Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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added by Fitch
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by usernameinvalid
Marz breathed in deeply the sweet scent of the polished wood map টেবিল in Shauni's Captain's cabin. Opening his eyes he looked around the reconstructed room with no small amount of pride. It had taken over a century to collect what was left of Draco's Hoard. Crazy woman, had gone around the Horn, probably on purpose as she'd evacuated everyone before attempting it. He sighed. Marz loved her deeply, as much as he could feel প্রণয় for another woman. He hoped rebuilding her ship would grant him even a very small hope of his প্রণয় being reciprocated. "Marz?" Abel ব্যক্ত invading his দিন dream. Marz...
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added by BLW
Source: Not Mine
added by BLW
Source: Not Mine
added by michellepotter
Fun Day:
Jamie sighed as the bus finally came to the stop. 2 whole hours stuck on the bus with Mr. Tight Butt. It wasn't like she'd been in trouble of getting killed, sure she got a few bruises from the bastard but that was all. She definitely didn't need him going a little too cold for her liking when confronting the mugger. Now she couldn't get rid of him, she had to put the whammy on him soon so he'd leave her alone before shit got real. Now he was sitting পরবর্তি to her, eyes closed but make no অস্থি about it if she moved to even breath he'd pop those suckers open and put her out again....the...
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Jamie sighed and stretched as she walked প্রথমপাতা with Ichigo.
"Why did আপনি push me away? Why haven't আপনি let me near you? I'm stronger than আপনি think." Jamie put her hands in her pockets and looked at her feet as she plodded পরবর্তি to him. He was about to haul her into an alley and make her tell him when she answered. "Do আপনি know how many people I've had to watch die? I'm over 3000 years old Ichigo, forever stuck undying. Forever never getting older then 16. 16....I marched in numerous wars killed countless for beliefs at times I couldn't make heads অথবা tails of. Laid on battlefields crushed দ্বারা horses,...
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added by LidiaIsabel
added by RAICAL
added by RAICAL
added by LidiaIsabel
Keisuki gripped onto the captain's shoulder. Gutsy, risky, and stupid. He flashed to behind one of the big boulders, a সরানো he didn't do lightly. He didn't like প্রদর্শিত হচ্ছে that he still had a few things up his sleeve that the society didn't know about.
Byakuya narrowed his eyes at him as Keisuki let go of him.
"Sorry but I wanted to talk to আপনি alone for a while longer."
Byakuya frowned even deeper. "What আরো do we have to discuss?" Keisuki rolled his eyes. "Look this will end all your problems, the ones আপনি already have plus the ones we added when we made up that story for you. আপনি rescue her.......
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added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel