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added by jlhfan624
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by NocKairu
Take a break from your diet and watch this video. Your stomach will thank you. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most delicious deep-fried foods.
শীর্ষ 20
deep fried
This video gives the saying "watch what আপনি eat" a whole new meaning! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for those foods that can become lethal, অথবা cause some kind of health hazard,…
শীর্ষ 10
added by jlhfan624
added by tanyya
added by tanyya
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by Elinafairy
added by tanyya
added by tanyya
added by australia-101
added by tanyya
1.Canned স্যালমন মাছ $2.89/14.75 ounces (59 cents/serving) Get your Omega-3's for less. স্যালমন মাছ is full of these healthy fats, which help lower cholesterol and prevent হৃদয় attacks.

2.Chicken breasts $3.49/pound (87 cents/serving) Easy-to-prepare, chicken is full of lean protein, which helps keep আপনি fuller longer.

3.Natural চিনাবাদাম মাখন $3.39/16 ounces (42 cents/serving) Skip the sugary, processed varieties and spread the real stuff on whole-grain bread. Throw a tablespoon in smoothies অথবা yogurt, use it as a dip for carrots and pretzels, অথবা mix it with a bit of low-sodium soy sauce, brown sugar...
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added by Elinafairy
added by tanyya
added by tanyya