/14.75 ounces (59 cents/serving) Get your Omega-3's for less. স্যালমন মাছ is full of these healthy fats, which help lower cholesterol and prevent হৃদয় attacks.
2.Chicken breasts $3.49/pound (87 cents/serving) Easy-to-prepare, chicken is full of lean protein, which helps keep আপনি fuller longer.
3.Natural চিনাবাদাম মাখন $3.39/16 ounces (42 cents/serving) Skip the sugary, processed varieties and spread the real stuff on whole-grain bread. Throw a tablespoon in smoothies অথবা yogurt, use it as a dip for carrots and pretzels, অথবা mix it with a bit of low-sodium soy sauce, brown sugar...
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